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Japan takes a first step toward nuclear armament.

h,mmm... it will take me a while for me to digest your thoughts on geopolitics... i will have to get back to you with ny thoughts on it, but may take me a while to go through the entire threads...

the thing about Iran is that most Iranians seem like just normal ordinary people. but what concerns me is what happens if they have nukes. if one of these normal ordinary iranian have a nuke, i wouldnt particularly care. but i think what every american dreads is the possibility of iranians giving nukes to hezbollah which could easily turn into wwiii.

that being said,mi agree that going into Iraq was a collasal mistake for america. but going to afghanistan, i have to disagree... because at the time, we didnt know that pakistan would be sheltering osama bin laden. and the war was about destroying al qaeda. the thing about afghanistan is, america leave that country tomorrow now that Osama is dead and if taleban takes over again, well it doesnt matter to america as long as they dont harbor the next al qaeda.

Afghanistan was a law enforcement problem, did not require an occupation. Taliban were almost ready to hand them over. Going into Afghanistan further destabilized the region. After the decade long longest US war, Taliban's are now getting ready to take over after US withdrawal, so all this essentially for nothing. To ensure a stable and secure Afghanistan so there is no room for extremism, we need a regional approach as I discuss in Eurasia+ thread. You cannot eliminate extremism by going in and shooting and killing innocent people as collateral damage. Regional players/stakeholders need to go in and stabilize that country.
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