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Japan plans ASEAN sea security summit

Never underestimate the Japanese Self Defense Force. It may not be large like back in WW2 but its still formidable. The Japanese are pretty much developed their own conventional weaponry. And China's actions keeps up it could get a whole lot worse considering Japan is pretty much next to China.

Let me ask you, what is Japan's plan to defend itself against the 1,800 Chinese mobile SRBMs in the Taiwan sector that can be moved and fired at Japan?

How do the Japanese plan to stop China from wiping out all of the main Japanese military bases and supply depots with thousands of Chinese ballistic and cruise missiles?

It looks to me like Japan is out of luck.
Let me ask you, what is Japan's plan to defend itself against the 1,800 Chinese mobile SRBMs in the Taiwan sector that can be moved and fired at Japan?

How do the Japanese plan to stop China from wiping out all of the main Japanese military bases and supply depots with thousands of Chinese ballistic and cruise missiles?

It looks to me like Japan is out of luck.

you should count on conventional force that you can spare for a war with Japan,not nukes or missiles..
Interesting info, can you post some links for the bold part.


Under the terms of the Japanese unconditional surrender dictated by the United States, Japanese troops were ordered to surrender to KMT troops and not to the CPC present in some of the occupied areas.[33] In Manchuria, however, where the KMT had no forces, the Japanese surrendered to the Soviet Union. Chiang Kai-Shek ordered the Japanese troops to remain at their post to receive the Kuomintang and not surrender their arms to the communists.[33]

By the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the balance of power in China's civil war had shifted in favor of the Communists. Their main force grew to 1.2 million troops, with a Militia of 2 million. Their "Liberated Zone" contained 19 base areas, including 1/4 of the country's territory and 1/3 of its population; this included many important towns and cities. Moreover, the Soviet Union turned over all of their captured Japanese weapons and a substantial amount of their own supplies to the Communists, who received Northeastern China from the Soviets as well.[38]
In March 1946, despite repeated requests from Chiang, the Soviet Red Army under the command of general Malinovsky continued to delay pulling out of Manchuria while he secretly told the CPC forces to move in behind them, because Stalin wanted Mao to have firm control of at least the northern part of Manchuria before the complete withdrawal of the Soviets,[39] which led to full-scale war for the control of the Northeast. These favourable conditions also facilitated many changes inside the Communist leaders: the more hard-line and firmer force finally gained the upper hand and defeated the opportunists.[38]
Although General Marshall stated that he knew of no evidence that the CPC were being supplied by the Soviet Union,[40] the CPC were able to capture a large number of weapons abandoned by the Japanese, including some tanks

Chinese Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you should count on conventional force that you can spare for a war with Japan,not nukes or missiles..

I have no idea what you're trying to say.

A country fights with all of the military power at its disposal. China chooses to inflict the minimum amount of damage, because it's soft-hearted. If I were in charge, I would ensure that I inflict damage that you'll never forget (to deter this kind of anti-China b.s. in the future). However, that's more of an American way of thinking.

Anyway, a military strategist would realize that China would start with a ballistic and cruise missile bombardment. With the Japanese military bases and air defense in ruin, China takes control of the skies. With air superiority, China pounds Japan relentlessly for months. Japan will think twice before annoying China the next time.
I have no idea what you're trying to say.

A country fights with all of the military power at its disposal. China chooses to inflict the minimum amount of damage, because it's soft-hearted. If I were in charge, I would ensure that I inflict damage that you'll never forget (to deter this kind of anti-China b.s. in the future). However, that's more of an American way of thinking.

Anyway, a military strategist would realize that China would start with a ballistic and cruise missile bombardment. With the Japanese military bases and air defense in ruin, China takes control of the skies. With air superiority, China pounds Japan relentlessly for months. Japan will think twice before annoying China the next time.

That is an improvement, now we are talking about conventional attack, not killing 40 million with nukes, congratulations.

We should be thankful for the soft-heart of the Chinese.

Joking and sarcasm aside, one cannot ignore "moral high ground" for international legitimacy and leadership in world arena. 65 year old use of nukes by USA is no excuse to repeat it unless a nations very existence is under imminent threat.
Japan plans ASEAN sea security summit

Japan plans to host a special summit with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations late next year to strengthen maritime security cooperation at a time when China is rapidly expanding its naval capacity in Asia, government sources said Tuesday

Japan plans ASEAN sea security summit | The Japan Times Online

keep smoking your grass! japan will be busy for another musical chair election in coming months!
I have no idea what you're trying to say.

A country fights with all of the military power at its disposal. China chooses to inflict the minimum amount of damage, because it's soft-hearted. If I were in charge, I would ensure that I inflict damage that you'll never forget (to deter this kind of anti-China b.s. in the future). However, that's more of an American way of thinking.

Anyway, a military strategist would realize that China would start with a ballistic and cruise missile bombardment. With the Japanese military bases and air defense in ruin, China takes control of the skies. With air superiority, China pounds Japan relentlessly for months. Japan will think twice before annoying China the next time.

Have you forgotten US soldiers and equipment in Japan ?. Are you sure you want to pop ballistic missiles into Japan

Be ready to receive a whooping you will never forget and after that you might sign over the control of SCS to Japan..Who knows?
Let me ask you, what is Japan's plan to defend itself against the 1,800 Chinese mobile SRBMs in the Taiwan sector that can be moved and fired at Japan?

How do the Japanese plan to stop China from wiping out all of the main Japanese military bases and supply depots with thousands of Chinese ballistic and cruise missiles?

