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Japan Defence Forum

Thanks for sharing these great pictures. Japanese Naval assets are impressive.
Once the fiercest of enemies, now the greatest of brothers.





A lesson for all. Once bitter enemies, now the best of friends, time will heal any wound. Once we killed each other, now we would put our lives to rest for the sake of our brothers. May Japan and its neighbors find the strength to forgive and press forward with friendship.
I'd like to see Japan increase their defense spending to 2-3% of GDP. A strong Japan provides stability for the region.
Some Naval History ( A US intelligence report circa 1945) for you Younglings

Japanese Naval Ground Forces

As the war draws closer to the main islands of JAPAN, enemy units are forced into new functions of home defense. Naval ground units, which played an important part in JAPAN's early victories, may assume an equally important role in the final attempt to deny beaches and approaches to troops invading the Empire.

An earlier survey of this subject ("Weekly Intelligence," Vol. I, No. 12) pointed out that in the period immediately following the MARIANAS campaigns the overseas use of Naval ground units by the enemy was decreasing. The offensive power of these troops, blunted in the GILBERTS and MARSHALLS, had been largely ended during the NEW GUINEA and MARIANAS campaigns. Many units had been destroyed. Disbandment and absorption of others apparently indicated that JAPAN intended to confine Naval troops outside the Empire to purely defensive garrison and service functions. The PHILIPPINES campaign may result in the isolation of most of the remaining garrisons.

In the Empire, however, the functions of Naval ground units remain important. The Navy bears the formal responsibility for the defense of harbors, Naval stations and the approaches to the Inland Sea. It seems likely, moreover, that reactivated and increased Naval ground troop units will cooperate with the Army in defensive fighting in almost any threatened locality.

The home reservoir for Naval ground replacements is large. Despite recent heavy ship losses there has apparently been no curtailment in JAPAN's Naval training programs. The number of personnel awaiting assignment in receiving barracks, training schools and other shore stations must therefore be rapidly increasing. It is logical to assume that much of this surplus Naval personnel will be used to organize and enlarge to combat strength such badly-needed organizations as [anti-aircraft] AA Defense Units, Guard Units and Special Naval Landing Forces [SNLF] (now assigned primarily defensive functions). In any case, unattached Naval personnel awaiting assignment are at least given temporary combatant organization and duties as a part of the enemy's defensive preparations. Large numbers of permanent personnel attached to the Empire's many Naval Stations will also presumably be given an emergency defense role.

Considerable new information on Naval ground units has appeared in official captured documents. This and other information is summarized in the three basic charts enclosed herewith, which are believed to present a more accurate view of the organization and disposition of Jap naval ground units than has hitherto been available.

Chart 1 shows the Naval chain of command as it relates to ground units in the Empire. This chart is based on a captured chart (CINCPAC-CINCPOA Item No. 13,069) which will be reproduced in full in a "Know Your Enemy" publication on the Japanese Air Force now under preparation.

(Comment: Following the original captured chart, Chart 1 places Guard Districts, Naval Districts, and Fleets on the same echelon as the Navy Ministry and Naval General Staff. This apparent illogicality is partly explained by the

original chart, which indicates that a more logical working relation may be achieved through a complex parallel structure of "delegated" and "directive" authority. Since this parallel structure has no further bearing on Naval ground troop organization, it is not reproduced in Chart 1).

Chart 2 shows the chain of command of Naval ground forces outside the Empire. This chart was not taken from any single captured document, but is a logical summary of all available reliable intelligence on the subject.

Chart 3, also drawn from many sources, summarizes existing information on the actual current disposition of major Naval ground units which are now active. Locations of SNLFs, AA Defense Units and Construction Battalions are listed separately under the respective units. The disposition of major units shown on Chart 3 will shed considerable light on the probable current projected employment of Japanese Naval ground troops.

The text following is primarily an explanation of these charts. Important units will be discussed in the order of their appearance on Charts 1 and 2. Unimportant units and units not closely related to the ground troop organization will be omitted in the text.

