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J11b Pakistan future Navy jet fighter

AFAIK Jf17 has now around 4300kg of payload so is j11 The radar on j11 and radar is excellent and as capable as Pulse doppler radar on flankers. The Range is identical with ferry range around 1700nm. Jf17 lack IRST and Speed of mach 2.35 for j11b. I dont see any point of inducting j11 when jf17 did good against it in exercise.
Then you have no Idea about our Pune based 2 sqds of MKIs. They are stationed there not only for usual airforce missions but also for maritime missions. So yes they are gonna complement with Mig-29Ks in deep arabian sea too and their very long combat radius(1200+ km with internal fuel) is perfect for that.

I always know that IAF will deploy MKIs near Pakistan border and IAF want them out of reach of PAF so they placed them in Pune, as per Indian poster here IN's CBG will not come close for blockade and keep far distance to make sure that PN can do much against them if true your MKIs 1200+kms will be be good enough for escort and support role because PAF will monitor them and in conflict your MKI's based near border will be the first one to be hit by stand off weapons, PAF know their best bet to avoid major air war is to destroy enemy on ground, even if they may not be as successful as PAF wanted but it will always put your IAF in preussure and PAF will not allow IAF to go freely to support IN's air arm so don't be over confident, our military planners know all problems they have to face and they know how to handle it in their available resources.

It seems that Pakistani military may want J-11 type fighter for long range maritime strike roles and air defense of coastal areas and interception of IAF assets who will be going to support IN's air arm during hostilities.
I always know that IAF will deploy MKIs near Pakistan border and IAF want them out of reach of PAF so they placed them in Pune, as per Indian poster here IN's CBG will not come close for blockade and keep far distance to make sure that PN can do much against them if true your MKIs 1200+kms will be be good enough for escort and support role because PAF will monitor them and in conflict your MKI's based near border will be the first one to be hit by stand off weapons, PAF know their best bet to avoid major air war is to destroy enemy on ground, even if they may not be as successful as PAF wanted but it will always put your IAF in preussure and PAF will not allow IAF to go freely to support IN's air arm so don't be over confident, our military planners know all problems they have to face and they know how to handle it in their available resources.

It seems that Pakistani military may want J-11 type fighter for long range maritime strike roles and air defense of coastal areas and interception of IAF assets who will be going to support IN's air arm during hostilities.
Well If PN goes for 2-3 sqds of J-11, it will be a big boost for coastal defence much better than what JF-17s can offer.
And regarding MKIs squadrons being away from PAF reach, we have/will be a total 5 MKI sqds near borders(2 in Punjab, 1 each in Haryana,Rajasthan and Gujarat) and 4 MKI sqds in reserve or second line of defence(2 each in Pune and Bareliy).
Badvantage thaost: 5145022 said:
I always know that IAF will deploy MKIs near Pakistan border and IAF want them out of reach of PAF so they placed them in Pune, as per Indian poster here IN's CBG will not come close for blockade and keep far distance to make sure that PN can do much against them if true your MKIs 1200+kms will be be good enough for escort and support role because PAF will monitor them and in conflict your MKI's based near border will be the first one to be hit by stand off weapons, PAF know their best bet to avoid major air war is to destroy enemy on ground, even if they may not be as successful as PAF wanted but it will always put your IAF in preussure and PAF will not allow IAF to go freely to support IN's air arm so don't be over confident, our military planners know all problems they have to face and they know how to handle it in their available resources.

It seems that Pakistani military may want J-11 type fighter for long range maritime strike roles and air defense of coastal areas and interception of IAF assets who will be going to support IN's air arm during hostilities.
The only advantages of the twin engined aircraft is prolonged loitering time and more safety for the crew in case of engine failure/damage. Against that the running costs ars higher. The loitering time issue can be tackled by mid air refueling and unfortunately lack of funds means that crew safety factor will become a low priority issue for the powers that be.
I doubt China will ever export any of the Su-27 derivatives to anyone. The Russians will not be happy.
On topic:

With the speed of developments, Pakistan's Air Power will be greater than Israel in next couple of decades...

But then again, no one can predict future....
This statement of yours needs qualifying. With the US firmly behind Israel and their own work in aviation you MAY achieve numerical superiority but technologically you will remain behind them for the next decade or two if not more.
This statement of yours needs qualifying. With the US firmly behind Israel and their own work in aviation you MAY achieve numerical superiority but technologically you will remain behind them for the next decade or two if not more.

