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Check out your posts.. and several indians with hilter or nazi avatards... as for Military regimes... yes because all came at a time when politicans had screwed things up...

I checked my posts..nowhere I cheered for Japanese Empire or Nazis..if you've proof,please give it to me..and please,might be some members have Hitler or Nazi avatar as profile pic..what to do with it??do you know that many pakistani members have profile pic of Jinnah,whom Indians don't like,as it makes us remember about partition..how many times Indians complained about it??NIL...if MOD don't found it offensive,why should you??

I don't support any of the atrocities happened during WW 2,be it axis,or allied who did it..neither I support Nazi or Japan,just like I don't support actions of allied powers either,be it pre WW 2,during WW 2 or post WW 2..

you're only watched one side of the history,while I've studied about both side..and thats what make up my mind..
I checked my posts..nowhere I cheered for Japanese Empire or Nazis..if you've proof,please give it to me..and please,might be some members have Hitler or Nazi avatar as profile pic..what to do with it??

Carry on supporting them..
do you know that many pakistani members have profile pic of Jinnah,whom Indians don't like,as it makes us remember about partition..how many times Indians complained about it??NIL...if MOD don't found it offensive,why should you??

Jinnah wasnt a genocidal dictator... as for indians not liking him... who gives a fuk abt em...

I don't support any of the atrocities happened during WW 2,be it axis,or allied who did it..neither I support Nazi or Japan,just like I don't support actions of allied powers either,be it pre WW 2,during WW 2 or post WW 2..

you're only watched one side of the history,while I've studied about both side..and thats what make up my mind..

I pointed it out because of your posts.. which makes it like you justifying one evil with another...
Carry on supporting them..

Jinnah wasnt a genocidal dictator... as for indians not liking him... who gives a fuk abt em...

I pointed it out because of your posts.. which makes it like you justifying one evil with another...

well,if you are biased and want to see world with different kaleidoscope,then I can't help it..my stand,which I maintained is pretty clear..I don't support any atrocities,be it Allied or Axis..if thats meant supports to Axis powers to you,then I can't help it..

Jinnah isn't a genocidal,but neither Emperor Hirohito was..he was always against the war with USA..Same goes for Hitler before hardline policies against Jews..Germany did the right thing by ignoring treaty of versailles,which was history's most unequal treaty..educate yourself please..and Profile picture is exactly someone's personal choice..if MOD has no problem with it,why the hell anybody will care about your opinion..and thats entirely different issue..why are you bringing that topic here???
well,if you are biased and want to see world with different kaleidoscope,then I can't help it..my stand,which I maintained is pretty clear..I don't support any atrocities,be it Allied or Axis..if thats meant supports to Axis powers to you,then I can't help it..

Read my post again.

Jinnah isn't a genocidal,but neither Emperor Hirohito was..he was always against the war with USA..Same goes for Hitler before hardline policies against Jews..Germany did the right thing by ignoring treaty of versailles,which was history's most unequal treaty..educate yourself please..

Lol.. so ur comparing Jinnah with hirohito n hitler... way to go man..

and Profile picture is exactly someone's personal choice..if MOD has no problem with it,why the hell anybody will care about your opinion..and thats entirely different issue..why are you bringing that topic here???

Im talkin abt the trend.
Read my post again.

Lol.. so ur comparing Jinnah with hirohito n hitler... way to go man..

Im talkin abt the trend.

I read your post several times...void with logic as well as knowledge..I don't want to loose my sanity over my post..and your second quote simply showed my assumption is true..comprehension problem..and against your third quote,is it a fashion show going on here???if you have any problem with profile pic,report against it..don't jump on anyone's conclusion...my profile pic is of "Joker"..that doesn't mean I support joker over batman..got my logic???
Do not generalize, I for one and all, would never support rape and genocide even during war. Thinking of nanjing makes me sick and hate japnese just like you

Americans are angels. Yes for they dropped an atomic bomb on rapist Japnese

what a cheerleading licker!

america: part time angel, full time whhore
Lets contrast the behavior of the Filipinos and the Muslim Moros during and after the war against Japan.

While the Japanese overran the Filipinos in the Luzon and Visayas, Moro warriors terrorized the Japanese in Mindanao and constantly launched Juramentado attacks on the Japanese and killed many of them. They nearly liberated Mindanao from the Japanese before the Americans came back to the Philippines.