Units in the Empire
Of the organizations on the highest Japanese Navy echelon, only Fleets, Naval Districts and Guard Districts have ground troops under their immediate command. Supporting ground troops attached to Fleets will be discussed in the section on "Units Outside the Empire."

Naval Districts
JAPAN'S four Naval Districts - YOKOSUKA, KURE, MAIZURU and SASEBO - control many functions of the utmost importance. In addition to the first-class Navy Yards located in each, Districts have charge of all recruiting, replacements, the formation of new ground units, training schools and the defense of their areas. The most important ground units attached to Naval Districts are discussed below in the order of their appearance on Chart 1:

1. Civil Engineering Departments (SHISETSUBU)

Civil Engineering Departments are responsible for the training and replacement of technicians and laborers for all Naval ground units. Construction Battalions, the primary Naval construction units, are under the command of District CE Departments during their training periods, after which they are assigned to Fleets. Construction Departments of Base Forces and Special Base Forces receive their replacements from the CE Departments through the Base Force commands.

2. Naval Barracks (KAIHEIDAN)

Naval barracks provide quarters and training for personnel awaiting assignment. The number of permanent personnel attached to each barracks is shown in

the following table. This serves as an indication of the relative size of the barracks.

AIURA 1,589
KURE 569
OTAKE 1,589
3. Guard Units (KEIBITAI)

Guard Units in the Empire are believed to serve primarily as nuclei for the defense of the areas in which they are located. They consist primarily of AA and CD [coastal defense] artillery. However, since special-weapons units, tank units and surface craft are often attached, Guard Units are capable of offensive action. They include the following departments: 1st Lieutenant, Land Defense (this department may be organized as a Special Naval Landing Force), Sea Defense, Medical, and Supply. Assigned strengths of known Guard Units attached to Naval Districts are as follows:

KURE Guard Unit 208
MAIZURU Guard Unit 688
SASEBO Guard Unit 718
YOKOSUKA Guard Unit 812
(Note: Guard Units may be expanded in emergency, though they do not have the extreme flexibility of Defense Units).

4. Defense Units (BOBITAI)

Defense Units are located only in the Empire. Units of this type which were formerly stationed overseas have been absorbed or redesignated as Guard Units or Base Forces.

Primary weapons of Defense Units are mines and artillery. They contain no mobile troops. However, in an emergency personnel from Naval barracks and other unattached Naval personnel might serve under Defense Units as mobile troops. Organization of a typical Defense Unit is shown in the following diagram.



Defense Unit (Bobitai) Organizational Chart
Strengths of known Defense Units attached to Districts are listed below. Since these units are capable of considerable expansion, the following figures are believed to represent nuclei only.

ISE Defense Unit 163
MAIZURU Defense Unit 358
ONAGAWA Defense Unit 123
OSHIMA Defense Unit 202
SAEKI Defense Unit 479
SASEBO Defense Unit 506
YOKOSUKA Defense Unit 440
5. Naval Air Groups

A full discussion of ground personnel attached to Naval Air Groups for service and maintenance will appear in another special "Know Your Enemy" publication now under preparation.

Guard Districts
JAPAN's Guard Districts - located both within and outside the Empire, at OMINATO, OSAKA, CHINKAI, TAKAO, HAINAN - are similar to Naval Districts. They exist on the same echelon, and they include territory of similar extent. They do

not, however, include Navy Yards, barracks or training schools.

1. Civil Engineer Departments (SHISETSUBU)

Civil Engineer Departments of Guard Districts are on the same echelon as CE Departments of Naval Districts. It is believed that their training functions are similar. They do not, however, appear to have the replacement responsibilities of Naval District CE Departments in the assignment of workers to overseas construction units.