The basis of my statement was the assumption that in next two decades, Chinese will have caught the European Aviation Industry and would be very near in capability to the United States.

With that achieved, I see massive change in Pakistan's Air power..Pakistan has more access to Chinese technology than Israel has to U.S'....

If we can deploy quality AESA radars, IRST, more composites, and a better/more powerful engine on JF-17...with 58% rights of the entire program with Pakistan...I see many more JF-17s getting deployed by PAF...more than 250-300!

And then if PAF gets J-10C or J-16 (long shot) for high-end fighting force...and J-31 for Stealth role...I do see PAF becoming a mightier air power than Israel...which would be retiring its F-15 fleet in the future and will be getting F-35s...albeit in lesser numbers...

And also, in next decades, Pakistan economy would be way ahead of Israel in raw terms..and hence more cash would be available to us in defence budget...

But as I said, no one knows the future...

In the long run, I would support my assumption though. Israel does not have the "evolutionary" push behind it. All its enemies are "tamed" long ago..and no country can be in a position of posing any threat to Israel. Pakistan, on the other hand, has india..which is ever-increasing in military might. Our "minimum credible deterrence" is more "real" for us than Israelis' perceived threat and security framework.

AFAIK Jf17 has now around 4300kg of payload so is j11 The radar on j11 and radar is excellent and as capable as Pulse doppler radar on flankers. The Range is identical with ferry range around 1700nm. Jf17 lack IRST and Speed of mach 2.35 for j11b. I dont see any point of inducting j11 when jf17 did good against it in exercise.

The basis of my statement was the assumption that in next two decades, Chinese will have caught the European Aviation Industry and would be very near in capability to the United States.

With that achieved, I see massive change in Pakistan's Air power..Pakistan has more access to Chinese technology than Israel has to U.S'....

If we can deploy quality AESA radars, IRST, more composites, and a better/more powerful engine on JF-17...with 58% rights of the entire program with Pakistan...I see many more JF-17s getting deployed by PAF...more than 250-300!

And then if PAF gets J-10C or J-16 (long shot) for high-end fighting force...and J-31 for Stealth role...I do see PAF becoming a mightier air power than Israel...which would be retiring its F-15 fleet in the future and will be getting F-35s...albeit in lesser numbers...

And also, in next decades, Pakistan economy would be way ahead of Israel in raw terms..and hence more cash would be available to us in defence budget...

But as I said, no one knows the future...

In the long run, I would support my assumption though. Israel does not have the "evolutionary" push behind it. All its enemies are "tamed" long ago..and no country can be in a position of posing any threat to Israel. Pakistan, on the other hand, has india..which is ever-increasing in military might. Our "minimum credible deterrence" is more "real" for us than Israelis' perceived threat and security framework.

The JF-17 has a payload of >4000 Kg( official video press release by chief designer of jf 17 thunder project at dubai )
The JF-17 has a payload of >4000 Kg( official video press release by chief designer of jf 17 thunder project at dubai )

I know that. 4300kg figure is what you quoted. I asked about that.
I relay don't know about PN budget but PN has said this that

their is no guaranty that USA will support Pakistan in 1971 all the leaders were saying that U.S sending there war ship to support Pakistan then what happened?


When the u s military found that the pakistani general command consisted of cowards on the western front---they slowed down----but before that happened---they realized that it was a war between TWO BROTHERS where one did not want to stay together.

East pakistan was a lost cause for pakistan---but when india thought to turning on west pakistan---Nixon threatened to nuc india if it won't stop.

On the western front----pak general command consisted of cowards---men without ballz---. Indian generals were afraid that if they left the flank open as indian army was busy in east pakistan---west pakistan may attack full fledged----Indira Gandhi stated that the pak generals don't have the courage to do that.

Kid----don't listen to the lies told to you by pak military and your parents

For naval operation---pak navy needs aircraft that can deliever a heavy load---JF17 is like a NATO 5.56 calibre round---while the J11 is like a .50 calibre---.
you all talk like Yateem and faqirs.

Do you even realize that Pakistan has same population as Japan but 100 times more resources?

And yet

we are begging like paupers

Please please china

please give us bakhsheehs

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