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Japan Defence Forum

If the past, Vietnam was reluctant to participate in military exercises as we didn't want China to think that we would ally with any third party to fight them. Although the principle of non-alliance is still there, things started to change from now on when our interest is violated by the aggressive China, an irresponsible super power. We are open to counter-measures to stop China's bullying.
we should scrap this peaceful thinking as soon as possible. it is a mistake.
Vietnam peaceful approach just encourages Chinese aggression.

we should invite America and Japan for joint naval fun games in the region.

in future exercises, naval vessels from the Philippines and Vietnam could participate in this hypothetical humanitarian-based mission.
we do regularly with US navy on very small scale.
Mitsubishi ATD-X will be peace of art will be better than many western and eastern 5th gen jets
If I remember correctly,Australia was extremely impressed seeing Soryu Class Subs(Me too).it'd be better if they pursue JV on next gen sub.
@Hu Songshan

there are many Japanese threads opened by our new friend nihonjin. what do you think of merging them into one, two or three sticky threads:

navy, airforce, ground force, etc...

a better solution is creating a whole new section: Japan defence
Good idea, especially since we can expect a lot of Japanese military news the upcoming years. If Chinese have a section with their ragtag jets and tanks. Why can't Japanese have their own section?

hopefully Japan government changes the policy soon and allows export of modern weapons to friendly countries.
Vietnam needs more subs to counter Chinese surface fleet.
I hope so too. Turkey wanted to buy engine for our Altay Tank and even some tech for our upcoming TFX national fighter but because of restrictions of the Japanese government it didn't work out. :(
@atatwolf and @GR!FF!N ,

We are expecting PM Abe to address the issue of military weapons ban to the Parliament. If it is ruled that the weapons ban may be lifted, then, we will see a significant change in Japanese strategy in regards to foreign powers. Japanese military technology will have a "boost" so to say in sales, which will fuel further R&D. Good to see so much optimism from our Indian and Turkish partners.
we should scrap this peaceful thinking as soon as possible. it is a mistake.
Vietnam peaceful approach just encourages Chinese aggression.

VCP ban all anti China protest in vietnam. What do you think? Your VCP still remember China is her biggest trading partner and 300,000 PLA troops mass around guangxi area. Its good that VCP knows the limit.
we should scrap this peaceful thinking as soon as possible. it is a mistake.
Vietnam peaceful approach just encourages Chinese aggression.

we should invite America and Japan for joint naval fun games in the region.

we do regularly with US navy on very small scale.
the higher you jump, the harder we hit you
the higher you jump, the harder we hit you
You have no need to insult Vietnam too much. Small countries have small countries' way to live. On Japan's side, China plays an unchangable role or relation with Japan.
VCP ban all anti China protest in vietnam. What do you think? Your VCP still remember China is her biggest trading partner and 300,000 PLA troops mass around guangxi area. Its good that VCP knows the limit.
Aye, all Vietnamese media have news about China aggressive everyday, we made all step to against you in this confict. VCP keep bring more people visit Spratly Islands every year, bring more foreign reporter to near Paracel Islands to make clear China face.
Did Vietnamese govt need to fear you !? LOL :D
the higher you jump, the harder we hit you
Oh, burn more money if you can ... :D
@atatwolf and @GR!FF!N ,

We are expecting PM Abe to address the issue of military weapons ban to the Parliament. If it is ruled that the weapons ban may be lifted, then, we will see a significant change in Japanese strategy in regards to foreign powers. Japanese military technology will have a "boost" so to say in sales, which will fuel further R&D. Good to see so much optimism from our Indian and Turkish partners.

well,I'm always enthusiast about Japanese tech and only yesterday saying that we should find a JV partner for a next gen Diesel Electric Sub,and I advocated for Japan(not France or Germany,who are the leaders of this tech).Indo-Japanese Friendship has limitless possibilities.while Japan has tech and money,we've manpower.we're expecting significant amount of Japanese investment in India.but it'd be great if we pursue JV in the field of defence sectors as well.together,Indo-Japan could become a formidable force in Asia,next to none.

@Hu Songshan @WebMaster

we should make a different section,or at least few sticky threads to discuss about Japan's weapons platform.could you guys can make any kind of arrangement to make that happen??when Russia can get a defence section,why not Japan??it'd be great if they get a "Japanese Section".


keep your good work bro.you may ask mod for a different section for Japan.
Don't know why China never learn from past history ...


Troops of the Eight-Nation Alliance in 1900.

Left to right: Britain, United States, Australia, British India,
Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Japan
well,I'm always enthusiast about Japanese tech and only yesterday saying that we should find a JV partner for a next gen Diesel Electric Sub,and I advocated for Japan(not France or Germany,who are the leaders of this tech).Indo-Japanese Friendship has limitless possibilities.while Japan has tech and money,we've manpower.we're expecting significant amount of Japanese investment in India.but it'd be great if we pursue JV in the field of defence sectors as well.together,Indo-Japan could become a formidable force in Asia,next to none.

@Hu Songshan @WebMaster

we should make a different section,or at least few sticky threads to discuss about Japan's weapons platform.could you guys can make any kind of arrangement to make that happen??when Russia can get a defence section,why not Japan??it'd be great if they get a "Japanese Section".


keep your good work bro.you may ask mod for a different section for Japan.

Hi @GR!FF!N ,

You know several years ago when I first came to the United States (my port of entry was through Los Angeles via Nagoya, Japan), the first thing that I did was to visit the cities in California with some of my then-classmates at University of California at Berkley. One of the cities we visited was San Diego, which is home to the United States Navy , and with my own eyes I was witness to the supreme military prowess of this country, this United States. I saw 3 carriers, and assorted number of DDGs , and frigates docked. I wished, then, that Japan would be able to field similar inventory in the future, and key to this is an enhanced Japanese military defense industry; and i think by opening Japan's doors to international market, this can help drive Japanese military R&D.

As for India and Japan; I am positively optimistic that this century will hold limitless possibilities between Japan and India. India is the largest democracy in the world, and formidable global power that has the potential to be a force for stability and change in not only South Asia, but also in East Africa, and the Pacific. Last i remember, there were members of the keidenren who were talking of investing more into India. Currently, Japan has invested billions of dollars in China, namely we have production facilities in China, as we've outsourced many of our manufacturing arms there. As you know the situation between Japan and China is complex, and to mitigate financial loss in a contingency, it will be to Japan's interest to diversify its production arm by investing in more developing countries outside China. India has much man power, and good work ethic as seen in the Indian State of Gujarat, which under Narendra Modi's governorship, truly performed above other states; a whopping double digit growth. If Gujarat's performance can be replicated throughout India !

Yes, I also hope that the Mod @Web Master , and @Hu Songshan can consider opening a Japanese Defense section. It would be great!

Respectfully Yours.
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