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Jamaat men torch Hindu temple, houses in Noakhali

today BD is secular. i have already explained on interference from india. its the land of gandhi and believes in peace.

What do you mean today BD is secular.......it's not.......it's not been secular for 30 years!
Hindus or temples are attacked becasue they are soft target......

Off topic : Btw i am happy that some one taken the place left by ajtr...... Boy... he/she is good at it....
1. And who says "secular" word can save Indians from becoming communal? they are Hindus to roots. the massacr of SIKHS in 84 is an example

2. If most Indian could not have been communal we would not have seen Babri Mosque type of communal terrorism.

3. There are many other examples. so Indians are nobodies to comment on others in the first place.

India being secular country doesn't mean that it has become a Riot proof country. Gujart riot happened because Muslim burned down a train.

Masscare of sikhs in 84 was politically motivated incident, Congress wala were responible for it. At that Time so called saffron fanatic aka RSS was all on the streets to prevent the rioter from harming the Sikhs. it was not Hindu against Sikh campagin. And the fact Sikh insurgency was its peek at time , this thing also cannot be ignored.

As far BD is concerned Hindus were targetd at of Babri masjid demolition and last time when BNP came to power.
Now unlike some section of IM who have since indepence always been involved in some anti India activity can Bdeshi Hindus be ever accused of such a thing. In India Muslim have usually been the instigator but this has never been case with Hindus of BD then why Hindus are been targetd in BD. Never heard Hindu hositing a Indian flag in BD or found giving sheleter to terrorist.

If Indian are communal since they let Babri masjid to be demolished then would you suggest what word would u use to describe Paksitani and Bdeshis who have been mute spectator of demolition of hundered of temples in BD and Pakistan. Virtually every day one Hindus girl is abducted and converted against their will in Pakistan. Just because you folks are not secular does it give u a licence to exterminate the yr minorities.
We cant because Hindus in India cant become model for minorities.

You know nothing about india or indians.... all you know is what your fellow pakistani friends told you learnt in the text books which tells all BS.....come and live in india for 1 year and then tell the same...... Believe me..... You will be shocked to know that what you learnt on your text books and in PDF is BS and reality is something else..... I know i am asking too much.....

We cant because Hindus in India cant become model for minorities.

You know nothing about india or indians.... all you know is what your fellow pakistani friends told you learnt in the text books which tells all BS.....come and live in india for 1 year and then tell the same...... Believe me..... You will be shocked to know that what you learnt on your text books and in PDF is BS and reality is something else..... I know i am asking too much.....
no one is going to march towards dhaka.. india will only interfere diplomatically and with advise. if in spite of that you become islamic again then india will leave you to stew in your juices. so thats it. anyways i will be coming there later in this year.

You're welcome here in Bangladesh. You'll find that Bangladesh is a peace loving nation; people are cordial and live in religious harmony and far from what these jamat supporters portray them to be.

About the bolded part, yes India can leave us as we are whenever it wants, we don't mind. Religious extremists will never own bangladesh as we will deal with them in our own ways. Don't need anyone's help.
Hindus or temples are attacked becasue they are soft target......

Off topic : Btw i am happy that some one taken the place left by ajtr...... Boy... he/she is good at it....

In India you would have noticed that even during riots mob never attack their opponents places of worship which is norm in places like BD and Pakistan. Hindus are so powerless in BD and Pakistan that they just can't dare fight back.
You're welcome here in Bangladesh. You'll find that Bangladesh is a peace loving nation; people are cordial and live in religious harmony and far from what these jamat supporters portray them to be.

About the bolded part, yes India can leave us as we are whenever it wants, we don't mind. Religious extremists will never own bangladesh as we will deal with them in our own ways. Don't need anyone's help.

i have been there before to my college friends house. his sister will be married later this yr. I am planning not sure. I know that BD is in general a peaceful country.

the problem for india is that is radicals come to power they will be willing to support trror from Pak on BD soil against india. thats the only issue india will have. even more bigger than transit or anything. right now BD doesnt support Pak crime from their soil during AL tenure.

The state religion is Islam and our constitution also upholds the secular principles.

ok maybe i am wrong.. but i thought it declared itslef secular sometime back.. or was there any discussion about it?
Hindus in India had been and are killing non-Hindus specially Muslims every now and then.
India still holds the World CRWON in Communal terrorism.Hence calling Bangladeshis as communal for this lone incident is funny
Funny you say that because the data reveals that Non-Hindus have increased every year in India while it decreased in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
As for Crown, lets not get into it, we know who has the Sole Authority when it comes to Terrorism and Oppression of Minorities.

So, let Bangladesh people talk to us because you are o way closer to India or Bangladesh when it comes to religious tolerance.

One thing common we have is comparable Muslim population n both countries and both countries's people have been killed in thousands of numbers by Pakistan.

Your kind of religious extremists are the most harmful elements of our country. You don't serve bangladesh. You serve only your extremist jamat matha and some middle-eastern mathas. Bangladesh will always be free from anti-state elements from you. The uprising of people will ensure the end of the pure evil called jamat.

p.s. you only care about your jamat matha and its security from the patriotic forces of Bangladesh.

:lol:Thats cute 'jamaath matha'
@priti, thank you for your concern, but we can take care of these jamat shibir anti-state elements by ourselves. We don't need India marching towards Dhaka. If they do, they might become the next victim of superb guerrilla warfare.
Buddy, India won't send its force until attacked by Bangladesh. So you can be sure that we won't wage war against you. We can only provide Diplomatic support to you guys.

Getting in war is not good for our economy.
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i have been there before to my college friends house. his sister will be married later this yr. I am planning not sure. I know that BD is in general a peaceful country.

the problem for india is that is radicals come to power they will be willing to support trror from Pak on BD soil against india. thats the only issue india will have. even more bigger than transit or anything. right now BD doesnt support Pak crime from their soil during AL tenure.

ok maybe i am wrong.. but i thought it declared itslef secular sometime back.. or was there any discussion about it?

1. Have a look at the link that @RiasatKhan posted.

2. Please don't make such accusations without proof.

3. Where in bangladesh? In Dhaka? :offtopic:
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You're welcome here in Bangladesh. You'll find that Bangladesh is a peace loving nation; people are cordial and live in religious harmony and far from what these jamat supporters portray them to be.

About the bolded part, yes India can leave us as we are whenever it wants, we don't mind. Religious extremists will never own bangladesh as we will deal with them in our own ways. Don't need anyone's help.
Relationship with BD is on mutual trust and respect and India will be last country on earth to go for any direct intervention. But it can not afford to sit quite like a sitting duck when religious fundamentalism with an anti-India sentiment grow out of hand with foreign as well as BKZ regime's support.
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