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Japan plans ASEAN sea security summit

I know your ego wont allow you to calculate chinese casualities. Hope your Govt can.

More and more i read of his crap more i think he is some unstable, bullied kid with to much time to spend looking at released mil. spec. charts concocting all sorts of fantasy engagements in his head.
Unbelievable. Must be a mental case.
thats where you are wrong.no country fights with all his power in disposal.what they deploy is just more than sufficient.if a China-Japan war break out,China will deploy few frigates/destroyer/subs and most of its assets will be stored somewhere safely.and if China will throw a single missile,USA will come into play as Japan is under USA's security umbrella.hope you understand this logic.exposing assets too soon or too many in this age is making suicide,as it may cost you to loose them.you may know that few harpoon is enough to disable/sink an entire battle group and its still very hard to intercept them.that means few aircraft can take care of entire battle group.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

All of the military analyses by western think tanks show China can use its ballistic and cruise missiles to destroy all U.S. bases in Asia, including Guam. With the advent of the DF-21D ASBM to supplement China's submarine force, the U.S. carriers will be kept about 2,000km away from China's coastline.

If China asserts its full military power, Japan is on its own.
China can use its ballistic and cruise missiles to destroy all U.S. bases in Asia, including Guam.

What will US do next? Surely you wont write that they will just swallow this? Thats like worse bodycount then 9/11?

But ofcourse US is scared right? They wont do nothing?

There's a good reason you are an internet warrior and not a real one or heavens forbid a CCP policy maker.
What will US do next? Surely you wont write that they will just swallow this? Thats like worse bodycount then 9/11?

But ofcourse US is scared right? They wont do nothing?

There's a good reason you are an internet warrior and not a real one or heavens forbid a CCP policy maker.

Did the U.S. do anything when Russia attacked NATO-applicant Georgia and annexed 20% of the country?

Realpolitik strategists look at real behavior and vested interests to predict future behavior. We don't care about empty talk or worthless pieces of paper.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

All of the military analyses by western think tanks show China can use its ballistic and cruise missiles to destroy all U.S. bases in Asia, including Guam. With the advent of the DF-21D ASBM to supplement China's submarine force, the U.S. carriers will be kept about 2,000km away from China's coastline.

If China asserts its full military power, Japan is on its own.

come on..use your brain,its not too hard to realise that just you can destroy doesn't necessarily mean you've to.USA can destroy whole world,does that mean they have to???do you even though about what will be the result if china drop a single ballistic missile in Japan???forget about military revenge,China will be isolated again,and that means by international community for using nukes/missile on a pacifist country.do you know who pays most for UN???its Japan.its Japan who has capability but actively campaining against nuke.its japan who has huge economy yet has a inferior armed force due to USA's policy to protect them.whole Nato/Asean will pound on China for this single war and China will meet its fate just like cousin NK,Isolation and will loose all is credential that they earned via hard work of decades.use your brain before making comments.
LOL now the dirty Viets are looking for a new daddy to fight China for them. Both Russia and USA humiliated the Viets. The Viets don't even know how low everybody thinks of them :)

Now is the time to spray Viets with agent orange again. Viets should be deformed. It matches their national character.

LOL at indians feeling so inferior from 1962. It's time to teach a lesson again or else indians really think they become a superpower from verbal defecation and self-delusion.

Seems some people's ego got hurt badly when they realized the truth :yahoo:.

Your brain is lodged in the 1970s. China has plenty of thermonuclear ICBMs today.

China could care less about U.S. nuclear weapons. I doubt rich Americans are willing to trade their country in a MAD (mutually assured destruction) exchange with China. Only dumb Indians believe that.

What is the use of your super duper nukes if the countries around you and Big daddy US have them to negate??
The posters in this thread are trying to make you realize this reality and you asusual trying to argue without logic. What ever your are trying to say with your posts, the paper Tigers(chinese media) already done with issuing warnings but nothing changed. Even phillipines did not care those warnings.
Did the U.S. do anything when Russia attacked NATO-applicant Georgia and annexed 20% of the country?

