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Japan eases fuel rules for India nuclear deal

I am really not sure about the confidence behind such assertion, you made. Japan's geo-strategic necessities, unlike China does not rely on Pakistan, least to say its economy or military affairs. Kindly understand few simple facts. Japan (especially the left wingers) has maintained a strict record over its commitment regarding non-proliferation. But what makes her alter such position is its own geo-political requirements and at a same time, combined with India's urgency to find more powerful friends in the region.

The Chinese policy regarding India has so far been intensely Pakistan oriented and their military strategic cooperation started in 1965, some fifty years from now, not after this N-deal between India and Japan. The recent Chinese stand off regarding Lakhvi again sent some signals of worry in India. So, I am not really sure what makes you think India and Japan should not form an ally to maintain a balance in the region.

I dont know what leverage this guy talking against Japanese.
No more nuclear warheads will be inducted. Still India refusing to confirm is the matter of principal rather than practicalities. India doesn't want any condition's imposed as befits the nation of it's aspirational stature.

Nuclear warheads is only there as deterrent or as a second strike options as we have No First Used Policy. Some countries like Pakistan and Russia factor nuclear warheads in their tactical doctrine as a supplement to their conventional forces as they know they can't conventionally match their opponents like India & NATO respectively.

As far as current alignments go, India on paper can defend itself in a conventional war in likely conflicts hence no need for increasing no of warheads. This also the primary reason why there is widespread support from U.K., Japan, Australia, USA and Russia for providing nuclear tech and fuel to India with minimum restrictions.

Precisely said, I was reviewing this article and both the Japanese and Indian sides maintained their principles in this compromised deal by either insisting their side or at least made the other side know of their respective positions as principle dictates it.

Be that as it may, please know how delighted I am to see this compromise. It should be a welcome sign for our Indian Friends and Partners of Japan's resolve to work with all our partners in energy security.

I should say that not only India, but also our dear friends in Turkey!
@Spectre @macnurv @scorpionx @AUSTERLITZ @levina @nair @jamahir @Bussard Ramjet @Skull and Bones @Echo_419 @Water Car Engineer et al ! :cheers:

Japan has given in to India’s demand that it be allowed to reprocess spent nuclear fuel from Japanese-made reactors, negotiation sources said, marking a major shift in Japan’s stance against proliferation.

India, a nuclear power that conducted its first weapons test in 1974 using reprocessed plutonium, has not joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Japan has been seeking measures to guarantee India will not divert extracted plutonium — which could be used to build nuclear weapons — for military use, but no agreement has been reached on the issue, the sources said Thursday.

This is the first time Tokyo has allowed a country using Japanese reactors to conduct fuel reprocessing. Since the Fukushima meltdowns in 2011, Japan has concluded nuclear equipment supply agreements with six countries, including Jordan, Russia, Turkey and Vietnam. But not one had been allowed to reprocess spent fuel generated by the reactors.

As a condition for allowing reprocessing, Japan has suggested throughout the bilateral negotiations, which began in 2010, that India submit an annual report detailing the amount of plutonium generated through reprocessing and where it is stored.

But India rejected the proposal, saying it already has a safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency that subjects it to inspection by the nuclear watchdog, the sources said.

Some Japanese officials had been cautious about approving reprocessing, but Tokyo is now set to agree because its ally the United States has already done so, they said.

The U.S. recently reached a broad nuclear deal with India on condition that India submit certain information regarding extracted plutonium.

Japan eases fuel rules for India nuclear deal | The Japan Times
I think it's difficult for nations to wise-up even after digesting massive amount of nuclear radiation by being bombed - they still thirst for more........ more they will get..........Does Japan seriously think that China and Pakistan will sit idly while India processes more plutonium from Japanese reactors for it's arsenal? Japan just became an official enemy state........... excellent, more wholehearted support for China in all it's future SCS endeavors....... and by the way, it should get ready for some "nuclear terrorism" too..... shit happens........


Your post comes off a bit hostile, and perhaps you may not understand that Japan has vested interests in all of South Asia. Our vested interest and investments in this region of the world just this year will reach close to $50 Billion. Pakistan is included in this entente with South Asia.

