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Japan Defence Forum

Many more JGSDF pics;




That smile is awesome




@SvenSvensonov , have you heard the news that the JMSDF is now officially resurrecting the Rikusentai? It was once known as the Kaigun Rikusentai, or the Imperial Naval Landing Force. The modern-age version Rikusentai is now being trained by US Marine Corp as well as US Navy Seals. What is to be, an initial size of 3000, will be eventually be expanded to 6 Brigades Strong, or about 2 Divisions Strong.

Kaigun Rikusentai, 1942, during the invasion of Java





JMSDF Tokubetsu Rikusentai, 2014




WHO told you I don't have more pics of the JGSDF?





31st MEU with JGSDF



@SvenSvensonov , have you heard the news that the JMSDF is now officially resurrecting the Rikusentai? It was once known as the Kaigun Rikusentai, or the Imperial Naval Landing Force. The modern-age version Rikusentai is now being trained by US Marine Corp as well as US Navy Seals. What is to be, an initial size of 3000, will be eventually be expanded to 6 Brigades Strong, or about 2 Divisions Strong.

Sure have and to commemorate such, I have been posting a few pics (a few pages back now).
Sure have and to commemorate such, I have been posting a few pics (a few pages back now).

This is awesome pictures, buddy. I'm glad and so thankful that US Navy Seals / US Marine Corp will be helping JMSDF to train and create the Tokubetsu Rikusentai. Imagine, buddy, the last time Rikusentai saw action was in 1945. Now, It will be ALIVE again. It shall unfurl the Colours of the JMSDF.... ;)
Operation Orient Shield 2014 Begins!




 米軍と自衛隊が北海道で行う12日間に及ぶ合同軍事演習『オリエントシールド2014(Operation Orient Shield)』では、日米約2000人が参加。米陸軍は軍事用攻撃型ヘリ「アパッチ」や装甲車を北海道に送り込んだ。



 上智大学のティナ・バレット准教授は、「安倍首相は、ロシア制裁というアメリカの方針から逸脱するリスクを冒すことはできない」と指摘する。「中国との 領土問題での高まる対立を解消するため、また、TPPの話し合いを進めるためにも、オバマ政権の好意が必要なのだ」(ブルームバーグ)

 日本は、ウクライナへのロシア軍侵入に関して、アメリカ・G7が支持する制裁に加担している。しかし、これはロシアからの反発を招き、軍事的緊張 が高まった。ロシアの航空機が日本近海に頻繁に近づき、6月までの3ヶ月間で、自衛隊の戦闘機が数百回出動するという事態が生じている。



 しかし、一方でアメリカ側からもこの努力を評価する意見もある。米海軍のロバート・トーマス第7艦隊司令官は、日本とロシアの共同軍事演習は、有 益な接触だと述べた。日本の海上自衛隊がロシア軍と連携することは、米ロが直接対話をできずにいる現状では、対話の窓口としての役割もあるのでは、として いる(ブルームバーグ)。



 エネルギー情報サイト『ICIS』では、両国間に直接のガスパイプラインが建設される可能性もあるだろうとの、日本エネルギー経済研究所 (IEE)の意見を取り上げている。IEEの田中伸男特別顧問は、「ロシアは、重要な国だ。ロシアは最近、ガスを中国に売ることを決めたが、これは日本に とっても悪いことではない。むしろ良いことだ」と述べた。「ロシアは、太平洋側に伸びる中国へのパイプラインを建設するだろう。(この計画は)日本にもガ スを供給する機会を生むものだ。あるいはこれにより、直接日本とロシアを繋ぐパイプラインを建設することにもなるかもしれない」(ICIS)

 政府は、風力、太陽光など、「エネルギーミックス」と呼ぶ政策の中で、再生化のエネルギーの割合を増やそうと動いている。同様に、石炭の利用も電 力会社から提案されている。しかし、依然として、ある一定量のエネルギーを確保するため原子力発電に頼らざるを得ないだろう。国全体の電力の30%を原子 力発電に頼っていたのだ。陸続きの隣国からエネルギーを供給できるドイツのようにはいかないだろう、とICISは結論している。

日本、米露対話の窓口に? 米海軍高官が期待…日露の合同海上訓練受け | ニュースフィア
American, Japanese forces officially begin Orient Shield 2014


Col. Louis Zeisman, commander, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., and Col. Hiroshi Ishida, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, 11th Infantry Regiment, 7th Division, Northern Army chief of staff...


The 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., and Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces, 11th Infantry Regiment, 7th Division, Northern Army members, participate in opening ceremonies for Orient Shied 14...


An U.S. Army Soldier from 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash. and a Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, 11th Infantry Regiment, 7th Division, Northern Army member, display their respective countries...


The 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, 11th Infantry Regiment, 7th Division, Northern Army members, participate in opening ceremonies for Orient Shied 14...

CAMP HIGASHI-CHITOSE, Japan (Oct. 27, 2014) -- Approximately 800 U.S. Army and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force personnel kicked-off Orient Shield 14 during an opening ceremony here, today.

The ceremony took place in a rain-soaked field surrounded by a display of American Stryker and Japanese fighting vehicles and an array of U.S. and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, known as JGSDF, helicopters that will be used by nearly 700 Soldiers from the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, and roughly 900 JGSDF members from the 11th Infantry Regiment, 7th Division, Northern Army, during field training exercises, scheduled for Oct. 27 - Nov. 7.

The aim of Orient Shield 14 is to conduct and improve U.S. Army and JGSDF bilateral operations and improve combat planning readiness at the battalion level, while increasing company and platoon tactical level experience through the exchange of ideas, tactics, techniques and military experiences.

"I see the partnership that has already begun to form between the 7th Armored Division and the 2nd Stryker Brigade and together we will refine our interoperability and demonstrate our continued dedication to the development of both our teams," said commander Col. Louis Zeisman, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team.

"We will be better for our efforts, and even stronger friends," Zeisman exclaimed.

The exercise promotes teamwork and collaboration through a series of combined light infantry, squad-level training events that include urban assault, building clearing and medical evacuation to name a few. The exercise will culminate with troops working side-by-side in a scenario-based tactical field training exercise that includes an air assault mission.

"I expect that through units' mutual understanding and the strengthening of individual communication, by the end of this exercise Japanese and U.S. forces will experience improvements in tactics and skills, and higher interoperability," said 7th Division chief of staff, Col. Hiroshi Ishida, during his remarks.

"It is highly significant for us tactical unit's troops on the ground to improve mutual understanding, communication and interoperability during peacetime, in preparation for seamless bilateral operations," Ishida said.

The annual field training exercise is co-sponsored by U.S. Army Japan and the JGSDF. Orient Shield 14 marks the 28th iteration of the exercise, allowing the two forces to learn from each other, ultimately making real-world contingency planning more effective and efficient.

American, Japanese forces officially begin Orient Shield 2014 | Article | The United States Army

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