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Comments regarding Japanese atrocities. I don't now which one he is talking about but Japan doesn't takes responsibility/plays it down. As you see in OP post, Japanese don't even except that such things happened, be it Nanking, and many others.

Germany on the other hand has apologised and Nazi sympathisers are frowned upon.

now,I don't want to create controversy here or hurt Chinese sentiments..but these were the exact words coming from Radhavinod pal,jury of International Military Tribunal for the Far East..from wiki...

Pal never intended to offer a juridical argument on whether a sentence of not guilty would have been a correct one. However, he argued that the United States had clearly provoked the war with Japan and expected Japan to act (Zinn, 411).
Pal believed that the Tokyo Trial was incapable of passing a just sentence. He considered the trial to be unjust and unreasonable, contributing nothing to lasting peace. According to his view, the trial was the judgment of the vanquished by the victors; such proceedings, even if clothed in the garb of law, resulted in nothing but the satisfaction of the desire for vengeance. In his lone dissent, he refers to the trial as a "sham employment of legal process for the satisfaction of a thirst for revenge." According to Norimitsu Onishi, while he fully acknowledged Japan’s war atrocities — including the Nanjing massacre — he said they were covered in the Class B and Class C trials.[1]
Furthermore, he believed that the exclusion of Western colonialism and the use of the atom bomb by the United States from the list of crimes, and judges from the vanquished nations on the bench, signified the "failure of the Tribunal to provide anything other than the opportunity for the victors to retaliate." [2] In this he was not alone among Indian jurists of the time, one prominent Calcutta barrister writing that the Tribunal was little more than "a sword in a wig". Fear of American nuclear power was an international phenomenon following the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Radhabinod Pal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
well,I don't even want to answer the first part as we know which country favors democracy and which country favors autocracy..

Big difference between a military led govt with public support and a messed up genocidal gang..

Anyways... keep admiring Hitler (Nazis) and imperial japs...

now,second part,what i meant is that it was other regiments which took part,not baloch as it was formed later..it was the soldiers which consisted into baloch regiment which fought..thanks for the info again..

In short Baluch regiment consists of the same baluch units tht were in british indian army... and later joined/given to PA after independence.
Big difference between a military led govt with public support and a messed up genocidal gang..

Anyways... keep admiring Hitler (Nazis) and imperial japs...

you're funny..I admired Hitler and Imperial japs????show one post where I did that..on the other hand,Pakistan cheers for regimes like Yahya Khan,genocidal regimes..please,don't divulge from the original topic..

In short Baluch regiment consists of the same baluch units tht were in british indian army... and later joined/given to PA after independence.

yup,thats what i said..don't know if new regiments,which are formed from a previous regiments inherit battle honors of the previous regiments..thats why I asked it..thanks again for the info..
more like otherwise..Japanese are most disciplined soldiers in this world for ages,not just during WW 2..their entire Army was built around Bushido,which they strictly followed even during WW 2..thats why even when outnumbered and outgunned,they inflicted heavy casualties to Americans..not only that,Japanese soldiers actually fought decades even after surrender in 1945..some even lived jungles around decades before surrender..that showed the quality..

60 years after the war ends, two soldiers emerge from the jungle | World news | The Guardian

Hiroo Onoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there was no denying the truth about comfort women,but even that was due to keeping their discipline...what they did was severely wrong,but it was common in any army..don't portray them as bloodthirsty demon...

by the way @shuttler,why did you open 2 threads on same topic???you should ask MOD to merge them..

I'm totally shocked that Indians adore Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. What is wrong with India that so many Indians would support rape and genocide in a war? Is India in a war now?

Götterdämmerung;4588026 said:
I was unawared of US crimes committed in China during the Opium Wars at the scale of Nanking Massacre or Unit 731.

Give source!

By the end of the day, it's up to the Chinese what they regard as "more" horrible and not any of us outsiders. We also have to factor in time of occurence. Many vitims of those crimes are still alive.

US never committed any atrocity in Opium war as US did not participated in the war.
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I'm totally shocked that Indians adore Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. What is wrong with India that so many Indians would support rape and genocide in a war? Is India in a war now?

despicable to the core

US never committed any atrocity in Opium war as US did not participated in the war.

americans are angels!:angry:


Eight-Nation Alliance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
US never committed any atrocity in Opium war as US did not participated in the war.

Wow Nice! You can indeed call the Sun the Moon, turning a day into a night!

Hope you receive it from Obama next year for promoting freedom to kill the truth!

Wow Nice! You can indeed call the Sun the Moon, turning a day into a night!

Hope you receive it from Obama next year for promoting freedom to kill the truth!


Opium war was fought between Britain and China. Not the US. US participated in the 8 nation alliance almost 60 years after Opium war.
I'm totally shocked that Indians adore Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. What is wrong with India that so many Indians would support rape and genocide in a war? Is India in a war now?

I don't want to waste any words against your quote..its better that you believe what is your predefined belief is..please don't quote me..we Indians are far more evil than you thought..
Opium war was fought between Britain and China. Not the US. US participated in the 8 nation alliance almost 60 years after Opium war.

by the way..a simple link will be enough to cure your ignorance...

Opium Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

please see the belligerents part as well as parts about several unequal treaties,which followed in later parts..
I'm totally shocked that Indians adore Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. What is wrong with India that so many Indians would support rape and genocide in a war? Is India in a war now?

Indian's don't adore Nazi/Imperial Japan.
He is just objecting to singling out Japan. The allied forces in ww2 or US and allies in previous wars did the same. Read about opium wars, Boxer rebellion, allied soldiers in France in ww2 etc.

When people demonize Japan, it feels like US and others were angels, which is wrong. It is just that history is written by victors so their wrong doings goes under carpet. US, Russia, France, Britain, every country going in the war employed questionable and immoral tactics.

No denying that what Japan and Germany did was unprecedented. But if you consider overall numbers, they would be behind on all counts.

by the way..a simple link will be enough to cure your ignorance...

Opium Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

please see the belligerents part as well as parts about several unequal treaties,which followed in later parts..

The 2nd opium war is not traditionally called Opium war. Its a recent change to the name. Originally, Opium war took place in 1832 between England and China.

I think Indian troops were deployed in that war. Can you confirm.
you're funny..I admired Hitler and Imperial japs????show one post where I did that..on the other hand,Pakistan cheers for regimes like Yahya Khan,genocidal regimes..please,don't divulge from the original topic..

Check out your posts.. and several indians with hilter or nazi avatards... as for Military regimes... yes because all came at a time when politicans had screwed things up...

yup,thats what i said..don't know if new regiments,which are formed from a previous regiments inherit battle honors of the previous regiments..thats why I asked it..thanks again for the info..

Baluch regiment doesnt have just a few units but several..in short new formed "units" dont inherit battle honors.... except the old/original units tht participated in those wars.
Back then the world was multi polar - We will probably be heading back in that direction soon.
Japanese were mentally sick.

They still are. Where should I start? Child ****, rampant sexual harassment everywhere; requiring separate women only cars in Tokyo subway for the groping that goes on. Japanese are pretty sick still and it comes out when they feel they can get away with it.
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