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Japan plans ASEAN sea security summit

Martian2 You always talk about nice and shiney toys of your PLA. You must also realize that every country has its own shiney toys which are not advertized and are used only in times of war.
The scenario in the Asia now had become China,pakistan,NKorea on one side and whole world on the other side.
Uncle Sam is the best in the business when it comes to any military weapons and add to that Japanese economy and technology.
What made you think that Japanese do not posses Nukes there are only 5 declared nuclear weapon states but unofficially there are lot of countries along the periphery of China.
I have been seeing your posts for long time, Every time you will advertise the Chinese weapons and try to scare the others :rofl:. The reality is China will be like Germany of second world war, If China does make any adventure it will become annihilated.
Every body will defend their country as usual.

Technically speaking, your analogy is incorrect and the conclusion is incorrect.

I'll play along and show you how to reach the proper conclusion.

If Germany had 15 times the population and twenty times the land mass (e.g. resources) during World War II then Germany would have crushed all the little midget countries along its periphery. A Germany with thermonuclear weapons would have been unstoppable.

There is only one rule for MAD (mutually assured destruction). You leave another major thermonuclear power alone. All other midget countries are fair game.
Technically speaking, your analogy is incorrect and the conclusion is incorrect.

I'll play along and show you how to reach the proper conclusion.

If Germany had 15 times the population and twenty times the land mass (e.g. resources) during World War II then Germany would have crushed all the little midget countries along its periphery. A Germany with thermonuclear weapons would have been unstoppable.

There is only one rule for MAD (mutually assured destruction). You leave another major thermonuclear power alone. All other midget countries are fair game.

So you think other countries around do not posess Thermonuclear devices including Russia.
Germany and other countries in Europe around it are comparable to its size, just like India and Russia are comparable to the size of China.
The conditions before the second world war are same as todays time except replace germany with China.
Last but not the least there are countries around China other than Russia and India who do posses Nukes unofficially. If u want to know then stop issuing warnings and throwing garbage and go to war.
If China decides to nuke Japan, that has to be in consultation with Russia. Without Russia China would never venture into this project. And Russia would not want to commit suicide. And I am sure China would not either, despite what some keyboard warrior armchair general says in an internet forum.

If China does it because of some crazy dude like Martian2, chances of which happening is like someone winning a lottery, then several things may happen:

- China will be attacked using all NATO nuke arsenals vaporizing most of China's nuke missiles, China will retaliate and that will cause major damage in US/EU cities as well
- NATO will not attack but China will be completely isolated from world economy making it like a giant North Korea, people dying in famine. Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Manchukuo will break off and become independent
- surviving population of Japan will be helped by the world to finally create a new Imperial Japan

Either way, nukes cannot kill all 120 million Japanese, the surviving ones will make sure that Han's rot in hell for the foreseeable future and perhaps Han population broken up into pieces so it is not able to commit another horrendous genocidal crime like what has just been posted and proposed here.

I am surprised to see why more sensible Chinese did not protest what Martian2 said here.

Japan has the right to Nukes like any other nations, no matter how threatening it may seem to crazy Han dudes like Martian2. There is no way it can be stopped. They have not stock piled tons of plutonium for nothing. The USA have done a tremendous disservice to Asian countries by imposing this pacifist constitution on Japan. In a way, I hold USA responsible for helping the Han against the Japanese during WW II and creating this imbalance which is affecting all of Asia today. If it was not for US interference in Asia, the scene would look very different today.

If this kind of opinion and silence from others which means tacit support is representative of Chinese opinions, then it is time that the world should be more worried about China having hundreds of nuke warheads as a "responsible nation", rather than crazy Mullah's of Iran trying to get one or two nukes.
much needed step has taken by Japan..I don't think bilaterally problem of SCS is going to be solved.all party should take seat to discuss this matter..

In a way, I hold USA responsible for helping the Han against the Japanese during WW II and creating this imbalance which is affecting all of Asia today. If it was not for US interference in Asia, the scene would look very different today.

actually nobody knows future..right???USA provided funds for Russia who turned back just after ending the WWII..actually Japan is more responsible as they surrendered to CPC when they were instructed to surrender to Kuomintang govt.thus,CPC got almost all weapons belong to Japan that was deployed in China and that changed fate of civil war of China.else,we would see a peaceful democratic China...
much needed step has taken by Japan..I don't think bilaterally problem of SCS is going to be solved.all party should take seat to discuss this matter..

actually nobody knows future..right???USA provided funds for Russia who turned back just after ending the WWII..actually Japan is more responsible as they surrendered to CPC when they were instructed to surrender to Kuomintang govt.thus,CPC got almost all weapons belong to Japan that was deployed in China and that changed fate of civil war of China.else,we would see a peaceful democratic China...