2. Guard Units and Defense Units

Guard Units and Defense Units under Guard Districts are similar in function and organization to those under Naval Districts. The assigned strengths of known Guard and Defense Units under Guard District command are as follows:

CHINKAI Guard Unit 208
TAKAO Guard Unit 294
OMINATO Guard Unit ?
CHINKAI Defense Unit 315
KII Defense Unit 249
OMINATO Defense Unit 290
PORT ARTHUR Defense Unit 136
SOYA Defense Unit ?
3. Unattached Personnel

It is believed that unattached personnel within both Naval and Guard Districts are organized on an emergency basis as District SNLFs or Land Combat Units. A sample T/O of such an organization follows:



Units Outside the Empire
Ground Units outside the Empire are attached to the Fleets in whose areas they operate. Areas under the command of the various Fleets are indicated in Chart 3. Fleet ground organizations are clearly separated into administrative and tactical units.

Administrative Units

Shore-based administrative organizations carry out many of the duties of Fleet administration. They are also assigned important maintenance and service responsibilities and, as necessary, limited tactical responsibilities in their areas.

1. Base Forces (KONKYOCHITAI)

Base Forces are subordinate to Fleets and are assigned to sub-areas for the administration of ground and surface units. Since these functions parallel those of Fleet commands, Base Forces are usually located in places where no Fleet Headquarters exist.

In addition to their administrative functions, Base Forces necessarily undertake limited tactical responsibilities. This is demonstrated by the Japanese Administrative Order establishing Base Forces, which states that these Forces are responsible for defense and communications in their areas and for the security of adjacent waters. In forward areas, these defense functions are obviously considerable. The same Order also states that Base Forces are responsible "when required" for "supply, construction and repair, and medical aid in behalf of the Fleet."

The organization of units composing Base Forces (see Chart 2) is obviously determined by these triple administrative, service and tactical responsibilities and is therefore subject to considerable variation. A list of strengths of known Base Forces is combined for greater convenience in use with the list of Special Base Forces which appears on page 8-9. Note that the assigned strengths of Base Forces vary considerably with their locations. Forces in forward areas, where tactical responsibilities are obviously considerable, are large. Forces in rear areas have few tactical responsibilities and are ordinarily rarely called on for Fleet maintenance functions; consequently, they are small in size. When a rear area becomes active and Fleet activities increase, units are added to the area's Base Force.

2. Fleet Service Units

Fuel Depots, Construction and Repair Departments and all other administrative and service units except Base Forces shown on Chart 2 are integral Fleet service units. These integral Fleet units perform functions identical to those performed by subordinate units of Base Forces. They are, however, separate and distinct from these units within Base Forces. Fleet service units are located at Fleet Headquarters, where no Base Forces ordinarily exist.

An example of the relation between Base Forces and Integral Fleet units is provided by the development of the 4th Base Force (TRUK) and the 8th Base Force (RABAUL). These two Base Forces, unlike all others, were located at Fleet Headquarters. Maintenance functions which would normally have been theirs were performed largely by Fleet service units. Tactical responsibilities in these areas were also undertaken by Fleets. The two Base Forces were therefore originally small units, almost entirely administrative.

With the deterioration of the 8th Fleet and the departure of the CenPac Fleet from the TRUK Area, the two Base Forces were forced to assume larger tactical responsibilities. They also had to take over the maintenance duties formerly performed by Fleet service organizations. The former Fleet service units isolated in TRUK and RABAUL by the departure of the Fleets are, in fact, believed to have been incorporated into the Base Force organizations. In this way, both Forces probably became capable of performing all the normal functions of Base Forces.

Tactical Units

Special Base Forces are assigned to Guard Districts and Fleets for employment. It is not known which Special Base Forces are assigned to Guard Districts.

Special Base Forces have considerable similarity to Base Forces in function. They are, however, primarily tactical rather than administrative organizations.

This difference is demonstrated by the locations and assigned strengths of Special Base Forces, indicated on the list which follows. Special Base Forces are ordinarily located either at Fleet Headquarters or in forward areas. The Special Base Forces located in rear areas are obviously mere nuclei, capable of expansion in emergency. Those located in forward areas bear considerable combatant responsibility and often have Guard Units, SNLFs and other combatant units under their command. Special Base Forces located at Fleet Commands share their service, maintenance and administrative functions with integral Fleet units. Special Base Forces are therefore assigned "partial responsibility" for their various defense and maintenance functions by the order establishing them, whereas Base Forces are assigned full responsibility for similar functions.