It looks to me like Japan is out of luck.

Japan is officially under US nuclear umbrella,meaning a nuke attack means automatic and nuclear retaliation by the us nuke arsenal.Second japan's fall would mean collapse of usa's position in the pacific so don't get wet.Thirdly a land invasion would be suicide,given japan's population and japan's navy which alone can deal with the chinese navy.
Third japan is also part of ballistic missile defense and possese aeigis cruisers.Once u start firing missiles they will rain on u too.In the end it will be end of china at the expense of japan so why get all high on ur heels.In this age territory is not exchanged by war,thats the old age concept.
Have you forgotten US soldiers and equipment in Japan ?. Are you sure you want to pop ballistic missiles into Japan

Be ready to receive a whooping you will never forget and after that you might sign over the control of SCS to Japan..Who knows?

Who asked the U.S. to put their troops in harms way? If Japan wants a war, China will oblige. The U.S. can either get out of the way or risk being shot in the crossfire. It's the Pentagon's choice.

Japan is officially under US nuclear umbrella,meaning a nuke attack means automatic and nuclear retaliation by the us nuke arsenal.Second japan's fall would mean collapse of usa's position in the pacific so don't get wet.Thirdly a land invasion would be suicide,given japan's population and japan's navy which alone can deal with the chinese navy.
Third japan is also part of ballistic missile defense and possese aeigis cruisers.Once u start firing missiles they will rain on u too.In the end it will be end of china at the expense of japan so why get all high on ur heels.In this age territory is not exchanged by war,thats the old age concept.

That's called an untested theory. China has plenty of ICBMs to fry the U.S.

Many military strategists believe it is an empty threat. The U.S. will not risk its cities for a bunch of Japanese. I happen to agree. It's called self-interest.

The President of the United States pledged to defend the AMERICAN people. Not the Japanese people. That's a crucial distinction.

That is an improvement, now we are talking about conventional attack, not killing 40 million with nukes, congratulations.

We should be thankful for the soft-heart of the Chinese.

Joking and sarcasm aside, one cannot ignore "moral high ground" for international legitimacy and leadership in world arena. 65 year old use of nukes by USA is no excuse to repeat it unless a nations very existence is under imminent threat.

You and I learned different lessons from the U.S. nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I learned nuclear weapons are the most efficient way to end wars with the least casualties for your countrymen.

In contrast, you learned some sort of abstract peacenik theology.
Words don't count. You have to actually send out a naval fleet with submarines and fight for your lives.

Chinese are willing to die to protect their sovereignty. Let's see whether U.S. action matches its words. Words are cheap and no one cares. Only action counts.

China has ballistic and cruise missiles that can wipe out every American base on Japan. We will see how far each country is willing to go. I'm betting China wants its territory more than the U.S. is willing to defend an island Japan stole from China in 1895.

Correct Brother! It is the best time for our cross strait joint forces to take a good revenge on the japanese ( and its accidental allies )!

Who asked the U.S. to put their troops in harms way? If Japan wants a war, China will oblige. The U.S. can either get out of the way or risk being shot in the crossfire. It's the Pentagon's choice.

Dude US can destroy any country in this world except maybe Russia. I dont have to say this if you are intelligent.

Attacking Japan is a trap set by US and china will be walking into this. If you bombard japan, even Russia will not come to your Aid, because Japan does not have nuke and by policy, Japan defends only.
Dude US can destroy any country in this world except maybe Russia. I dont have to say this if you are intelligent.

Attacking Japan is a trap set by US and china will be walking into this. If you bombard japan, even Russia will not come to your Aid, because Japan does not have nuke and by policy, Japan defends only.

Your brain is lodged in the 1970s. China has plenty of thermonuclear ICBMs today.

China could care less about U.S. nuclear weapons. I doubt rich Americans are willing to trade their country in a MAD (mutually assured destruction) exchange with China. Only dumb Indians believe that.
Your brain is lodged in the 1970s. China has plenty of thermonuclear ICBMs today.

China could care less about U.S. nuclear weapons. I doubt rich Americans are willing to trade their country in a MAD (mutually assured destruction) exchange with China. Only dumb Indians believe that.

Happy to see you dont care..why would you care? You are in US, where you will be protected. But what about ordinary chinese in Shanghai, hong kong etc ?. What have they done to deserve radiation ?

I know your ego wont allow you to calculate chinese casualities. Hope your Govt can.
I have no idea what you're trying to say.

A country fights with all of the military power at its disposal. China chooses to inflict the minimum amount of damage, because it's soft-hearted. If I were in charge, I would ensure that I inflict damage that you'll never forget (to deter this kind of anti-China b.s. in the future). However, that's more of an American way of thinking.

Anyway, a military strategist would realize that China would start with a ballistic and cruise missile bombardment. With the Japanese military bases and air defense in ruin, China takes control of the skies. With air superiority, China pounds Japan relentlessly for months. Japan will think twice before annoying China the next time.

thats where you are wrong.no country fights with all his power in disposal.what they deploy is just more than sufficient.if a China-Japan war break out,China will deploy few frigates/destroyer/subs and most of its assets will be stored somewhere safely.and if China will throw a single missile,USA will come into play as Japan is under USA's security umbrella.hope you understand this logic.exposing assets too soon or too many in this age is making suicide,as it may cost you to loose them.you may know that few harpoon is enough to disable/sink an entire battle group and its still very hard to intercept them.that means few aircraft can take care of entire battle group.
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