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Jallikattu protest a lesson for Hindutva forces, Uniform Civil Code cannot be "imposed": Asaduddin

Polygamy will not be allowed. I, as a woman, am as valuable and worthy as any man.
Polygamy will not be allowed. I, as a woman, am as valuable and worthy as any man.
UCC is coming , one way or another. Those who oppose it rent a room or hall and cry it out.
why they calling it ucc call it hindu personal law and cut the crap. hindus want ucc because theirs isn't organized religion and they want to foist their beliefs on us. do whatever u want with ur own personal laws but don't meddle with ours and foist urs on us. or be prepared for the consequences. mind it.
why they calling it ucc call it hindu personal law and cut the crap. hindus want ucc because theirs isn't organized religion and they want to foist their beliefs on us. do whatever u want with ur own personal laws but don't meddle with ours and foist urs on us. or be prepared for the consequences. mind it.
We are not meddling in Pakistani affairs so have a chill pill.
west bengal. why do u want to know?

Now if you are really Indian then i would like you to know. One country one law if you want sharia law then move to other country who has it.

No democracy in the world with sharia law except India and we will abolish it & if Govt doesn't then we will demand Manusmriti as our law and it's not good for any of us.

Manusmriti- Hindus personal laws which were abolished in 1956
India exported buffalo meat even in 2013 and 2014, So what was Modi worried about? So what has changed after 2014? Nothing apart from exporting more... The only thing Modi was successful was making fool out of Bhakts by chanting about Pink revolution..
You have find the criminal and I am sure sooner or later you will find the crime as well.

till then jack off to Rakhi pls.
Now if you are really Indian then i would like you to know. One country one law if you want sharia law then move to other country who has it.

No democracy in the world with sharia law except India and we will abolish it & if Govt doesn't then we will demand Manusmriti as our law and it's not good for any of us.

Manusmriti- Hindus personal laws which were abolished in 1956
there are already common laws in place what more do u want. hindu personal law is none of my concern how would i know what u follow or don't follow. if hindus have personal laws then form ur own board why u crying to me

jews, christians and muslims all have strick guidelines for marriage, divorce, inheritance in their holy books. these three things are mainly under purview of respective christian and muslim personal boards. muslims laws are a bit stricter. anyways why does it concern u or other hindus. religious guidelines are personal matter we won't let anyone tamper with it. triple talaq system is followed by all muslims. it takes months for divorce to finalise to give both sides time to think if any second thoughts. mobile whatsapp instant talaq is wrong and is dealt with by our board. why do u guys have to meddle in it. whats it to u. i have done enough explaining. no one here forcing shariah on anyone u paranoid fool.
Bhakts want Bakrid festivals to be banned, but overlook the fact that their leader lets cattle culling and beef export standing top(In world) at that. They forget how most of their festivals pollute the atmosphere while wasting money which could otherwise be used in something constructive...

To some extent, i agree with you...Sometime some people in the name of supporting Hindu cause they do more harm to it than to the cause...In specific to this article, Owasi made a valid point...When we can not have an uniformity on such kind of non essential issues, talking about Uniform Civil code is just an delusion.....
jews, christians and muslims all have strick guidelines for marriage, divorce, inheritance in their holy books. these three things are mainly under purview of respective christian and muslim personal boards.

India is not a theocratic state so no religion will guide laws. Who wanted a country where they can practice Sharia laws went to Pakistan in 1947.
India is not a theocratic state so no religion will guide laws. Who wanted a country where they can practice Sharia laws went to Pakistan in 1947.
u fool only marriage, divorce, inheritance these three things under purview of personal law board. these are religious guidelines not even european countries tamper with them since christians,jews have them too. christians and muslims didn't force their laws on hindus u r majority in this country do whatever u want with ur marriage blah blah just leave us alone stop meddling in our affairs. Our country is free to decide its own laws. if u meddle in our affairs u will face its consequences, u are no european christian. know ur place
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if u meddle in our affairs u will face its consequences, u are no european christian. know ur place
I am ready for the consequences and see you in battlefield. Don't take me for cowardly Bengalis Hindus.
I am ready for the consequences and see you in battlefield. Don't take me for cowardly Bengalis Hindus.
concentrate on ur own hindu brothers in India. stop wasting my time u fool leave me alone
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