The difference between Base Forces and Special Base Forces is further demonstrated by the fact that the 5th Special Base Force (SAIPAN) and the 30th Special Base Force (PALAU) were changed to Base Forces when Admiral NAGUMO's CenPac Area Fleet Headquarters was moved to SAIPAN. Since this Fleet Headquarters was temporary, it did not have the integral service and administrative units which ordinarily make a Base Force unnecessary at Fleet Headquarters. The new Base Forces were enlarged to provide for the Fleet's administrative and service needs. According to a POW captured on SAIPAN, an additional reason for the change was that Admiral NAGUMO, again departing from usual practice, wanted no separate tactical commands in his new Fleet Area. This objective also was achieved by changing the two units from Special Base Forces (tactical) to Base Forces (largely administrative).

Special Base Forces, probably because of their tactical responsibilities in forward areas, have more definite T/Os than Base Forces and are not subject to such drastic changes in size. The typical organization of a Special Base Force is indicated on Chart 2.

Base Forces and Special Base Forces identified since the beginning of hostilities are listed below with their organizational strength. (Comment: An asterisk after a strength indicates that it was obtained from unofficial documents).

AMOY Area Spec Base ForceAMOY851
BAKO Area Spec Base ForceBAKO336
CANTON Area Base Force(disbanded)
HAINAN Is. Base Force(disbanded)
HANKOW Area Spec Base ForceHANKOW (disbanded)
HONG KONG Area Spec Base ForceHONGKONG1,350
RASHIN Area Spec Base ForceRASHIN253
TSINGTAO Area Spec Base ForceTSINGTAO851
1st Base ForceBUIN
2d Spec Base ForceWEWAK (disbanded)
3d Spec Base ForcePALAU - TARAWA (disbanded)
4th Base ForceTRUK520*
5th Base ForceSAIPAN1,049*
7th Base ForceWEWAK
8th Base ForceRABAUL
9th Spec Base ForceSABANG - PENANG722
10th Spec Base ForceSINGAPORE620
11th Spec Base ForceSAIGON519
12th Spec Base ForceANDAMAN1,166
13th Base ForceRANGOON
14th Base ForceKAVIENG
15th Base ForceUnlocated
20th Base ForceUnlocated (March, 1944)
21st Spec Base ForceSURABAYA1,287
22d Spec Base ForceBALIKPAPAN1,166
23d Spec Base ForceMAKASSAR1,048
24th Base ForceENDE, FLORES Is.
25th Spec Base ForceKOKAS
26th Spec Base ForceKAU BAY, HALMAHERA265
27th Spec Base ForceWEWAK
28th Base ForceBIAK - SARMI


30th Base ForcePALAU
31st Spec Base ForceN. PHILIPPINES
32d Spec Base ForceDAVAO722
51st Base ForceKURILES (disbanded)
52d Base ForceUnlocated (disbanded)
2. Guard Units (KEIBITAI)

Composition and function of Guard Units have already been described under Empire-based units. Guard Units outside the Empire are ordinarily assigned by Fleets to Base Forces and Special Base Forces. They are in turn assigned by these commands to take charge of the land and sea defense of particular localities.

Guard Units, within their localities, take full charge of the distribution of troops and weapons, maintenance of lookout and communications, and patrol of nearby waters. Air units within the territory of Guard Units are independent of the Guard Unit command, but the Guard Unit is responsible for the defense of airfields.

Guard Units are frequently assigned semi-civil responsibilities such as the internment of foreigners, the policing of natives, etc. within their jurisdictions.

