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'Comfort women' get a memorial statue in Glendale, California

In that case you should have fought the Brits.

What makes you think we didnt?firs war of independence 1857...:

A small example...Maulvi Mohammad Bakr editor Urdu daily-delhi... 1857:


In short.. Fight for us = Freedom.
more like otherwise..Japanese are most disciplined soldiers in this world for ages,not just during WW 2..their entire Army was built around Bushido,which they strictly followed even during WW 2..thats why even when outnumbered and outgunned,they inflicted heavy casualties to Americans..not only that,Japanese soldiers actually fought decades even after surrender in 1945..some even lived jungles around decades before surrender..that showed the quality..

60 years after the war ends, two soldiers emerge from the jungle | World news | The Guardian

Hiroo Onoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there was no denying the truth about comfort women,but even that was due to keeping their discipline...what they did was severely wrong,but it was common in any army..don't portray them as bloodthirsty demon...

by the way @shuttler,why did you open 2 threads on same topic???you should ask MOD to merge them..

You are mentally retarded and emotionally sick. I shudder at the prospect if most Indians will behave like you. I know it makes you feel good to bow to stronger power. In a civilized society, we have to keep reminding us how we humans can become savages in certain circumstances and how we should struggle not to be.
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Not all were Nazis - Leaving aside the Gestapo & others...I think it would be wrong to write off the many soldiers in the German Army who were fighting for their Sacred Germany & weren't linked to the War Crimes of the Nazi Regime - Take Rommel & his Afrika Corp for one !

I'm sure there would be other Army Units in the Germany Army who weren't involved in the sadistic barbarity that the Nazis are accused & responsible of.

Sure, out of the millions there were certainly some soldiers with conscience and honor, but unfortunately most were either blind follower out of fear or cowardice and others were just monsters.

Never again shall we have a military where soldiers follow slavishly orders to commit unimaginable crimes against humanity.
Are you justifyin their acts man? they massacred millions ... raped n killed women... killed kids,eat soldiers ... used POWs for target practise and for sports by torturing them... stabbing them... etc etc... as for russia,usa there crimes were such massive... and rape in US army... yes but you cant justy the genocide japs commited everywhere they went...

Dude stands like "Iwo jima" etc are examples of bravery... but just like the german guy above said.. if tht was the case... Nazis should also be appreciated..

I posted the details with pics on baluch regiment on a "sino" defence forum... with pictures,badges etc...:wink:

Did I supported them??did IO said that what they did is forgivable??I only said that what they didi was done by every major powers during that time..so,no need to distinguish..

And I simply appreciate Nazis..if the attack on Russia wouldn't have have come,world's political map would have been different..though I don't support their radical ideas..

by the way,I stand right..you missed the very first lines..Baloch regiment was formed in 1956..it was 10 Baluch which have fought...by the way,thanx for the info..
Götterdämmerung;4585153 said:
In a civilise society soldiers are taught to have a conscience, slavish obedience are taught by fascist society. That's why many commanders of the Wehrmacht were punished for obeying barbarity after the war. There is no excuse for just taking orders.

well,conscience doesn't exist in battlefield..just like Nazis,allies too committed atrocities..they executed POWs,killed german soldiers even after surrender,simply executed civilians...all those theory and all those glories only exist in pages of books..but then again,only a fraction of actual army commits atrocities and whole army bear the shame..take Japan here(as it is the topic)..just like Gestapo in Germany,its Kempeitai which actually ordered and executed most of this atrocities..as usual,Japan Army bore the shame..
You are mentally retarded and emotionally sick. I shudder at the prospect if most Indians will behave like you. I know it makes you feel good to bow to stronger power. In a civilized society, we have to keep reminding us how we humans can become savages in certain circumstances and how we should struggle not to be.

here comes cheerleader Chinese brigade..never understand what I've posted and jumped into conclusion with "So called Sanity"...by the way,your PLA's action which caused over 10000 civilian casualties during Sino-Vietnam war and later "scorched-earth policy" is simply showed the sanity.. :rolleyes:
You are mentally retarded and emotionally sick. I shudder at the prospect if most Indians will behave like you. I know it makes you feel good to bow to stronger power. In a civilized society, we have to keep reminding us how we humans can become savages in certain circumstances and how we should struggle not to be.

