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J10C completed maiden flight test at today's afternoon 1:50PM

Sir....was it F-16 MLU or the original Block A/B versions, since the fight (allegedly) was WVR...?

Also, i had this discussion with Sancho. He is a very sensible poster compared to others here, but sometimes Indian members make claims that simply puts a smile on your face.

I heard it was MLU and WVR. I do not think that the non MLU would be able to handle it cause you have almost nothing in electronic sense nor in weapons that can compete. As far as I know it was the first time we send something better then F16A/B.
The same can be said about Mods here, that think PAFs F16s are the most advanced fighters around. In both cases that is only bias and a very limited point of view that is talking, but it shows us, that this behaviour is not limited to one origin, nor to new members. So the correct statement should have been, no point in arguing with biased people!

On topic, so far there is nothing but some fan arts and pics, but CFTs or increased internal fuel capacity is crucial for J10 and should had been included in the B upgrade, to really make it a comprehensive one. Only then the J10 can really provide an operational difference to PAF, to what they already have with JF 17, since the load configs of J10B and JF 17 are nearly identical. But simply concluding that they will be added soon, based on some pics is a bit too far fetched. If CFTs would be designed and developed, China would had included them to the B upgrade too, since it's a dramatic increase of capability for J10 and so far we don't even have seen even prototype versions fitted at a real fighter for flight tests, so that sadly might needs some more time.

J-10C completed Maiden Test Flight and with that also got IOC, FOC and all the OCs and is now fully combat ready unlike other fighters around the world which takes a ling time to get OCs!!:)
J-10C completed Maiden Test Flight and with that also got IOC, FOC and all the OCs and is now fully combat ready unlike other fighters around the world which takes a ling time to get OCs!!:)

They already have j10,j10a,j10b in active service / production stage. Just like your lca mk2 might take lesser time than the time taken in producing lca prototypes
J-10C completed Maiden Test Flight and with that also got IOC, FOC and all the OCs and is now fully combat ready unlike other fighters around the world which takes a ling time to get OCs!!:)
I would take that with a pinch of salt unless you can provide me a valid source. There are changesin hardpoints and this will require testing. If we are correct in assuming that the J10C is the one with a wingtip hardpoint then it will require testing and to say that it is fully tested when it has only made its initial flight is an exaggeration.
Touche! I agree that F16b52 is not the best. But honestly, in the hands of Pakistani pilots it is extremely good. I can tell cause I talked to many pilots. If F16MLU of PAF beats EF2000 hands down... I can tell you, it is good.

To not spoil the topic, I will not further comment on that and will refer to Oscars post #119, I only commented on the technical level of the F16s in PAF and that there are as many Pakistani members that thinks too highly about it because of personal bias, as there are Indians that now jump the gun with LCA.

And are these improvements not the logical next step the Chinese are making?

They are doing it too late, most likely because they are distracted with all the 5th gen developments, which makes J10 actually not that important anymore and that's what disappoints me so much. The fighter has far more potential by now than the Chinese are getting out of it. The simple fact that a light class JFT can carry the same load in most combat roles, that a medium class J10B will after the latest upgrade, shows where the problem lies. So even if the sole purpose would be to distinguish J10 more from JF 17, only to attract more export interests, they would had been needed today in the B upgrade and not with a future one.
Since YOU brought up LCA (just to not be accused to de-rail the thread again :)), the MK2 upgrade will have increased internal fuel capacity, how much and how useful that will be, needs to be seen, but just like F16 B52s, Mig 29SMTs, or the Gripen with it's latest upgrade, the addition of fuel to free hardpoints and / or the addition of hardpoints to increase load capability is part of any latest upgrade and that's where J10B sadly lacks behind.
The more important issue maybe the powerplant rather than anything else. CFT's are not like drop tanks and cannot be jettisoned in flight. This means that whether empty or filled they are a dead weight on the fighter. I am not sure if the CFTs for the J-10C create drag.. but they will require a slightly more powerful engine.

Fair enough and I share the view that the emptyweight and partially the lack of thrust are the main problems for J10, but the added weight of CFTs are mainly used as an argument during close combats, while the overall pros and cons will be ignored.

With CFTs, J10B...

...wouldn't need the twin pylons for BVR missiles in CAP, because the inner wingstations could be freed from fuel tanks => reduction of weight and drag!
...would have a lower RCS in interception and CAP roles, since it requires less or even no (depending on the final capacity of the CFTs) external fuel tanks anymore => BVR advantage!
...would be able to carry more heavy weapons in strike or anti ship roles including a full AAM load => propper medium class load capability!
...could extend range and endurance of operations => advantage if such a wide area must be covered and to reduce the number of tankers that are needed!

Wrt the weight addition, the B upgrade is said to include weight reductions as well, so the addition of weight of CFTs should be at least countered by that too and even if the same engine will be used and no drag benefit would be achived (which would be surprising compared to external fuel tanks and pylons), the weight should not had been a real issue.

So even if we say, weight is added and one can't jettison the CFTs during close combats, they do add a lot of other advantages, which makes them overall far more useful than carrying external fuel tanks and limiting weapon loads.

J-10C completed Maiden Test Flight and with that also got IOC, FOC and all the OCs and is now fully combat ready unlike other fighters around the world which takes a ling time to get OCs!!:)

That works both ways, the one side that is jumping the gun because some fanarts of CFTs came up and the other side that still underestimates the Chinese and their impressive industrial capabilities. The fighter is ready today and the B version is reportedly in serial production, the CFTs however are not and that's what I pointed out. However, I have no doubt about that China will develop them much faster again than many people believes!
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It might just look something like this,


HAHAHAHA, you're awesome bro! :D And its called the air-inlet but I like your term more.

PAF might be seeking the same thing but I can't say for sure after seeing J-31s... :):pakistan:
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