Locations and assigned strengths of known Guard Units outside the Empire are listed below. Note that these units, like most Naval ground units, are subject to considerable variation in size according to the current importance of activity in their areas and the presence or absence of other military units. (Comment: Strengths marked with an asterisk were obtained from unofficial captured documents).

CHUSAN Guard UnitCHUSAN Is.455
1st Guard UnitSURABAYA347
2d Guard UnitTARAKAN665
3d Guard UnitMAKASSAR546
4th Guard UnitKOEPANG1,036
5th Guard UnitNW NEW GUINEA711
6th Guard UnitWAINGAPOE941
7th Guard UnitNW NEW GUINEA1,070
9th Guard UnitPENANG302
12th Guard UnitRANGOON353
13th Guard UnitUnder 1st So. Exp. Flt.486
14th Guard UnitNICOBARS772


15th Guard UnitHAINAN1,249
16th Guard UnitHAINAN769
17th Guard Unit(BURMA) Under 1st So. Exp. Flt.195
18th Guard UnitMANOKWARI697
19th Guard UnitBIAK
20th Guard UnitAMBON
21st Guard UnitKAIMANA524
25th Guard UnitNICOBAR Is.319
31st Guard UnitMANILA724
32d Guard UnitDAVAO
33d Guard UnitJOLO
35th Guard UnitS. PHILIPPINES
36th Guard UnitNEGROS
41st Guard UnitTRUK2,259*
42d Guard UnitPONAPE150
43d Guard UnitPALAU
44th Guard UnitWOLEAI200*
45th Guard UnitPALAU
46th Guard UnitYAP500*
51st Guard UnitSHIKOTAN2,240
52d Guard UnitMUSASHI WAN
53d Guard UnitTENNEI
54th Guard UnitGUAM759*
55th Guard UnitSAIPAN2,504*
56th Guard UnitTINIAN - ROTA
61st Guard UnitKWAJALEIN557
62d Guard UnitJALUIT1,940*
63d Guard UnitTAROA949*
64th Guard UnitWOTJE1,168*
65th Guard UnitWAKE1,425*
66th Guard UnitMILLE1,414
67th Guard UnitNAURU1,135
68th Guard UnitTRUK503
69th Guard UnitKUSAIE
81st Guard UnitRABAUL602
82d Guard UnitLAE - SOLOMONS480
83rd Guard UnitKAVIENG429
84th Guard UnitMADANG480
85th Guard UnitPALAU756
86th Guard UnitRABAUL709
87th Guard UnitBUKA734
88th Guard UnitMANUS Is.522
89th Guard UnitNAMATANAI613
90th Guard UnitHOLLANDIA
91st Guard UnitSARMI


3. Special Naval Landing Forces (TOKUBETSU RIKUSENTAI)

SNLFs, like some other Naval ground units, have varied greatly with the course of the war. In the early months of the war, their mission was primarily one of assault. It has since become almost entirely defensive. Consequently, SNLFs, formerly consisting principally of infantry, have become chiefly heavy-weapons units.

Many SNLFs have been destroyed or so shattered that the remnants have been absorbed by units of other types. In several instances two or more SNLFs have been combined for particularly important missions.

A sample T/O of a well-balanced combined SNLF, equipped for primarily defensive duties, appears on the opposite [following] page. (This chart was originally published by CICSOPAC in March, 1944). Although this particular unit (the 8th Combined SNLF) no longer exists, the organization outlined is believed representative of the fairly recent development of SNLFs.

SNLFs identified since the beginning of hostilities are listed below. (Comment: "WD" indicates that data was derived from confidential Order of Battle publications issued by the War Department).