Japan claimed to be "liberating" asians from western colonialism. Yet these were the same Moros who fought against the Americans and Spanish and launched juramentado attacks upon the Spanish and Americans as long as they have been in Mindanao. Some of the same Moros who fought America, also fought Japan in World War 2 and later the Philippine government in the 1970s.

The Philippines built a memorial to Japanese Kamikaze pilots who fought during World War 2. The same Japanese who raped and massacred hundreds of thousands of Filipinos during their occupation.

Kamikaze Pilot Statue (Mabalacat)

This is what the Moro National Liberation Front has to say about Japan on the other hand.

MNLF Official Website

29 JuLY 2012


By RRayhanR

Speech of Pres. Quezon Declaring the Colonization of the Bangsamoro Homeland Mindanao
Bud Dajo Massacre Enlarged Image
Why Did Quezon Commonwealth Regime Design Eclipsing Bangsamoro Sultanate?


The Philippine-Bangsamoro war in Mindanao, causing massive humanitarian disaster every time the Moro freedom fighters and the colonial Philippine military occupation soldiers engaged in ground widescale mortal combat, has not permanently ended to date. This is despite the efforts of the stakeholders to achieve peace.

Why? Is this due basically to the insensitivity and indifference of foreign conspirators, like Spain, America and Japan with the Philippines, to bring to closure the Mindanao war for the benefit of the colonized and oppressed Bangsamoro people under now Filipino colonialism?

As recalled, Spain, the mother of all piratical colonizers that invaded in the 16th century the Bangsamoro homeland of Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan (MINSUPALA), has still to rectify her colonial blatant injustice against the Muslims and Highlander natives of Mindanao. The sinister scheme of Christianizing the native inhabitants of Mindanao and immorally land-grabbing MINSUPALA, worse, selling the Bangsamoro (Moro Nation) together with Cuba for a measly sum of Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000) to the American invaders in the ridiculous so-called Treaty of Paris is a worst inhumane act of gluttonous greed and deception in history. Simply despicable, it only displayed the ugliness of human greed for economic and political power generating clear horrible destruction and robbing innocent and peaceful people of their own humanity.

Arrogantly insensitive to the crimes committed against the Bangsamoro of Mindanao, the shameless Spanish leadership of yesterday and today have had not extended any elementary courtesy of apology to the oppressed humanity they have terribly wronged with their majestic jungle rule upholding "might is right."

What about the case of the United States of America (USA) whose loud propaganda for "dream, hope and human rights" ascendancy is always proclaimed to sound like another Roman Empire on the road to glorious conquest?

Backdrop by the injustice most foul perpetrated against the Bangsamoro people, exemplified by the heinous Bud Dajo and Mount Bagsak massacres in Jolo island, including killings of women and children, and other atrocities in Mindanao, American moral ascendancy is surely weighed hollow and thin because until now the American leadership has remained insensitive and callous to the suffering and misery of the colonized Bangsamoro people under both the past American colonial regime and US government-installed Philippine colonialism today.

History can never erase the fact how America contrived with power-hungry megalomaniac Filipino colonizers, like Manuel L. Quezon, Sergio Osmena, Sr., Claro M. Recto, Elpedio Quirino and notorious others, in colonizing the ancestral homeland of the Muslim and Highlander natives of Mindanao, including the Mountain Province (Cordillera region) of the native Igorots.

Just like Spain, the United States of America have still to undo and correct the gross injustice done against the Bangsamoro people. While the US government has apologized to the aboriginal Indian natives in its own backyard for the naked massacring and land-grabbing events in the past, the American leadership has still to apologize to the Bangsamoro people. If only to prove true the oft-repeated American fairness and justice credo, how can America now under the first African American President Barack Obama help the colonized Bangsamoro people regain their freedom and national self-determination from the American-fabricated Philippine colonialism?


The blitzkrieg invasion by Japanese imperial forces in the 1940s over the Bangsamoro homeland MINSUPALA simultaneous with Luzon and Visayan islands was the worst inhumane act contemplated and committed by an Asian to another Asian. The short-lived occupation of Mindanao by the Japanese invaders exhibited tyranny, cruelty and inhumanity at its lowest level.

Thus, it was not surprising that in Mindanao the Japanese marauders had to suffer their worst defeat and highest death mortality at the hands of the Bangsamoro freedom fighters, who never surrendered to the Japanese tyrants unlike the Filipinos in Luzon.

Thus, how would Japan now rectify the outlandish historical blunder committed against the Bangsamoro people of Mindanao under Philippine colonialism?

