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Japan takes a first step toward nuclear armament.

Japan will slowly get out of her pacifism with the newer genereation being more nationalistic. US can't protect them for ever
and the Yankis are already pressing them to get more assertive and the irony is that they want Japan to shelve the pacifist
constitution they themselves forced upon them. Japan is the only country capable of going nuclear even under NPT thanks
to an US-japan nuclear deal that allows them to store and process spent fuel without IAEA regulations. Korea don't have this
privilege but Japan has.

mmm...Japan is a major non-NATO ally. Even if they go nuclear, they won't go against the interests of the US.


The US-Japan relationship has gone very far and wide. And by far, those nations have the cutting edge of technology with simply no equal.

If Japan does indeed become a nuclear state, I'd be extremely surprised considering Japan's typical opposition to nuclear weapons. The memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

But, if it is for their own future security - I'd say they should go ahead with it. It always helps to prepare for the worse case scenario.
mmm...Japan is a major non-NATO ally. Even if they go nuclear, they won't go against the interests of the US.

The US-Japan relationship has gone very far and wide. And by far, those nations have the cutting edge of technology with simply no equal.

If Japan does indeed become a nuclear state, I'd be extremely surprised considering Japan's typical opposition to nuclear weapons. The memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

But, if it is for their own future security - I'd say they should go ahead with it. It always helps to prepare for the worse case scenario.

Japan will undoubtedly remain an US ally and I didn't deny that. But they will not remain pacifist for ever bro. The japanese mindset is very wired if you ask me. I never understand why they have this pacifist mindset. Many Japanese PM over the years have conducted feasibility study on Nuclear weapons and amassed all neccessary tech to make nukes in short notice. Even their lonar moon mission and space programme was for developing ballastic missiles. And japanese mindset is changing now with the younger generation being more nationalistic and an increasingly assertive china and unstable korea, you never know what they would do. And they have an exclusive previledge unlike other NPT signatories thanks to an US-japan treaty.

This is a pretty interesting article. Take some time to read it.
United States Circumvented Laws To Help Japan Accumulate Tons of Plutonium « « DC BureauDC Bureau
Japan will undoubtedly remain an US ally and I didn't deny that. But they will not remain pacifist for ever bro. The japanese mindset is very wired if you ask me. I never understand why they have this pacifist mindset. Many Japanese PM over the years have conducted feasibility study on Nuclear weapons and amassed all neccessary tech to make nukes in short notice. Even their lonar moon mission and space programme was for developing ballastic missiles. And japanese mindset is changing now with the younger generation being more nationalistic and an increasingly assertive china and unstable korea, you never know what they would do. And they have an exclusive previledge unlike other NPT signatories thanks to an US-japan treaty.

This is a pretty interesting article. Take some time to read it.
United States Circumvented Laws To Help Japan Accumulate Tons of Plutonium « « DC BureauDC Bureau

I have a gut feeling that the US wants to arm Japan with nukes to counter the perceived belligerency of China and a lesser extend, North Korea. This indeed a master stroke for the US using Japan as a cannon fodder, or mushroom fodder to be more precise, when shyte breaks out. If Japan right wingers won out we are expecting a lot of troubles in what's already trouble waters in this area.

In such a case, China will definitely arms NK to the teeth.
I have a gut feeling that the US wants to arm Japan with nukes to counter the perceived belligerency of China and a lesser extend, North Korea. This indeed a master stroke for the US using Japan as a cannon fodder, or mushroom fodder to be more precise, when shyte breaks out. If Japan right wingers won out we are expecting a lot of troubles in what's already trouble waters in this area.

In such a case, China will definitely arms NK to the teeth.

Isn't it natural for the US to arm japan.And Japan was a great power in the past so its natural for them to have aspirations. Korea won't be able to do it. It would be korea-japan
duo against china. But every rising power faced such adversaries but overcame it ultimately and
china will also have to find its way, which I am sure it will. China should quickly sort out the S.china sea issue and amass countries like laos and cambodia as allies. I think vietnam will have a
neutral policy and won't join the US bandwagon. Its also very important for china to have neutral
Indonesia and Malaysia. This would ultimately ensure a balanced pacific region.
Isn't it natural for the US to arm japan.And Japan was a great power in the past so its natural for them to have aspirations. Korea won't be able to do it. It would be korea-japan
duo against china. But every rising power faced such adversaries but overcame it ultimately and
china will also have to find its way, which I am sure it will. China should quickly sort out the S.china sea issue and amass countries like laos and cambodia as allies. I think vietnam will have a
neutral policy and won't join the US bandwagon. Its also very important for china to have neutral
Indonesia and Malaysia. This would ultimately ensure a balanced pacific region.