YOKOSUKA #7Became 89th Guard Unit1,380
YOKOSUKA #8Unlocated
SASEBO #3Unlocated1,170
KURE #1TIMOR (WD)1,404
KURE #2Unlocated1,394
KURE #6Became 88th Guard Unit1,539
KURE #7BUIN1,660



8TH Combined SNLF (Org. Chart)


KURE #8Became 14th Guard Unit668
MAIZURU #3Inactivated ?460
MAIZURU #6Unlocated
2d CombinedUnlocated637
7th CombinedBUIN Composed of KURE #7
8th CombinedBecame 14th Base Force1,465
4. AA Defense Units (BOKUTAI)

Naval AA Defense Units are independent units assigned by Fleets to Base Forces, Special Base Forces, Guard Units and SNLFs, according to tactical needs. As indicated in the charts on pages 16 and 17, AA Units are of three types. Type A includes AA artillery and machine-guns, Type B machine-guns only, and Type C machine-guns and machine-cannon.

Locations of AA Defense Units identified since the beginning of hostilities are listed below.

Organization Location
1st AA Defense Unit SOLOMONS
2nd AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
3d AA Defense Unit NEW GUINEA
4th AA Defense Unit BUIN
5th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
6th AA Defense Unit TRUK
7th AA Defense Unit BUIN
8th AA Defense Unit Under 1st Southern Expeditionary Fleet
9th AA Defense Unit KURILES ?
10th AA Defense Unit KURILES
11th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
12th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
13th AA Defense Unit BUIN
14th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
15th AA Defense Unit NEW GUINEA
16th AA Defense Unit SOLOMONS
17th AA Defense Unit SOLOMONS
18th AA Defense Unit SOLOMONS
19th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
20th AA Defense Unit SOLOMONS
21st AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
22nd AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS


Organization Location
23d AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
24th AA Defense Unit SOLOMONS
25th AA Defense Unit KAI Is.
26th AA Defense Unit KURILES
27th AA Defense Unit KURILES
28th AA Defense Unit SOLOMONS
29th AA Defense Unit Under 2d Southern Expeditionary Fleet
30th AA Defense Unit AMBON
31st AA Defense Unit WEWAK
32nd AA Defense Unit SOEMBA Is.
33d AA Defense Unit BIAK Is.
34th AA Defense Unit MERGUI
35th AA Defense Unit KAI Is.
36th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
41st AA Defense Unit Under 1st Southern Expeditionary Fleet
42d AA Defense Unit TRUK
43d AA Defense Unit TRUK
44th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
45th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
46th AA Defense Unit TRUK
47th AA Defense Unit MARIANAS
48th AA Defense Unit CAROLINES
49th AA Defense Unit WOLEAI
50th AA Defense Unit WAINGAPOE
51st AA Defense Unit NICOBAR Is.
52nd AA Defense Unit KAVIENG
53d AA Defense Unit Under 2d Southern Expeditionary Fleet
54th AA Defense Unit KAI Is.
55th AA Defense Unit PORT BLAIR
56th AA Defense Unit KOKAS
57th AA Defense Unit NEW GUINEA
58th AA Defense Unit ANDAMAN Is.
59th AA Defense Unit WOLEAI
60th AA Defense Unit GUAM
61st AA Defense Unit Under 4th Fleet
62d AA Defense Unit Under 2d Southern Expeditionary Fleet
63d AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
64th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
65th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
66th AA Defense Unit Under 2d Southern Expeditionary Fleet
67th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
68th AA Defense Unit KUSAIE
69th AA Defense Unit BISMARCKS
70th AA Defense Unit KOTARADJA
81st AA Defense Unit TRUK
82d AA Defense Unit MARIANAS
83d AA Defense Unit MARIANAS
84th AA Defense Unit MARIANAS/TRUK


