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Jan 1 2014: Hong Kong Rises - Thousands march against Chinese government.

I guess you are not reading news or not so much thoughtful about the difference between China and the prime example of a slavery country like your own.

Buy a good mirror to have a better look of your own shapes!
Ur response was more of a rant rather than anything concrete. So leave it. You cant speak for a Taiwanese. Period. :D
My best wishes are with the freedom loving people of HK, freedom is coming to China.
Free election is important to Hong Kong's future. Hong Kong needs a government that reflects the wish of the population, and the current one has proven to be oblivious and in bed with property tycoons and big corporations. Inflation, wage stagnation, and pollution have hit Hong Kong hard and the government hasn't done much with it. I am not saying that a free election is a definition solution, but it will be a significant step toward the right direction.
Democracy only aid the minority. An oxymoron at best. White people love the 'squeaky wheel gets the grease' saying. That is the true face of democracy. Canada is a prime example. Used to be a great country is now a good country.
Hong Kong has historically been a small fishing village, and only rose to prominence in the 1960's due to China isolating itself. During that time, Hong Kong served as a window to China with huge volume of trade traffic going through. The secondary boost was in the 1980's and 1990's, when China began to open its doors to investors. Hong Kong businesses were some of the first to invest, and got favourable terms.

However, as the other cities in China slow rose to the top, Hong Kong's importance has decreased. When China opened its doors, investors no longer need to climb the window. Hong Kong will continue to slip in terms of economic and political importance, but some people in Hong Kong do not realize this. They think it was because the return to China that they started going downhill. So they started attention whoring, thinking it's going to get them somewhere.

These same people did not say a word when the British sent them governors without any of their consent, yet they want "democracy" now. They never had it during the British colonial era. At least today they got to elect most of their legislators, a huge improvement over the old times. Hong Kong is also an experimental ground for future political reforms in China. As with all experiments, it has a chance of failing. In Hong Kong's case, it has already failed.

In short, Hong Kong is doomed to return to its original status, an unremarkable fishing village.
Free election is important to Hong Kong's future. Hong Kong needs a government that reflects the wish of the population, and the current one has proven to be oblivious and in bed with property tycoons and big corporations. Inflation, wage stagnation, and pollution have hit Hong Kong hard and the government hasn't done much with it. I am not saying that a free election is a definition solution, but it will be a significant step toward the right direction.

Please, "free election" is pretty much synonym to "jumping in bed with tycoons and big corporation". We have more than 200 years of US history to see that. Hong Kong needs a capable governor who can adapt Hong Kong to its shifting role in world economy (that it is being replaced by Shanghai as the financial hub that connects China with the world) and you won't get one with popularity contests.
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'...all nominees must be endorsed by a 1,200-strong election committee, which is stacked with Beijing loyalists...'

Boy, those elections are about as 'free' as iran's or the ones rigged by Putin.:woot:
My best wishes are with the freedom loving people of HK, freedom is coming to China.
Can I buy two kilograms of freedom? Does it feed the hungry? Cure disease for the sick? Build housing for the poor? Transport people between places? Educate the illiterate? Research technologies?
'...all nominees must be endorsed by a 1,200-strong election committee, which is stacked with Beijing loyalists...'

Boy, those elections are about as 'free' as iran's or the ones rigged by Putin.:woot:
But haven't you noticed the average joe's life does not change at all regardless if it's the democrats or republican at the helm. Might as well not vote.

Can I buy two kilograms of freedom? Does it feed the hungry? Cure disease for the sick? Build housing for the poor? Transport people between places? Educate the illiterate? Research technologies?
No, but you can vote for the blowjob party (BJP) or modi!

My best wishes are with the freedom loving people of HK, freedom is coming to China.
Yes, a right wing government to reclaim South Tibet taken away by Indians. I can't wait...
But haven't you noticed the average joe's life does not change at all regardless if it's the democrats or republican at the helm. Might as well not vote.

Not True. My investments went through the roof this past year. And I think 'we' would have been better off if 'we' had voted for Romney. Voting DOES count, sometimes for the worse. And as the saying goes, 'If you don't vote, you can't bitch'.
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