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Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

3- Lt Gen Gulzar Kiyani is a taliban supporter and opposed force against Taliban, but was willing to throw PAK into a direct war with USA in 2001 after 9/11.

If this is true, then it validates my suspicion that he is another one of those who has gone the Hamid Gul way, and is placing some twisted loyalty to the Taliban over his own nation.

It would also explain his distortion of things like the Phosphorous grenades, since he would want nothing more than to discredit the GoP's fight against terrorism and present the terrorist in a good light.

This would be sick, and a complete betrayal to Pakistan.
Dynamic D, don't be another sensationalist. Don't use conveniently deceptive names in thread titles.
For a person to live in england and Hate Western nations plus highlighted part pretty much explains every thing about you i have no more interest in discussing this topic with you.

Hey hey ... When did i say i hate Western nations!!! :what:

In fact I love their system, and I am proud to be playing a part in their local government councils. But every country should be independent in making their own decisions. In fact It is never the Western countries, its always our leaders who approach them.

Leaders of a country should not go to Camp David and then come back and say with pride that they begged US for 2$Billion and succeeded ! Why should a country take pride in getting loans and aid from another country??

Let me tell you something, I found this out some time back that after WWII, UK was almost destroyed by the bombing of German airjets, so UK asked US for help in rebuilding. They offered UK the aid but as usual along with it came a long list of demand that were pertinent to its internal as well as foreign policies. But unlike our leaders, UK premier rejected the aid! and build their almost completely bombed and destroyed country themselves!

Another thing I would say here as well You wanna know why western nations are the economic and military superpowers? Because here people cherish democracy. They believe "Even the worse forms of democracy is better than best forms of dictatorship"

Unfortunately people like you have a long way to go. For me, its not Musharraf . I believe he should be made an example so that no other person comes out abolishes constitution twice, sacks judges, abuses power and finally passes NRO and all other black measures just to cling on to power.

Since this forum is a defence forum, so there are definitely 10% musharraf supporters over here who according to one recent survey is the only support that the General has in the country now!

So much for the person who has affiliated me with NS camp. :) In fact NS camp only has support from Punjab. Where as I am a pure Karachite!

But i find it very depressing when I was in Pakistan. There are only two axis of powers in Karachi, either MQM (Mafia whose source of power are Russian guns) or Army(as usual). Normal middle class people unfortunately are treated like dirt. and this is not going to change unless we have an independent judiciary and proper democracy.
Retard Kiyani did great job to demoralize the Pak army. How can a person on Top level not knowing the basics of phosphorous smoke bomb and grenade.....Well said by President house spokesmen he need to go on courses.
But you guys notice all his interview he use world " Nawaz Sharrief Saheb" and General Pervez Musharraf. Totally a political mood and Geo conspiracy.
This quite good I watched on geo, it gives light to lots of questions that were not answered by the previouse dictatorship.

Yes, it answers alot of questions as to why these ex-servicemen now want to have their SKINS and ***** saved, from any possible trial Musharraf may have to face.

Yes, if under Army act he cannot talk politics; why did it take him 3 years after he left army in 2004 and joined Public Commission till November 2007?

He was enjoying the salary, benefits and perks of Public Commission till Novermber 2007 and he awoke NOW to find Musharraf as a tyrant???

These officers were with Musharraf throughout Nawaz 1999 coup and their difference of opinions started when musharraf agreed to join WoT to save our tribal areas being effected by cross-border terrorism.

If Musharraf has to go down .... these retards who worked & enojyed perks till nov 2007.... should go down with him!

They are NOT excusable just becuz they want a one-hour fame on Media, by lambasting Musharraf.

Lt Gen Gulzar is complicit of everything he said against Musharraf !!! he should be Court Martialled!
On September 15, ISI Director Lt. Gen. Mahmood Ahmed returns to Pakistan from the US, and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf holds a meeting with Mahmood and about a dozen other senior officers to discuss how Pakistan should respond to the 9/11 attacks. Musharraf will later recall that the group “made a dispassionate, military-style analysis of our options,” aware that on his decision hung “the fate of millions of people and the future of Pakistan.” For six hours, Mahmood, Lt. Gen. Muzaffar Usmani, Lt. Gen. Jamshaid Gulzar Kiani, and Lt. Gen. Mohammed Aziz Khan argue that Pakistan should not help the US at all in its imminent war against the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Mahmood states, “Let the US do its dirty work. Its enemies are our friends.” The Guardian will later call this “a stunning display of disloyalty.” However, Sharifuddin Pirzada, Musharraf’s legal counselor, and a high-ranking Pakistani army officer will claim in a 2007 book that Musharraf in fact did not disagree.

This Lt Gen (r) Gulzar is a Taliban sympathizer. Differences b/w him and Musharraf emerged when Musharraf agreed to WoT.

These sic people can destroy pakistan for the sake of any X-Y-Z so-called muslim!

