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Japan tells world to stand up to China or face consequences

not you but your government! that will change the balance of power in the region, should it come to an alliance. personally I support even the idea of a state union with Japan.


you rant too much. VN became re-united under JP occupation. And don´t forget, unlike under the French rule, VN Emperor returned to the throne, we had own government. Ho Chi Minh came later.
I don´t comment the rest of your sh-t rant, look yourself at the mirror, you Chinese were not better than the Japanese in VN.

I know your dark side. Japan as the most capable nation in East Asia will play an important to keep you in check.
My government don't give a shit who you Vietnamese ally with. Had we seriously care, our political leader Xi would visit Vietnam, instead it was our economic leader Li. And last I check whenever you run into problem, you come to us begging for help like a dog. This time, it won't be easy for us to help you ungrateful Vietnamese. It is in your blood to betray.

You must be dumb because I can't understand your thinking. How the **** do you become independent when you are still a subject of Japanese occupation? Instead of you Vietnamese kowtowing to French, you just turn to asskissing the Japanese for a few months. What a joke. LOL I will let other high-level intelligent Vietnamese read your stupid logic. Question for you. If you do so good under Japan's occupation, why did your Uncle Ho had the opportunity to revoke and created revolution? Thanks your Uncle Ho for saving you Vietnamese for further humiliation..

Keep us in check? Right, the most capable nation in East Asia happened to kowtowing to the USA. Do you want the leader of Asia becoming a puppet of the US? LOL We ain't in the same camp as you US's lapdogs. We are commit to build our future in Asia with independent policy mindset, irrespective of outside influence..
Kolaps is anti Christian, look at this post from last year.

Big anti-Christian!

He is obsessed with gnostic christianity vs "Roman Christianity" (catholics), nobody in Taiwan cares about this.

Are you sure about that? :-)

Well, it's not a common knowledge in Taiwan.
My government don't give a shit who you Vietnamese ally with. Had we seriously care, our political leader Xi would visit Vietnam, instead it was our economic leader Li. And last I check whenever you run into problem, you come to us begging for help like a dog. This time, it won't be easy for us to help you ungrateful Vietnamese. It is in your blood to betray.

You must be dumb because I can't understand your thinking. How the **** do you become independent when you are still a subject of Japanese occupation? Instead of you Vietnamese kowtowing to French, you just turn to asskissing the Japanese for a few months. What a joke. LOL I will let other high-level intelligent Vietnamese read your stupid logic. Question for you. If you do so good under Japan's occupation, why did your Uncle Ho had the opportunity to revoke and created revolution? Thanks your Uncle Ho for saving you Vietnamese for further humiliation..

Keep us in check? Right, the most capable nation in East Asia happened to kowtowing to the USA. Do you want the leader of Asia becoming a puppet of the US? LOL We ain't in the same camp as you US's lapdogs. We are commit to build our future in Asia with independent policy mindset, irrespective of outside influence..

You people dont give $hit about anyone including your own so what's new?
KMT is born traitor, soon China will wipe out these traitors.

Before you said that you are not pro-KMT, but now they are defending, this just shows that you cannot no longer hide your pro-KMT face anymore.
KMT or DDP whatever they are, they are both traitors and need to be eliminated.
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