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Japan may boost immigrant numbers

On a personal level, I'm packing my bags.

But in all seriousness, I would say that this is a mistake on Japan's part, because multi-culturalism kills societies. Accept the culture, learn the language, bring wealth, contribute skills. That should be the order of priority.

Unfortunately, I am not hopeful, as there are virtually no examples of long-term success in this area .

I usually like your posts but you got me surprised as hell there buddy. Are you sure what you are saying is true factually? Personal bias is fine btw, just as long as the information being presented is factually accurate.....Immigration produces visionaries like Steve Jobs, a better economy, a LOT of investments due to people's relatives living here (In TX and FL for example, rich people from Mexico, Brazil, Columbia buy homes on cash as they have relatives manage their properties and they come and go for vacations, etc, just as one example. I read somewhere post 9/11 that the Middle Easterners had invested back then, over 600 BILLION in our stock market and majority of them have legal immigration status to come and go).

So I am not sure how you statement is right. Yes, I am aware of issues with the Mexican population and crimes and drugs, etc. But that's really not immigration. That's people coming over illegally......
I usually like your posts but you got me surprised as hell there buddy. Are you sure what you are saying is true factually? Personal bias is fine btw, just as long as the information being presented is factually accurate.....Immigration produces visionaries like Steve Jobs, a better economy, a LOT of investments due to people's relatives living here (In TX and FL for example, rich people from Mexico, Brazil, Columbia buy homes on cash as they have relatives manage their properties and they come and go for vacations, etc, just as one example. I read somewhere post 9/11 that the Middle Easterners had invested back then, over 600 BILLION in our stock market and majority of them have legal immigration status to come and go).

So I am not sure how you statement is right. Yes, I am aware of issues with the Mexican population and crimes and drugs, etc. But that's really not immigration. That's people coming over illegally......

He's not talking about immigration, but multiculturalism.

Which means immigrants not assimilating into the host culture.
He's not talking about immigration, but multiculturalism.

Which means immigrants not assimilating into the host culture.

I got it and multiculturalism is due to immigration. Otherwise the North American continent would only have all American Indians living there today. Immigration from Europe and then other parts of the world made it multiculturalism for all intensive purposes
I got it and multiculturalism is due to immigration. Otherwise the North American continent would only have all American Indians living there today. Immigration from Europe and then other parts of the world made it multiculturalism for all intensive purposes

What he is talking about is not about immigration, but rather assimilation vs multiculturalism.

The USA was not founded by Native Americans, it was founded by European descendants, along with smaller numbers of minorities. Together, they ended up forming something called "modern American culture".

Now the question is, should new immigrants and new American citizens adapt and become "American", or should they retain loyalty to their home countries?

Different governments have different approaches to this.

European governments tend to favor "multiculturalism", whereas America has historically favored the "melting pot" idea of assimilation, in which immigrants of various ethnic backgrounds would eventually assimilate and become American in terms of identity, culture and loyalty.

Look at Gary Locke for instance (American diplomat of ethnic Chinese descent), in terms of identity and culture he is 100% American. He doesn't consider himself Chinese, I don't consider him Chinese. He considers himself an American, and that's what he is.
What he is talking about is not about immigration, but rather assimilation vs multiculturalism.

The USA was not founded by Native Americans, it was founded by European descendants, along with smaller numbers of minorities. Together, they ended up forming something called "modern American culture".

Now the question is, should new immigrants and new American citizens adapt and become "American", or should they retain loyalty to their home countries?.

You don't have to teach me this stuff, not sure if you've seen my flags......I know the American history very well, it is my country. His point was both, multiculturalism and to a lesser degree assimilation. I didn't say anything about the modern USA. I referred to the North American continent. Next, immigration is what brought others out here and FORMED the multiculturalism, otherwise you'd just have the natives live here till date. In today's world, its our nation's multiculturalism that's keeping us ahead of others, and yes, it has some issues too. But for the better part, it is keeping us ahead with others in everything, be it sports, technology, military, business, etc, etc.
You don't have to teach me this stuff, not sure if you've seen my flags......I know the American history very well, it is my country. His point was both, multiculturalism and to a lesser degree assimilation. I didn't say anything about the modern USA. I referred to the North American continent. Next, immigration is what brought others out here and FORMED the multiculturalism, otherwise you'd just have the natives live here till date. In today's world, its our nation's multiculturalism that's keeping us ahead of others, and yes, it has some issues too. But for the better part, it is keeping us ahead with others in everything, be it sports, technology, military, business, etc, etc.

Have you heard of America being a "melting pot"? This idea is one of assimilation, which is directly opposed to multiculturalism.

Melting pot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture.

It is particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants to the United States.

This is assimilation, the opposite of European multiculturalism.

The idea is for many different ethnicities/cultures to "Melt together" into one single common culture.

