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Japan protests over US 'comfort women' statue


Nov 4, 2011
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Japan protests over US 'comfort women' statue

Memorial commemorates thousands of Korean and Chinese women used as sex slaves by Japanese soldiers.

A statue in a public park in the state of California is stirring controversy.

It commemorates the thousands of women - mostly Koreans and Chinese - who were used as sex slaves by Japanese soldiers during World War Two. The so-called "comfort women" of Imperial Japan.

Now the Japanese government is protesting against the new statue and calling for it to be removed.

Al Jazeera's Rob Reynolds reports from Glendale, California.

Japan protests over US 'comfort women' statue - Americas - Al Jazeera English
U.S. Senate passes bill on 'comfort women' for first time

Japan : Osaka Mayor calls wartime Comfort Women 'necessary'
so they can build shrines to CONVICTED war criminals, but we can't have statues for real victims?

Sure, we'll just build up our military to the point where we can marry off Japanese women to our single men. Though that's not as good as it sounds, they are super feminist and real B-word.

Then we'll allow them to build a statue to condemn us.
What “comfort woman”?

“Comfort woman” is a Japanese term。

These women were sex slaves and should be called such。
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