I cannot for the life of me understand your message. You make it seem as if Pakistan, a long time friend and partner of Japan's is our enemy, or you make it seem that Japan is a threat to Pakistan when that is simply unfounded.

Japan is not only helping India's quest for nuclear energy , but also Turkey. In fact we have concluded a $20 Billion nuclear project with Turkey just this week.

Again, I don't understand your provocative statement.

Yes, I know it doesn't, however, we are a nasty nation, trust you me, we will find a way that Japan feels the pain. Patience is a virtue we understand too well.

And what would that be?
Any cooperation with Japan in NPP department is welcome. Thank You Japan..

Much of this was secured in PM Modi's last visit to Japan. Encouraged with India's recent proposal to address investment hurdles in the country for Japanese businesses looking to expand in India, both sides reached a compromise. This is an example of the growing maturity of Delhi and Tokyo's intergovernmental mechanisms....

It is a landmark shift in Japanese nuclear policy, but from the article it seems that no further guarantees were seek from Delhi to ensure that the material wont be diverted towards the nuclear weapons program. Under Abe, Japanese policy is taking a shift more towards a confrontational stance, and lets us not forget that China must been on the minds of Japanese, as it seems they are not very sure about the deal themselves.

And lets not forget India's growing need for power production as a growing economy.

As per Foreign Policy, officially we call it "Proactive Contribution to Peace".

This decision is proof of Japan's "Look South" Policy and the paradigm of greater involvement with South Asia.

Japan is soon to develop Bangladesh's Matarbari Deep Seaport, and at the same time to finance the Dawei Port Project with Myanmar. In addition Japan is financing Sri Lanka's Columbo-Kandy Expressway Project, as well as numerous prokects in India and Pakistan.

The 21at century is South Asia's time as I believe this region of the world which has lay undeveloped for quite some time will be the Engines of growth for the region and the world.

The economic performance indicators in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka is a great predictor for regional growth potential. :)
Japan is soon to develop Bangladesh's Matarbari Deep Seaport, and at the same time to finance the Dawei Port Project with Myanmar. In addition Japan is financing Sri Lanka's Columbo-Kandy Expressway Project, as well as numerous prokects in India and Pakistan.

The 21at century is South Asia's time as I believe this region of the world which has lay undeveloped for quite some time will be the Engines of growth for the region and the world.

The economic performance indicators in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka is a great predictor for regional growth potential. :)

Hmm.. Interesting..

There were talks of involving Japanese companies in strategic Road networks in N.E. India.
Hmm.. Interesting..

There were talks of involving Japanese companies in strategic Road networks in N.E. India.

Personally speaking I think it is wise for Japan to stay clear of projects in NE India as it might be interpreted wrongly by our mutual friends in Beijing. Japan ca provide assistance in funding infrastructure projects such as water and sanitation to providing specialist advisors , but direct role should be evaded at all cost.

That's my personal view.
Well, try to understand this......... with this 'easing' of fuel export regulations, you are, if not more, freeing up India's fissile material stockpile to make more nuclear weapons, which won't be used to make 'nuclear curry', but in fact will be aimed squarely at Pakistan and China....

This is a very calculated move on part of Japan to do Uncle Sam's bidding, let's not play a game of words here and call it what it is........... and my response was very calculated, and I'm sure, so will Pakistan's response, overt and covert one.......

We live in a highly polarized and volatile world, as Japan has hedged it's bets, then she should also be ready to take the slack for it as well. All is not honky dory in Tokyo anymore, and Japans credentials of a pacifist state just took a huge hit....


Your post comes off a bit hostile, and perhaps you may not understand that Japan has vested interests in all of South Asia. Our vested interest and investments in this region of the world just this year will reach close to $50 Billion. Pakistan is included in this entente with South Asia.

I cannot for the life of me understand your message. You make it seem as if Pakistan, a long time friend and partner of Japan's is our enemy, or you make it seem that Japan is a threat to Pakistan when that is simply unfounded.

Japan is not only helping India's quest for nuclear energy , but also Turkey. In fact we have concluded a $20 Billion nuclear project with Turkey just this week.

Again, I don't understand your provocative statement.