Interesting info, can you post some links for the bold part.
Japan plans ASEAN sea security summit

Japan plans to host a special summit with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations late next year to strengthen maritime security cooperation at a time when China is rapidly expanding its naval capacity in Asia, government sources said Tuesday

Japan plans ASEAN sea security summit | The Japan Times Online
LOL now the dirty Viets are looking for a new daddy to fight China for them. Both Russia and USA humiliated the Viets. The Viets don't even know how low everybody thinks of them :)

Now is the time to spray Viets with agent orange again. Viets should be deformed. It matches their national character.

So you think other countries around do not posess Thermonuclear devices including Russia.
Germany and other countries in Europe around it are comparable to its size, just like India and Russia are comparable to the size of China.
The conditions before the second world war are same as todays time except replace germany with China.
Last but not the least there are countries around China other than Russia and India who do posses Nukes unofficially. If u want to know then stop issuing warnings and throwing garbage and go to war.
LOL at indians feeling so inferior from 1962. It's time to teach a lesson again or else indians really think they become a superpower from verbal defecation and self-delusion.
LOL now the dirty Viets are looking for a new daddy to fight China for them. Both Russia and USA humiliated the Viets. The Viets don't even know how low everybody thinks of them :)

Now is the time to spray Viets with agent orange again. Viets should be deformed. It matches their national character.

LOL at indians feeling so inferior from 1962. It's time to teach a lesson again or else indians really think they become a superpower from verbal defecation and self-delusion.

National mentality of chinese is like pendulum, 1950 Mao begged Stalin to join socialist pack. 1972, Mao begged Uncle Sam to join in UN. Both Russia and USA humiliated chinese used them like black chess to balancing their relations.
LOL now the dirty Viets are looking for a new daddy to fight China for them. Both Russia and USA humiliated the Viets. The Viets don't even know how low everybody thinks of them :)

Now is the time to spray Viets with agent orange again. Viets should be deformed. It matches their national character.

LOL at indians feeling so inferior from 1962. It's time to teach a lesson again or else indians really think they become a superpower from verbal defecation and self-delusion.

LOL, now the relationship between Vietnam - United States is developing very well. Russia, India are traditional big friends of Vietnam.
The relation Vietnam-Japan closer every day.
All the relationships above are based on common interests of both sides.
Only Chinese are jumping up and down. lol chinese.
LOL, now the relationship between Vietnam - United States is developing very well. Russia, India are traditional big friends of Vietnam.
The relation Vietnam-Japan closer every day.
All the relationships above are based on common interests of both sides.
Only Chinese are jumping up and down. lol chinese.

I disagree. Not a single country has pledged to help Vietnam in military combat against China.

Also, no country has donated any military hardware to Vietnam to help your puny military.

I see a replay of Johnson Reef in 1988.

Just like back then, there is no outside military help in the current Sino-Viet standoff.
I disagree. Not a single country has pledged to help Vietnam in military combat against China.

Also, no country has donated any military hardware to Vietnam to help your puny military.

I see a replay of Johnson Reef in 1988.

Just like back then, there is no outside military help in the current Sino-Viet standoff.

You rest assured, it will change immediately if China attack invasion Vietnam.
Vietnam and Japan are very experienced to deal with China.
You rest assured, it will change immediately if China attack invasion Vietnam.
Vietnam and Japan are very experienced to deal with China.

What makes you say that?

Did anyone help you in 1979? The Soviet-Vietnam Friendship Treaty wasn't worth anything, was it?

Did anyone help you in 1988 at Johnson Reef?

History shows Vietnam stands alone against China.

No one wants to tangle with the Dragon, except for you Vietnamese idiots.
Words don't count. You have to actually send out a naval fleet with submarines and fight for your lives.

Chinese are willing to die to protect their sovereignty. Let's see whether U.S. action matches its words. Words are cheap and no one cares. Only action counts.

China has ballistic and cruise missiles that can wipe out every American base on Japan. We will see how far each country is willing to go. I'm betting China wants its territory more than the U.S. is willing to defend an island Japan stole from China in 1895.

Never underestimate the Japanese Self Defense Force. It may not be large like back in WW2 but its still formidable. The Japanese are pretty much developed their own conventional weaponry. And China's actions keeps up it could get a whole lot worse considering Japan is pretty much next to China.
What makes you say that?

Did anyone help you in 1979? The Soviet-Vietnam Friendship Treaty wasn't worth anything, was it?

Did anyone help you in 1988 at Johnson Reef?

History shows Vietnam stands alone against China.

No one wants to tangle with the Dragon, except for you Vietnamese idiots.

In 1979, the USSR helped us a lot of toys, they helped us spank China.
Today we have the help of Japan, the U.S....

Event in 1988 was just a sea piracy, not real war.


Caught Red-handed
Vietnamese troops watch over detained Chinese soldiers on Feb. 26, 1979. Seasoned by decades of guerrilla war and equipped with the latest Soviet technology, the Vietnamese proved too strong for China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), whose strategy still revolved around deploying "human waves" of ragtag soldiers, a tactic used nearly three decades before during the Korean War.

China-Vietnam Border War, 30 Years Later - Photo Essays - TIME
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