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Japan plans ASEAN sea security summit

I have no idea what you're talking about.

All of the military analyses by western think tanks show China can use its ballistic and cruise missiles to destroy all U.S. bases in Asia, including Guam. With the advent of the DF-21D ASBM to supplement China's submarine force, the U.S. carriers will be kept about 2,000km away from China's coastline.

If China asserts its full military power, Japan is on its own.
lol ...an idea can simply change your life ..but i am convinced after reading all your posts in this thread , that you have no idea ....except megaton farts
But one thing we have to admit, regardless of how unrealistic they may sound, they bring up a good point. It is time US allows and encourages Japan to rearm (nuke, ICBM and the whole hog) and take South Korea and ASEAN under its wing to create an Asian NATO allied with the US/NATO, so all these countries can defend themselves and not wonder what the US will do, when push comes to shove.

This SCS conflict should be a wake up call for this region and the US.

Your are very true mate.
Martian2 does not sound like an apratchik, more like a Chinese-American, nor does many Chinese posters here, may be they got a little carried away that's all.

When was the last time you read anything but poorly constructed propaganda from him?
When was the last time you read anything but poorly constructed propaganda from him?

Well, that was my point, I think he is not a real propaganda conduit, because his posts sound too unrealistic like you said. A real propaganda would have teams of professionals working behind the scenes making sure they are plausible and effective.
Let me ask you, what is Japan's plan to defend itself against the 1,800 Chinese mobile SRBMs in the Taiwan sector that can be moved and fired at Japan?

How do the Japanese plan to stop China from wiping out all of the main Japanese military bases and supply depots with thousands of Chinese ballistic and cruise missiles?

It looks to me like Japan is out of luck.

:rofl::rofl: my god martian why did you came from mars..... when you will start thinking like human...... If i found your kinda supa dupa fantasy arguments from others i might get anger..... but if i found your post in any thread... i am starting smiling before reading your post... later lol.... keep continue martian..... the df-21d ultimate super zapper mars tech weapon can smash entire world twice.... none in the world can touch china.... china can nuke Vietnam, Philippine, ....... even the Mighty US....
Well, that was my point, I think he is not a real propaganda conduit, because his posts sound too unrealistic like you said. A real propaganda would have teams of professionals working behind the scenes making sure they are plausible and effective.

thats quality issues...you know,there is a country whose products face this kind of problem regularly :lol: :lol:
I have no idea what you're talking about.

All of the military analyses by western think tanks show China can use its ballistic and cruise missiles to destroy all U.S. bases in Asia, including Guam. With the advent of the DF-21D ASBM to supplement China's submarine force, the U.S. carriers will be kept about 2,000km away from China's coastline.

If China asserts its full military power, Japan is on its own.
Those same analysts will say B-1s and B-2s can make the PLA's leadership blind, deaf, and dumb within 48 hrs. The Bones are being redeployed for the Asia Pacific theater. Did you hear?
Provoking Japan openly gives an excuse to allow them to prolong US presence there.

CPC should engage Japan and use soft power to influnce japanese people to throw out US.

But alas, dictators dont know soft power...Japanese want US out, but China doesnt allow them :lol:

Give me a break. The Japanese are a slave race. The US presence will be there forever anyway. That is not a factor.

As you can see with China sending its patrol ships into the waters around the Daiyou/Senkaku Islands, China is asserting its naval power a little more each year. China can realistically reclaim the Daiyou Islands with the PLA Navy within twenty years.

Reference: China, Japan Face Off Near Disputed Islands
That's why I like you Martian. You never fail to deliver in chinese military hardware and tactics. Link that 3.3 megaton video again. If for some very unfortunate reason I was born chinese in this era, you would have my vote for presidency of PRC.

Also take care of those patrols. Too much muscle flexing in areas you claim in maps and this might happen

Spratly Islands | Chinese navy
Give me a break. The Japanese are a slave race. The US presence will be there forever anyway. That is not a factor.

As you can see with China sending its patrol ships into the waters around the Daiyou/Senkaku Islands, China is asserting its naval power a little more each year. China can realistically reclaim the Daiyou Islands with the PLA Navy within twenty years.

Reference: China, Japan Face Off Near Disputed Islands

I think you should be banned just for red part.and same thing can be said about China too as CCP will be there "Forever"..

and for "asserting naval power",Chinese Frigate run aground near Scarborough shoal and stuck there..hurry,send your shiny toys to rescue it or looks like Philippines will get a "Free Gift" from China..i wonder if there is something written on Frigate like "From China,with love".. :rofl: :rofl:
Give me a break. The Japanese are a slave race. The US presence will be there forever anyway. That is not a factor.

As you can see with China sending its patrol ships into the waters around the Daiyou/Senkaku Islands, China is asserting its naval power a little more each year. China can realistically reclaim the Daiyou Islands with the PLA Navy within twenty years.

Reference: China, Japan Face Off Near Disputed Islands

Now you are being Idiotic...Japan was never a slave race. They regretted the harm done to other countries and kept a promise to not go nuclear when they saw the horrors of Nukes.

Just because others dont want to get involved in a fight does not mean, china can walk into others territory and claim them as your own.
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