Indian men have psychopathic mentality. Nazi regime and fascist Japan is pretty popular among Indians. Now I understand when I heard that the worst place to be born as a woman is in India. Just look how they brutally gang rape innocent women. Says alot about their civilization.
Indians are the most racist people on earth.
Not all were Nazis - Leaving aside the Gestapo & others...I think it would be wrong to write off the many soldiers in the German Army who were fighting for their Sacred Germany & weren't linked to the War Crimes of the Nazi Regime - Take Rommel & his Afrika Corp for one !

I'm sure there would be other Army Units in the Germany Army who weren't involved in the sadistic barbarity that the Nazis are accused & responsible of.

exactly my words sir..its not like whole German or Japan army was responsible for atrocities..only few of the German officers were ever blamed for execution of Jews,while most of them are from SS,Gestapo,BlackShirt and other secret services..actually,most of the german army never was blamed for atrocities..in Russia,atrocities was blamed on SS..

Indian men have psychopathic mentality. Nazi regime and fascist Japan is pretty popular among Indians. Now I understand when I heard that the worst place to be born as a woman is in India. Just look how they brutally gang rape innocent women. Says alot about their civilization.
Indians are the most racist people on earth.

post was reported for trolling.you might not know,but you're living under a similar regime like Nazi in China right now..the name is CCP..so,please don't judge other nations..by the way,its not China where Japan was stopped.it was India..please educate yourself before opening your mouth..
Not all were Nazis - Leaving aside the Gestapo & others...I think it would be wrong to write off the many soldiers in the German Army who were fighting for their Sacred Germany & weren't linked to the War Crimes of the Nazi Regime - Take Rommel & his Afrika Corp for one !

I'm sure there would be other Army Units in the Germany Army who weren't involved in the sadistic barbarity that the Nazis are accused & responsible of.

Rommel paid the price with his life for not being a Nazi.
Götterdämmerung;4585475 said:
Sure, out of the millions there were certainly some soldiers with conscience and honor, but unfortunately most were either blind follower out of fear or cowardice and others were just monsters.

Never again shall we have a military where soldiers follow slavishly orders to commit unimaginable crimes against humanity.

don't know sir about your accusation,but what I've read and please believe me,I've read quite enough on this,most german officers simply despised the SS(armed wing of Nazi) and Nazis..there was several attempts tried by German officers from Highest precedence to kill Hitler..eg..Rommel Himself was accused and was forced to suicide,or else his entire family would've been killed..I think your view is slightly biased..
well,conscience doesn't exist in battlefield..just like Nazis,allies too committed atrocities..they executed POWs,killed german soldiers even after surrender,simply executed civilians...all those theory and all those glories only exist in pages of books..but then again,only a fraction of actual army commits atrocities and whole army bear the shame..take Japan here(as it is the topic)..just like Gestapo in Germany,its Kempeitai which actually ordered and executed most of this atrocities..as usual,Japan Army bore the shame..

And for all the atrocities the German armies committed, we have apologised sincerely and paid huge amounts of compensation. Our history books are not being glossed over, any German politician who played down the Nazi crimes is being attacked from all sides and his/her career is practically over.

Now compare that with Japan.
Götterdämmerung;4586702 said:
And for all the atrocities the German armies committed, we have apologised sincerely and paid huge amounts of compensation. Our history books are not being glossed over, any German politician who played down the Nazi crimes is being attacked from all sides and his/her career is practically over.

Now compare that with Japan.

well,Japan's war criminals were executed..they got nuked and still today,deform child is being born..they apologized in front of the world..they didn't allowed to keep an army,and even today,their army performs defensive role only,not offensive..they gave up sovereignty almost over 70-80% of regions they had conquired as well as Japan itself had..for details,you may read here...

well,Japan's war criminals were executed..they got nuked and still today,deform child is being born..they apologized in front of the world..they didn't allowed to keep an army,and even today,their army performs defensive role only,not offensive..they gave up sovereignty almost over 70-80% of regions they had conquired as well as Japan itself had..for details,you may read here...


Now you are getting pathetic. Show me a German politicial who tried to retract our apology without getting kicked from his/her position! Show me a German politician who pays hommage to any of the Nazi politicians and lay flowers at their graves! Show me an officially published German history book that plays down Nazi crimes or even denys them!

Now there is a high ranking Japanese politician who officially states that Japan should emulate Nazi Germany and you have to cheek to even defend them.
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