And, these XYZ so-called muslims will suicide bomb us, in return for any favor we enshower them with!
With pakistanies like him, who needs an enemy. Everybody is seeming to accuse musharraf of everything as if NS was all innocent. What kind of shitty PM was he if he had no conrtol over the PA and did not know what was going on. I dont buy it. He knew everything but he in the end put all blame on Musharraf because he could not bear the pressure that he should have been being the PM.
guys to tell u simple story, geo television always support nawaz sharif, there are thousands of army chiefs and many other people who support musharraf but they will only hand pick those few which are against him and then present it in the wrong way, i think if musharraf really wann save pakistan the first and most important thing he should be doing is to shut down geo news and other news channels which are diverting people against him through wrong methods. i do accept there are some acts which musharraf did were absolutely wrong but we cannot deny what we achieved in economy in his time, every one talk about inflation in his period, but those creeps doesnt know inflation is taking place all over the world. even usa. he is not causing inflation its the price of fuel which is causing inflation. but our media present things in a way as if its him. simple comensese! what he gains by imposing inflation in our country.
guys to tell u simple story, geo television always support nawaz sharif, there are thousands of army chiefs and many other people who support musharraf but they will only hand pick those few which are against him and then present it in the wrong way, i think if musharraf really wann save pakistan the first and most important thing he should be doing is to shut down geo news and other news channels which are diverting people against him through wrong methods. i do accept there are some acts which musharraf did were absolutely wrong but we cannot deny what we achieved in economy in his time, every one talk about inflation in his period, but those creeps doesnt know inflation is taking place all over the world. even usa. he is not causing inflation its the price of fuel which is causing inflation. but our media present things in a way as if its him. simple comensese! what he gains by imposing inflation in our country.

you are right on! i am 100% with you on this..:pakistan:
It is evident from the interview of Gen Kiyani that he was out of his mind at that time. He gave the impression as if Pak Army used chemical weapons in Laal Masjid like the Chemical Ali of Iraq did against the Kurds.But he has not told Shahid Masood that from where did the heavy machine guns and anti aircraft guns came in Laal Masjid from???
I guess he can also be courtmartialled under Manual of Pakistan Military Law and Official Secrets Act 1923 for divulging the information he was supposed to keep to himself by virtue of his rank and appointment of a Corps commander.
He says Nawaz Sharif and ISI was kept in dark about the Kargil affair (it has appeared in I think in The News of Pakistan on 4th June 2008).It is strange that he says in the same breath that he was giving briefing to the COAS and Nawaz Sharif and Sartaj Aziz,Lt Gen (R) Majeed Malik and others about Kargil.Nawaz Sharif was such a goof that he did not understand his briefings or Kiyani was such a goof that what other participants understood,he could not make the PM understand??You would believe his 1st sentence or the 2nd one???
The style with which he spoke against Musharraf indicates that his next move will be to step into politics and that too from the platform of Nawaz Sharif's party.
Will Gen Kiyani like to reveal how much has he been paid by Nawaz Sharif to cook up nonsense against Musharraf????
I suggest that Sartaj Aziz and Gen(R) Majeed Malik should come forward to confirm or contradict that any briefings were given to Nawaz Sharif on Kargil or not.
Gulzar Kayani says that at the time of Kargil war he was a Major General and serving in ISI. Headquarters of ISI must have given him a situational briefing on Kargil, as it was not the place to give any operational briefing about a war to the PM. It should have been held in GHQ. Where the PM was definitely given the briefings by DGMO and Chief of General Staff of that time. So Mr. Kayani how can you be sure that PM was not briefed??? You were only a Major General in ISI,too junior to be invited to that high profile briefing where not even all the Corps Commanders are required to attend and only selected Corps Commanders attend such a briefing. Who was your boss at that time? I mean DG of ISI?? Let somebody ask him this question. By appearing on Geo TV you have been very successful in gaining CHEAP POPULARITY...WELL DONE !!! I think next on Geo TV will be Gen (R) Hameed Gul??
Gen Hameed Gul Sir, why are you not coming on TV these days with your juicy stories against Musharraf. When those, who used to lick the boots of Musharraf have come on Geo TV to be in the lime light then why are you holding back?? Come forward and take your revenge,after all you are a staunch Musharraf enemy !!!!
The Kargil operation was not something which was made up over night. In fact as far as I am concerned this operation was in the works since the time of President Zia. The only mystery was who will implement it. General Musharraf did and everyone knew about it.
Democracy, BB knew a lot of things that now only Mr Zardari and a few know in the world but I wont get into that. You should take the example of Bugti who was threat to Musharraf, what happend to him he was blown up into bits, Shaheed BB was a threat to Musharraf and she was shot.
Power corrupts and absolute powere corrupts absolute, Musharraf has been power more than 9 years more than both Nawaz and BB tenure put to gether.

I like your last statement and I couldn't agree withy you more that over the years his government has become more and more corrupt but it is my personal opinion that as of right now he is the best thing for us.
As far as Bughti is concerned he should of been blown up a long time ago. I mean he was against development. Schools were being built he opposed them, other developments were happening he was against them and this is on top of the fact the government paid him to be quite. He was taking money from the government and foreign agencies.
In the end I would like to add on a quote stated by Quaid-I-Azam "Every government in Pakistan will be worse then the previous government."
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