Post WWII the US didn't want Japan to take up arm and she had a hand in Japan's enactment of a pacifist constitution. However the situation might change because the US feels her national security might be threaten by China is the intermediate future, hence arms Japan with nukes is the cheaper alternative.

If such scenario arises China will have no choices but to arms NK to the teeth, as I mentioned above, to counter the US's move.

If the US does arm Japan with nukes, it'll rebalanced the whole political scenery of Asian Pacific because China and Korea weren't the only victims of Japanese atrocities during WWII. Other former victims will no doubt join the China camp as China is getting stronger the next few years. They also feel the US can not be trusted because of her rearmament of Japan.
my two cents on this...

if japan seriouslu goes nuclear, us will probably leave. and no, it's not a case of japan "kicking out" americans. it would be the case of americans saying, "well,mgood luck with that! your problem is no longer my problem."

america has a nuclear umbrella over japan and south korea as many other nations. these countries in turn allow/beg/threaten to keep american soldiers there. why? because if americans get nuked, suredly america will shoot back nukes at aggressors.

but suppose japan or south korea have nukes. and let's say for arguments sake, "country A" nukes Japan. Japan would retaliate of course, but what would America do? America like everybody else would be like, "holy sh17, time to duck and cover! good luck jaoan! see ya!". then the japanese will be like, "hey you! you are my ally! you are supposed to be shooting nukes with me at country A!". and the .american response would be, "hey you have your own nukes now. dont involve us. i dont want new york city to blow up in a fiery inferno. bye bue and stop calling me."

and that is why we have the current security set up we have today. america is terrified of living in a wolprld with everyone having nukes and japan and south korea dont want to rock the boat. Now China also like this arrangement, brcausing having nukes is prestigious so they like being an "elite.". but it's also easier to deal with one nuclear country rather than a whole bunch. say china doesnt like what is happening in south korea. then they send out some dude to washington DC to be like, "yo whats up with dis sh17?!". now let's say japan and south korea also have nukes. now they have to send ipout three guys to Tokyo, Seoul, and DC and be like, "yo whatsmup with dis sh17? and btw, did you talk to the japanese about this? the koreans?". then these three guys have to call each other and compare notes and it gets really complicated and stuff.

After WWII US didnt execute Hirohito, not because american thought he was this really nice guy who was a victim of history. they let him live, because it is far easier to deal with one @ssh0le rather than one hundred million @ssh0les. BTW, this is also the problem America have with countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. America wants to deal with one @ssh0le, but there's a whole bunch of them and they dont know who to talk to, because the @ssh0le with opinions that matters keep changing.

anyway, japan goes nuclear, there will be a chain reaction of this sh17. S Korea will not sit idly and be nukeless. and then what will China do? give nukes to North Korea? they already have it. and then what happens to Taiwan? Taiwan isnt going to sit and be nukeless when south korea has it too. Then comes Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, etc etc.

after thar whenenver some sh17 happens somewhere far away, we will all be sh177ing in our pants, because everyone having nukescomplicate things. it only takes one retard to suck in everybody else into some global nuclear showdown.

but whether this happens or not depends largely on what is happening with North Korea.m Can US, sKorea, japan, china, and russia all sit down and come up with a solution? things look bad right now.
If such scenario arises China will have no choices but to arms NK to the teeth, as I mentioned above, to counter the US's move.
And the US arms Taiwan to teeth in return.

Other former victims will no doubt join the China camp as China is getting stronger the next few years.
No they won't because they don't find Japan as threatening, while they do for China.
If you want my opinion, it would be better if Japan worked on some sort of missile shield.

Having nukes would just bring way too much attention. And additionally, they should beef up their military to the best possible level. And stop being pacifist.
japan is already working on theater missilem defence. and so is south korea. anti-ballistic missile is also very threatening to countries like Russia and China.

nuclear powers feel safe knowing if someone nukes them they will retaliate and everyone dies. this is the socalled Mutually Assured Destruction or MAD which keeps countries like US, Russia, China, India, and Pakistan from blowing each other up.

but suppose one of these countries had an effective missile shield. this concern came up during the Cold War and the Soviets and the Americans realized that this Anti Ballistic Missile thingie was really bad for both of them. why? because if america had a nuclear shield, that would mean soviet missiles were useless. then the Soviets would have no choice, but to launch all nukes immediately before America built a nuclear shield or else all their nukes become worthless. In other words, anti missile defence can trigger a war rather than prevent it.

which is why Russia and China goes ballistic when US builds anti missile systems in response to north korea and iran.

and of course anti missile systems are very very expensive and it can also put a country into poverty...
If you want my opinion, it would be better if Japan worked on some sort of missile shield.