Organization Location
85th AA Defense Unit TRUK
86th AA Defense Unit TRUK
87th AA Defense Unit Under 4th Southern Expeditionary Fleet
88th AA Defense Unit NANCOWRY
89th AA Defense Unit TATEYAMA
90th AA Defense Unit PALAU
91st AA Defense Unit PALAU
92d AA Defense Unit TATEYAMA
93d AA Defense Unit TATEYAMA
94th AA Defense Unit TATEYAMA
95th AA Defense Unit PHILIPPINES
96th AA Defense Unit Under 2d Southern Expeditionary Fleet
97th AA Defense Unit TAWI TAWI
101st AA Defense Unit KENDARI
102d AA Defense Unit SABANG
103th AA Defense Unit SURABAYA
104th AA Defense Unit MERGUI
105th AA Defense Unit Under 4th Southern Expeditionary Fleet
106th AA Defense Unit BABO
107th AA Defense Unit AMBON
108th AA Defense Unit SURABAYA
109th AA Defense Unit SURABAYA
110th AA Defense Unit AMBON
111th AA Defense Unit TATEYAMA
112th AA Defense Unit Under 1st Southern Expeditionary Fleet
113th AA Defense Unit SURABAYA
114th AA Defense Unit DAVAO
115th AA Defense Unit KAIMANA
121st AA Defense Unit TATEYAMA
122d AA Defense Unit PALAU
123d AA Defense Unit TATEYAMA
5. Shipboard AA Defense Units (SEMPAKU BOKUTAI)

Shipboard AA Defense Units differ in organization from all three types of shore-based Defense Units. Normally, shipboard units do not exceed 124 men. Such organizations are believed to be assigned to convoys as needed and divided among the several ships.

Distribution of known Shipboard AA Defense Units is indicated by the following list.

Organization Location
502d TRUK
503d Under 1st Southern Expeditionary Fleet
511th TRUK


(AA) Air Defense Unit (BOKUTAI)
Types "A" and "C"



(AA) Air Defense Unit (BOKUTAI)
Type "B"



Organization Location
522d TRUK
6. Construction Battalions (SETSUEITAI)

Construction Battalions are highly mobile independent units, fully equipped for major construction tasks. Following their training period under the Civil Engineering Departments of Naval Districts, they are assigned to Fleets. Fleets assign them in turn to Base Forces, Special Base Forces and Guard Units for work on particular projects, such as airfields and field fortifications.

Construction Battalions are made up of skilled workers, supervised by civil engineers and Naval officers. They are internally organized according to the laborers' special skills. A sample organization is demonstrated by the diagram reproduced on page 20.

Construction Battalions maintain a close liaison with other Naval construction units. When Battalions are located at Fleet Headquarters, they receive supplies and supervision from Fleet Civil Engineering Departments, which are one type of the integral Fleet service units discussed above. When Battalions are located in Base Force Sub-Areas, these functions of supervision and supply are performed by Base Force Construction Departments (KENSETSUBU), which are subordinate units of Base Forces.

Locations of Construction Battalions identified since the beginning of the war are listed below. (Comment: "WD" indicates that data was derived from confidential Order of Battle publications issued by the War Department).

Organization Location
1st Const. Bn. BALIKPAPAN (WD)
2d Const. Bn. RABAUL (WD)
7th Const. Bn. TRUK (WD)
10th Const. Bn. RABAUL
11th Const. Bn. GUADALCANAL
12th Const. Bn. KAVIENG
13th Const. Bn. GUADALCANAL
14th Const. Bn. BISMARCKS
15th Const. Bn. NEW GUINEA
16th Const. Bn. BISMARCKS
17th Const. Bn. BISMARCKS
18th Const. Bn. NEW IRELAND
19th Const. Bn. BUKA (WD)
20th Const. Bn. BUKA
21st Const. Bn. BUKA
22d Const. Bn. Ex-SOLOMONS
23d Const. Bn. SINGAPORE (WD)
24th Const. Bn. AMBON