Realpolitik strategists look at real behavior and vested interests to predict future behavior. We don't care about empty talk or worthless pieces of paper.

lol what a crap example...is this what they teach you at CCP debating school?

equating Japan with Georgia? Furthermore, it was the insane president of Georgia that actually triggered the war. Additionally, there is no such concentration of US bases in and around Georgia like it is around Japan.

Try again.....

whats happening with Chinese members

You must understand the unwritten contract CCP has with its people.
Totalitarianism for economic prosperity. Now that the growth is slowing down they have to find additional reasons to keep the populace "tightly knit". ie flashpoints like Spratly's, Senkaku etc...to prevent dissent en masse.

I'd be willing to bet my whole salary that for the past couple of months Xinhua has been spewing up nationalistic garbage by the tons and how all those islands are sovereignly Chinese
.Additionally the Information Ministry's internet division (internet warriors) probably have instructions to go into overdrive faming China etc.....you can see by the recent threads started by Chinese members over here-all is grande, new, China done this, China done that bla bla bla its Sun Tzu at its purest form-make attention where there is nothing worthy of it and hide what is worthy of attention.

Martian is just an apparatchick of that apparatus. Most of the remaining bots also probably.
You must understand the unwritten contract CCP has with its people.
Totalitarianism for economic prosperity. Now that the growth is slowing down they have to find additional reasons to keep the populace "tightly knit". ie flashpoints like Spratly's, Senkaku etc...to prevent dissent en masse.

I'd be willing to bet my whole salary that for the past couple of months Xinhua has been spewing up nationalistic gargabe by the tons.

lol..good one...
i think its time that old days should return to japan

Such pacts between smaller countries will strengthen them n help them to face big bullies in neighbourhood

But what i fear is that if the pressure continues on japan we might see a new kid on the nuclear block...:azn:
I have no idea what you're talking about.

All of the military analyses by western think tanks show China can use its ballistic and cruise missiles to destroy all U.S. bases in Asia, including Guam. With the advent of the DF-21D ASBM to supplement China's submarine force, the U.S. carriers will be kept about 2,000km away from China's coastline.

If China asserts its full military power, Japan is on its own.

You might as well exhort China to invade Guam if you believe the US won't defend Japan.:coffee:

Relying on an unproven wonder missile is not a way to plan wars, and definitely not a way to win wars.

Relying on the cowardice of a superpower is called underestimation, and is a good way to get smashed into the ground.

The US has made its statement, its your word and the word of those who don't have to deal with the consequences against the US government, who does. I'll believe the US.

You must understand the unwritten contract CCP has with its people.
Totalitarianism for economic prosperity. Now that the growth is slowing down they have to find additional reasons to keep the populace "tightly knit". ie flashpoints like Spratly's, Senkaku etc...to prevent dissent en masse.

I'd be willing to bet my whole salary that for the past couple of months Xinhua has been spewing up nationalistic garbage by the tons and how all those islands are sovereignly Chinese
.Additionally the Information Ministry's internet division (internet warriors) probably have instructions to go into overdrive faming China etc.....you can see by the recent threads started by Chinese members over here-all is grande, new, China done this, China done that bla bla bla its Sun Tzu at its purest form-make attention where there is nothing worthy of it and hide what is worthy of attention.

Martian is just an apparatchick of that apparatus. Most of the remaining bots also probably.

Good point, all these chest thumping posts and China does this China does that are a rather recent thing.
Provoking Japan openly gives an excuse to allow them to prolong US presence there.

CPC should engage Japan and use soft power to influnce japanese people to throw out US.

But alas, dictators dont know soft power...Japanese want US out, but China doesnt allow them :lol:
Martian2 does not sound like an apratchik, more like a Chinese-American, nor does many Chinese posters here, may be they got a little carried away that's all.

But one thing we have to admit, regardless of how unrealistic they may sound, they bring up a good point. It is time US allows and encourages Japan to rearm (nuke, ICBM and the whole hog) and take South Korea and ASEAN under its wing to create an Asian NATO allied with the US/NATO, so all these countries can defend themselves and not wonder what the US will do, when push comes to shove.

This SCS conflict should be a wake up call for this region and the US.
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