Having nukes would just bring way too much attention. And additionally, they should beef up their military to the best possible level. And stop being pacifist.

They are already working on a ballastic missile shield with the US. But ballastic missile defence is
not worth it considering the offensive missile technology with MRIVs which is advancing with
advancement of tech. Ballastic missile is too costly and for japan, a country under huge economic
burden , its not feasible. Not even US can deflect all incoming missiles with Ballastic missile
shield. This shield is only to defend the military installation and VIPs to carry out a second
strike. Cities will get destroyed in either way.
If Japan can have nukes, why can't Iran. Is it because of who is an ally of the west?
japan is already working on theater missilem defence. and so is south korea. anti-ballistic missile is also very threatening to countries like Russia and China.

nuclear powers feel safe knowing if someone nukes them they will retaliate and everyone dies. this is the socalled Mutually Assured Destruction or MAD which keeps countries like US, Russia, China, India, and Pakistan from blowing each other up.

but suppose one of these countries had an effective missile shield. this concern came up during the Cold War and the Soviets and the Americans realized that this Anti Ballistic Missile thingie was really bad for both of them. why? because if america had a nuclear shield, that would mean soviet missiles were useless. then the Soviets would have no choice, but to launch all nukes immediately before America built a nuclear shield or else all their nukes become worthless. In other words, anti missile defence can trigger a war rather than prevent it.

which is why Russia and China goes ballistic when US builds anti missile systems in response to north korea and iran.

and of course anti missile systems are very very expensive and it can also put a country into poverty...

Very interesting points.

Thanks for clarifying.

If Japan can have nukes, why can't Iran. Is it because of who is an ally of the west?

That's because Israel doesn't want any competitor in the neighborhood.

I find it amazing that India or Pakistan aren't saying anything against it :rofl:
This is the Biggest misunderstanding that if country gets nuclear weapon, War is not possible.
May, 1998 India and Pakistan tested nukes.
Only after One year(June 1999) Kargil war happened.
well iran is "not allowed" to have nukes, because the iranian clerics call America the Great Satan and they mean it.

Iran and America were best of pals back in the days of the Shah. in fact when you look at the weapons they have, their best weapons are american weapons purchased by the Shah when America was willing to sell the very best to her best buddy. even though they are old, the Shah got only the best and with currently iranian upgrades ands modifications, they are still ok. anyway back in those days, iran was one of the few muslim country that didnt go apesh17 when they heard the word "israel."

But then Khomeini came along and since Iranians didnt like the Shah, they of course hated America by way of extension.

Then came Saddam Hussein whom we all know today to be an @ssw1pe, but he was even more of an @ssw1pe back then and massacred a lot of Iranians. Then being a total doofus, he actually started losing the war to a nation that was depleted of a major portion of its best military minds, because the clerics took them out for being the Shah's men. And here America started to sh@t in her pants since, we are totally dependent on muslim oil back then just like today, and we said, "hey, at least Saddam dont call us the Great Satan.". So America supported Iraq and Saddam was saved from a total @ssr@page by the Iranians. of course the Iranians now saw us as The Even More Evil Great Satan.

so today we here in America is scared of Iran and they are scared of us. even though we destroy the taleban and Saddam whom they absolutely despise. but now Iranians are more easy going and are like, "well dudes, we are muslims, but we also use internet for surf for p0rn just like you"

and that is the problem for the clerics of Iran. the young people of Iran just want to surf for p0rn like the rest of us, smoke some hookah, watch some football, and dont give a sh17 about watching some old boring imams giving endless sermons on telelvision. so what can the clerics do? now they have to keepmbashing America, because it's good way to stay popular. "hey if you are a patriotic Iranian, you must hate America!". and of course some iranian kid is going, "oh, i love my country! ok, Death to Amreeka!"

Then America flips out and say, "no nukes for Iran for God's sake!". then the clerics say, "oh, American hypocrites!". and all those patriotic Iranians band around the clerics saying, "oh we love Iran! we need nukes!"

and that is the short story in a nutshell. but real story gets even more complicated. you will need to ask an Iranian for the finer details to the saga.
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