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Japan has enough plutonium to build 1,000 nuclear bombs: report


Aug 19, 2013
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Want China Times ^ | 2013-12-31
Posted on 1/1/2014 1:20:31 AM by sukhoi-30mki

The real reason why Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, refuses to abandon nuclear power is because he wants to develop a nuclear weapons program, claims the Hong Kong-based Wen Wei Po, citing Koide Hiroaki, an assistant professor at the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute.

There have been strong calls for Tokyo to reconsider its position on nuclear energy after the Fukushima nuclear incident in March 2011, when the Fukushima Daiichi plant north of Tokyo was hit by an earthquake and tsunami, triggering the world's worst nuclear incident since Chernobyl.

Despite the risks, Hiroaki said that Tokyo is determined to develop a nuclear bomb. As Japan is not allowed to legally import weapons-grade plutonium, he says it is able to extract the plutonium it needs from the nuclear waste from the country's power plants.

US analysts estimate that Japan currently has enough plutonium to build at least 1,000 nuclear bombs. Under its constitution Japan is not allowed to own any weapon with offensive capabilities including the nuclear bomb. However, a growing number of Japanese politicians have begun to call for the abolition of the nation's Three Non-Nuclear Principles as tension between Japan and China over the disputed East China Sea escalates.

The Three Non-Nuclear Principles were outlined by former Japanese prime minister Eisaku Sato in a speech to the House of Representatives in 1967. Under the principles, Japan shall neither possess nor manufacture nuclear weapons, nor shall it permit their introduction into Japanese territory.

The principles have guided Japan's nuclear policy since their inception. However, in order to win right-wing support Abe continues to push ahead and reactive nuclear power plants in Japan despite protest from home and abroad, Wen Wei Po said, adding that this is a very dangerous move for Japan since it will only bring instability to the Asia-Pacific region.

Japan has enough plutonium to build 1,000 nuclear bombs: report
What more do you expect from a Chinese news agency...
they will always write such Article, whether it be Japan , India or US.. :agree::agree::agree:
what a great country japan is to have those principles in its constitution...
Nuclear weapons are bad. Any leakage or misadventure is risk of thousands of life. We should disable all nuclear weapon. Use conventional weapon only. Future of world is very dark. U.N should put sanction on all nuclear countries.
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Why bother, a tiny country like Japan just need to build one big one to commit suicide.
I doubt japan will go for nuclear weapons in the near future as the scars from Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still there. Its more reasonable to say that japan may remove the constitution that prevent them from having an armed forces(by name)
Sadly, if Japan decides to build a Nuclear Bomb, I am going to miss all the Japanese Porns.
Sadly, if Japan decides to build a Nuclear Bomb, I am going to miss all the Japanese Porns.
All those money that would be used for making Japanese AV will be wasted for Japan's "nuclear arsenal." :( :cry: :undecided:
Japanese didn't learn something from WWII "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" ?

Even Japan own 10,000 nuclear bombs, their cities at the island can not survive by 10x nuke attacks.
Nuclear weapons are bad. Any leakage or misadventure is risk of thousands of life. We should disable all nuclear weapon. Use conventional weapon only. Future of world is very dark. U.N should put sanction on all nuclear countries.

Ha! Ha! The UN can't sanction anyone without the agreement of those very same nuclear countries. Come on, Peaceful Civilian, Sir, please have at least some semblance of common sense!!!!!
That is called news. Now Chinese will feel the same like India felt all this while. Two nuclear adversaries as ur neighbours!
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