As observed, the Japanese government, which has extended its deep apology to the people of Korea for the blind invasion and brutality committed against its neighbor, has still to apologize to the Muslim and other Indigenous Peoples of Mindanao for the tyrannical colonization of their ancestral domain. But is the present democratic Japanese government capable now to humble itself before the brutalized people of Mindanao?


On top of all criminal activities committed by foreign aggressors against the peaceful and freedom-loving Bangsamoro people of Mindanao, Philippine colonialism -the proud inheritor of the Spanish, American and Japanese colonizers- has still remained the most insensitive and most inhumane colonizer to this very day.

In its bold capacity to deceive mankind, including the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), the Philippine government continues in imposing its "cursed" Filipino identity upon the colonised Muslim and Highlander natives of Mindanao. ("Filipino" is from the immoral "king of inequities" Philip, who died of dreadful vinereal disease with worms all over his obnoxious body. Originally, "Filipinos" are the Christian Catholic children of the Spanish invaders and later in 1872 identified the Christianized Indios, who were used by the Spanish colonizers in their war with the Moros (Muslims) of Mindanao.)

The Filipino colonizers since July 4, 1946 have used the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to continue occupying Mindanao and terrorizing the Muslim and Lumad natives by launching a genocidal war against them since the 1950s, resulting now to the more than 4-decades Filipino-Moro war.

In hoodwinking further the global community of nations, the Philippine government -from Dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos, Presidents Corazon C. Aquino, Fidel V. Ramos, Joseph E. Estrada and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo- had deceptively engaged the Bangsamoro freedom fighters in peace talks, including signing with peace agreements with the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF).

However, though there was an international peace agreement forged with the MNLF under Chairman Prof Nur Misuari, the Philippine government never has the political will to fully implement the peace agreement because of its ulterior motive in perpetuating colonial hegemony in MINSUPALA, courtesy of the 1935 National Assembly Legislative Act no. 4197 otherwise known as the Quirino-Recto Colonization Act.


Since the founding in 1946 of the so-called Philippine Republic with the arbitrary incorporation of MINSUPALA and the Cordillera Region, the Filipino colonizers have used the "Philippine Constitution" as a weapon of mass destruction and deception to oppress and to colonize further the Muslim and Highlander natives of Mindanao.

Presuming to solve the Philippines-Bangsamoro war in Mindanao, registering to the death of more than Two Hundred Thousands precious lives, dislocation of more than One Million refugees in the islands of Visayas, Luzon and neighboring Sabah and countless material losses, including the burning of civilian houses and public mosques, Philippine colonialism has stage-managed in establishing a farcical Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). But the ARMM, which is just a mere fabrication of the pork-barrel conscious Philippine Congress/Senate legislators, has turned out a syndicated "milking cow" (termed by MILF Chair Hj. Murad Ebrahim) of politicians-turned "political marketers" of Manila and Mindanao. The fake autonomous set-up has only become the "cheating capital of Philippine elections" benefiting only the political animals in Malacanang Palace and their local stooges in Mindanao. Worst, the ARMM has been used by the unscrupulous and corrupt officials of the different national department agencies to steal by hundred millions using it a downloading centre for "ghost projects" because the gargantuan loot is easily liquidated by ARMM officials receiving the right percentage "commission". This Philippine pervasive corrupt practice was revealed by the former governor of North Cotabato.

Thus, the ARMM has only brought shame and ridicule to the Muslim populace being loudly condemned and protested by the Bangsamoro ulama (scholars) and religious leaders.


Now hounded or haunted by all colonial, criminal and political circumstances enveloping the forced and illegal occupation of the Bangsamoro homeland MINSUPALA, how can the erstwhile foreign colonizers, such as Spain, America and Japan, help Philippine colonialism under President Benigno S. Aquino III to solve comprehensively and peacefully the Filipino-Moro war in Mindanao.
Is the conspiracy strategy still uppermost in their national interests to continue the inhumane treatment of the Muslim and Lumad natives of Mindanao as colonial slaves of the Filipino colonizers?

How can the foreign conspirators involved in the brutalization and destruction of the Bangsamoro people of Mindanao become humane and fair enough to help the Philippine government under President Benigno S. Aquino III end the Filipino-Moro conflict in Mindanao with "just and lasting" peace formula?

How can today Spain, America, Japan and the Philippines develop a high fortitude to embrace the anti-colonialism dictums, "no to exploitation of man by another man", "no to the law of the jungle that might is right," "yes to peace, no to war", and "Moros, not Filipinos"?