Organization Location
26th Const. Bn. SOLOMONS
28th Const. Bn. BISMARCKS
30th Const. Bn. PARAMUSHIRO (WD)
32d Const. Bn. SOLOMONS
34th Const. Bn. BISMARCKS
36th Const. Bn. KAI ISLANDS
40th Const. Bn. KOTARADJA
43rd Const. Bn. PALAU/YAP (WD)
101st Const. Bn. BISMARCKS
103d Const. Bn. KAU (WD)
111th Const. Bn. NAURU/JALUIT (WD)
121st Const. Bn. SOLOMONS
131st Const. Bn. SOLOMONS
181st Const. Bn. RABAUL (WD)
201st Const. Bn. SAGAN, NEW GUINEA
202d Const. Bn. BIAK (WD)
203d Const. Bn. KAU, HALMAHERA
204th Const. Bn. HAHA JIMA
205th Const. Bn. PALAU
206th Const. Bn. YAP
207th Const. Bn. SAIPAN
211th Const. Bn. SOLOMONS
212th Const. Bn. BISMARCKS
213th Const. Bn. WAINGAPORE
214th Const. Bn. PALAU
215th Const. Bn. DAVAO
216th Const. Bn. WOLEAI
217th Const. Bn. GUAM
218th Const. Bn. GUAM
221st Const. Bn. TRUK/PONAPE
222nd Const. Bn. CAROLINES
223d Const. Bn. SAIPAN/ROTA
224th Const. Bn. KAU, HALMAHERA
225th Const. Bn. DAVAO
226th Const. Bn. TINIAN
227th Const. Bn. TRUK
231st Const. Bn. MALAYA (WD)
232d Const. Bn. KAIMANA
233d Const. Bn. TINIAN
234th Const. Bn. NICOBAR ISLANDS
241st Const. Bn. SAGAN D. NEW GUINEA
301st Const. Bn. DAVAO
311th Const. Bn. CENTRAL PHILIPPINES under 33d SBF.


111th Construction Battalion (Pioneers)

@Nihonjin1051 @AMDR - though you guys might be interested in some Japanese Naval infantry history
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Russian-Japanese maritime rescue exercise begins in Russia's Far East


VLADIVOSTOK, October 28. /TASS/. Following a pause in the wake of Japan's decision to join Western sanctions against Russia earlier this year, the Japanese naval command has resumed contacts with the Russian Armed Forces.

Tuesday morning, ships of the Russian Pacific Fleet and the destroyer of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force, the Hamagiri, headed for the Bay of Peter the Great near Vladivostok.

The scenario of the exercise suggests that the crews will have to eliminate fire on a distressed ship, to rescue people from inflatable rafts and to simulate combined actions of rescue groups, Captain First Rank Roman Martov, the Pacific Fleet's official spokesman told TASS.

"Taking part in the Russian side is the big antisubmarine ship Admiral Panteleyev, the Sayany rescue seacraft, the MB-105 towboat, and a Kamov-27PS helicopter," he said. "The Japanese Naval Self-Defence force has committed the Hamagiri destroyer that arrived in Vladivostok on Saturday."

Prior to the start of the mission, participants in the joint exercise held a coordination conferences and an anti-piracy drill.

Japanese media say officials of the Japanese naval forces plan holding consultations with the Pacific Fleet in order to confirm the continuity of the course at bilateral ties in the sphere of defence.

The two countries' naval units started joint maritime rescue exercises in 1998. The previous one was held last December in the area of the Japanese port of Maizuru. Joint maneuvering combined with a search and rescue operation was trained then and the crews also simulated inspection of a suspicious non-naval ship.

TASS: Russia - Russian-Japanese maritime rescue exercise begins in Russia's Far East
Japan really have some nice Subs and DDG's ...
@Nihonjin1051 can you post some pics of Japanese Air Defense Systems ?

Its not that detailed as I would like, but this graph provides an illustration of how organized the JASDF is in regards to air threats.


An example of the kinds of inventory we have under our disposal;





- PAC-3. 12th AA Battery, 4th Air Defense Missile Group. Aibano.




Its not that detailed as I would like, but this graph provides an illustration of how organized the JASDF is in regards to air threats.


An example of the kinds of inventory we have under our disposal;





- PAC-3. 12th AA Battery, 4th Air Defense Missile Group. Aibano.





thanks bro ..
is there any future plan to acquire other SAM's ?
Misson of JMSDF

Japan is an island country surrounded on all sides by the sea. That means any threats to our country will always approach us via the sea.

Don't forget what US did to your country bro, they didn't nuke your country via sea.

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