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Is Japan secretly developing a nuclear weapons program?

IF China legally use nuclear weapon ; China is doing exercises to attack Japan.
I think it's fair for Japan to have their own nuke ...
Japan has the right to develop nuclear weapons and share the nukes with Vietnam.
Nobody knows when the Chinese run mad again.
Come on its N. Korea, you can give a nuke to the Federation of Antarctic Penguins and the BoP wouldnt change. Japan is a different case. They already got a 21st century military, well trained and equipped. Tech advantaged etc.

S. Korea would have retaliated to the war of attrition conducted by Kimy. It would have escalated, greater powers would intervene, and Kimy would have figured out that his poking would only piss the S. Koreans off anymore.

I think its this year that the S. Korean Military would be under S. Korean control since the Korean War.

if those Penguins have the will to use those nuke, damn right the Bop will change massively. i wouldn't mess with penguins that WILL use nuclear weapon on you. Nuukes however wouldnt help japan, no one wants to invade the japanese home islands, which is basically the only case when those nukes are useful. all potential conflicts are disputes over islands(with korea, china, russia) and even in the extremely remote situation where they are in fact invades, theres always the american nuclear umbrella.

S. K could retaliate, but how far can they take it. they cant actually invade so its most likely, cyber, or simply returning fire. but as we all know, SK is much more wired than NK and its infrastructure is worth a lot more. so a never ending low to medium exchange of fire is not favorable to SK as SK would lose more in terms of wealth, and receive more damage from cyber attacks than NK.
good work japan....
do..it...wish you all the success in your nuke quest.......:cheers:
Not sure what would happen but it is a weird situation now where the US has a base at the entrance of Tokyo Bay with an aircraft carrier. I'm sure the Japanese still feel "occupied" when they see the US Navy driving around. However even at their economic height they seemed to only have an issue with the Okimawa bases.
Well we will need your help to babysit Japan for us because right now they are causing a lot of troubles for us.
That's like an elephant worrying about a mouse.
Yes but this is not a regular mouse. It's a mouse with spreading disease that can harm even a whale, let alone an elephant.
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