And what would that be?
Personally speaking I think it is wise for Japan to stay clear of projects in NE India as it might be interpreted wrongly by our mutual friends in Beijing. Japan ca provide assistance in funding infrastructure projects such as water and sanitation to providing specialist advisors , but direct role should be evaded at all cost.

That's my personal view.

An interesting view and a pragmatic one. There are benefits to Japan being involved in N.E., I had a long discussion regarding this with my Japanese Friends in Embassy and majority of them were in support of it.

Suffice to say, It would be a symbolic move which is being saved as diplomatic currency for future. Quite useful to annoy Chinese I must say.

As of now there is no need for escalation but let's see how the Abe visit to China in September goes.

It's a hot topic :)

Well, try to understand this......... with this 'easing' of fuel export regulations, you are, if not more, freeing up India's fissile material stockpile to make more nuclear weapons, which won't be used to make 'nuclear curry', but in fact will be aimed squarely at Pakistan and China....

This is a very calculated move on part of Japan to do Uncle Sam's bidding, let's not play a game of words here and call it what it is........... and my response was very calculated, and I'm sure, so will Pakistan's response, overt and covert one.......

We live in a highly polarized and volatile world, as Japan has hedged it's bets, then she should also be ready to take the slack for it as well. All is not honky dory in Tokyo anymore, and Japans credentials of a pacifist state just took a huge hit....

Simple question

India has estimated 100+ warheads which are sufficient as deterrent for Pakistan. In case of China more than our warheads US - NATO and Russia both would be deterrent. Again calling it as it is.

Any attack by China on India will involve US and Japan. Russia may be will help or may be not but they won't support China.

So why spend money and resources making expensive warheads when for practical purposes they are sufficient as things stand?

Do you think China will risk devastation to it's economy and country on behalf of Pakistan in case things turn nuclear? Past experiences say no, China will always put it's own interests first.
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Well, try to understand this......... with this 'easing' of fuel export regulations, you are, if not more, freeing up India's fissile material stockpile to make more nuclear weapons, which won't be used to make 'nuclear curry', but in fact will be aimed squarely at Pakistan and China....

This is a very calculated move on part of Japan to do Uncle Sam's bidding, let's not play a game of words here and call it what it is........... and my response was very calculated, and I'm sure, so will Pakistan's response, overt and covert one.......

We live in a highly polarized and volatile world, as Japan has hedged it's bets, then she should also be ready to take the slack for it as well. All is not honky dory in Tokyo anymore, and Japans credentials of a pacifist state just took a huge hit....


Maybe Pakistan should start by returning Japanese aid and not take anymore.

Oh please..... what has 100+ weapons got to do with "adequate" or "enough"? Threat perception is an open ended equation and the working space and clout that 1000 deliverable weapons gives, is something that India oh-so-much desires.... you very well know that, this is precisely the situation that needs to be avoided......

You want more spent-fuel for your growing 'power hungry' population? Ratify FMCT and enter into NPT! Why not do that - after all Japan traded the WHOLE of Okinawa for it? Don't give me absolute rubbish like, the Indian population will not like it's sovereignty being traded for accounting of it's fissile material - it's a defunct logic for 2 year olds.........

Simple question
Oh please..... what has 100+ weapons got to do with "adequate" or "enough"? Threat perception is an open ended equation and the working space and clout that 1000 deliverable weapons gives, is something that India oh-so-much desires.... you very well know that, this is precisely the situation that needs to be avoided......

You want more spent-fuel for your growing 'power hungry' population? Ratify FMCT and enter into NPT! Why not do that - after all Japan traded the WHOLE of Okinawa for it? Don't give me absolute rubbish like, the Indian population will not like it's sovereignty being traded for accounting of it's fissile material - it's a defunct logic for 2 year olds.........

Please, I expected a better response from you.

Threat perceptions are guided by ground realities. US and Russia had 1000s of warheads because that was the deterrent needed at that time. Their numbers were complimentary to each other.

How many warheads does China has - Total 250, 180 active ones. Now by your logic China should have 1000s too and it certainly has the capability to produce the numbers.

Nuclear Weapons: Who Has What at a Glance | Arms Control Association

But No the reality is that is not needed and China being pragmatic hasn't gone for a larger number.

What India desires is something I being an India can comment on better and that is sufficient deterrent.

-Thanks and Regards
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