This is a very American view, as put forth by @LeveragedBuyout. Multiculturalism is more of a European concept, and is the exact opposite of a "melting pot".
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I got it and multiculturalism is due to immigration. Otherwise the North American continent would only have all American Indians living there today. Immigration from Europe and then other parts of the world made it multiculturalism for all intensive purposes

I think what is critical for successful immigration is the immigrants' integration into the host society.

They have to integrate and assimilate.

@Nihonjin1051 What is the reason for Japan's low birth rate? It is one of the lowest in Asia.

I suppose Japan is plagued with the same situation happening in the most developed nations in the world. Too much work , too much emphasis on professionalism and not enough time for making babies. Japanese women now are very professional-oriented. Its very rare to find a Japanese woman who wants to stay home and be a housewife.
@Nihonjin1051 What is the reason for Japan's low birth rate? It is one of the lowest in Asia.

Japanese career women face strong pressure to quit their job as Japanese culture demands > 50 hrs / week.
Child care is very expensive and husbands spend less time with taking care of their kids and house chores. Thus women prefer to stay single or just have a relationship.

High number of couples are not settling down so the number of marriages has plummeted and with it the birthrate.

Salaries has stagnated since the 90's and house price skyrocketed and with only the guy earning the salary. Lifestyle would have to suffer if a guy wants to raise a family, pay off mortgage.

Many young males resort to hentai, anime girlfriends, leading a celibate life.

Even importing immigrants won't solve Japanese birthrate problem if you ask me. Problem lies in the workaholic culture, stagnated salaries, expensive house prices.
I think what is critical for successful immigration is the immigrants' integration into the host society.

They have to integrate and assimilate.

I suppose Japan is plagued with the same situation happening in the most developed nations in the world. Too much work , too much emphasis on professionalism and not enough time for making babies. Japanese women now are very professional-oriented. Its very rare to find a Japanese woman who wants to stay home and be a housewife.
I think what is critical for successful immigration is the immigrants' integration into the host society.

They have to integrate and assimilate.

I suppose Japan is plagued with the same situation happening in the most developed nations in the world. Too much work , too much emphasis on professionalism and not enough time for making babies. Japanese women now are very professional-oriented. Its very rare to find a Japanese woman who wants to stay home and be a housewife.

The minimum replacement level is 2.1 children on the national average. So the Japanese should have at least 2 children per couple. Otherwise they are heading towards a slow suicide of their nation. Russia under Putin has managed to improve the national fertility rate by giving incentive($10,000) to couples having a second child and putting some restrictions on abortion. Israel is a modern western country with an impressive fertility rate. Wonder what they are doing.
Give us Indians a chance and see, we will fill the population gap in less than 4-5 years.

On serious note, the best way to increase immigrants in good number and in healthy way is to increase foreign students visa. That way you could get educated folks, who are not yet married, easy to adjust to foreign culture. Give some incentives and work permits and you could get some good graduate students from China, India.
And the important advantage from these two countries is people (students) from these countries try to live their own lives instead of demanding any thing or try to change any thing.
Indians have a reputation of breeding like rabbits, but even i doubt they will produce many kids in an environment like Japan where everything is extremely expensive, loads of work pressure (high suicide rate). Even Japanese women don't want to have marriage/kids for the sake of keeping their freedom/jobs
Indians have a reputation of breeding like rabbits, but even i doubt they will produce many kids in an environment like Japan where everything is extremely expensive, loads of work pressure (high suicide rate). Even Japanese women don't want to have marriage/kids for the sake of keeping their freedom/jobs
Actually you are wrong. Current trend (from last 20 years) in India is having two kids. Middle and upper class Indians have one or two kids. India should be grateful to couples who got married from 1990s. For some good reason or due to increase in awarness most of them had only two kids. All my friends and classmates even neighbors (born in 1990s) have one or no siblings. Even the little high birth rate is from lower class and minority sections (not blaming them though). I have lot of friends and relatives here in USA and I am yet to come across a NRI (non resident Indian) who have more than two kids.

Dont know about the expenses and work pressure but Indian family culture and women (really good in handling pressure) makes it easy to raise a family.
Actually you are wrong. Current trend (from last 20 years) in India is having two kids. Middle and upper class Indians have one or two kids. India should be grateful to couples who got married from 1990s. For some good reason or due to increase in awarness most of them had only two kids. All my friends and classmates even neighbors (born in 1990s) have one or no siblings. Even the little high birth rate is from lower class and minority sections (not blaming them though). I have lot of friends and relatives here in USA and I am yet to come across a NRI (non resident Indian) who have more than two kids.

Dont know about the expenses and work pressure but Indian family culture and women (really good in handling pressure) makes it easy to raise a family.
you comparing indian middle class in india compare to japanese middle class? There is no comparison.
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