Simply said, the past and present colonizers as well as all stakeholders to the elusive Mindanao peace should clearly understand that the only moral and genuine solution to the Philippines-Bangsamoro war in Mindanao is to address the root cause of the problem. That is Philippine colonialism! The rest of the lip-service formula, including military solution, financial and material dole-outs and color-coated others, is only superficial, artificial and cosmetic because all are merely by-products of colonialism.

On this note, how then can the peaceful and conscious humanity, including the peacemakers and peace advocates in the UN, EU, ASEAN, OIC, NGOs and others, play a historic and objective role to help the Muslim and Highlander natives of war-ravaged Mindanao reclaim their own humanity and freedom from Philippine colonialism?

Simply put, can the Spaniards, Americans, Japanese and Filipinos now at the helm of their respective progressive government be truly human beings to hear the silent cry, genuine sentiments and moral aspirations of their fellow human beings under oppression, historic-religious and culture disintegration and colonial bondage?

In the final analysis, can the past foreign colonizers help the present Christian Catholic Philippine Chief Executive to emulate the historic role of Muslim leaders, like former Indonesian President Habibie and Sudanese President Ahmad Bashir, who boldly abandoned altogether colonialism to end the bloody war in their respective countries, giving peace and freedom to the Catholics of East Timor and Christians/Animists of South Sudan?-rrr/bfs
what a cheerleading licker!

america: part time angel, full time whhore

so much for your blind hate against Indians??

Did you even read the conversation? Let me make it simple for you. Americans in general may not be angel but look like one when compared to what the Japnese did in Nanjing or do you think differently?
so much for your blind hate against Indians??

Did you even read the conversation? Let me make it simple for you. Americans in general may not be angel but look like one when compared to what the Japnese did in Nanjing or do you think differently?

indians' many bizarre behaviours are not there for people to form a positve opinions esp the hordes of cheerleaders on forums
I have expressed my opinion in the simplest term for you and no further point to add!
your bringing up the Nanjing atrocitiies is nasty!
indians' many bizarre behaviours are not there for people to form a positve opinions esp the hordes of cheerleaders on forums
I have expressed my opinion in the simplest term for you and no further point to add!
your bringing up the Nanjing atrocitiies is nasty!

There are sane and bizarre members from each country
Your focus is on Indian members rather than the topic. I second you don have any further point to add
Not bringing it up for mockery and being a Chinese you too should never forget it
There are sane and bizarre members from each country

looks like a lot more and amongst the most of something in india

Your focus is on Indian members rather than the topic. I second you don have any further point to add
Not bringing it up for mockery and being a Chinese you too should never forget it

I focused on the topic only gotten digressed from comments like yours

end of any further comments at the moment until I feel the need to contribute for the topic
well,if you are biased and want to see world with different kaleidoscope,then I can't help it..my stand,which I maintained is pretty clear..I don't support any atrocities,be it Allied or Axis..if thats meant supports to Axis powers to you,then I can't help it..

Jinnah isn't a genocidal,but neither Emperor Hirohito was..he was always against the war with USA..Same goes for Hitler before hardline policies against Jews..Germany did the right thing by ignoring treaty of versailles,which was history's most unequal treaty..educate yourself please..and Profile picture is exactly someone's personal choice..if MOD has no problem with it,why the hell anybody will care about your opinion..and thats entirely different issue..why are you bringing that topic here???

You should have saved Hirohito some trouble and supplied him with all the comfort women he needed, like you said, it is a personal choice. why not, if you are ok with it.

you think the treaty of versailles was the history's most unequal treaty? If I were you, I'd think
about the time you paid the British tax on your OWN land,but hey again, it's personal choice.
looks like a lot more and amongst the most of something in india

I focused on the topic only gotten digressed from comments like yours

end of any further comments at the moment until I feel the need to contribute for the topic

Keep wearing your biased glasses.
Care to explain how my comments made you digressed from the topic? I only responded to your fellow member "Faithful" and that too in a very civilized manner and he THANKED my post

Its a good decision to end of any further comments
You should have saved Hirohito some trouble and supplied him with all the comfort women he needed, like you said, it is a personal choice. why not, if you are ok with it.

you think the treaty of versailles was the history's most unequal treaty? If I were you, I'd think
about the time you paid the British tax on your OWN land,but hey again, it's personal choice.

well,I barely quote against a post where logic is void..

do you have any argument to show that treaty of versailles is justified..then lets talk..you'll give me one reason,I'll give you hundred..
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