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‘J-K integral part of India, Pak must vacate illegally occupied areas’ UK MP

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To a question on the ongoing debate of “intolerance” in India, Blackman said India was one of the safest countries for minorities in the world where people from all faiths get equal rights but said it was unfortunate that military had to be used to protect temples in Kashmir.
Temples on total 13 locations of kashmir and if total indian army being taken out there is 500000 then 37000 soldiers on each location."Mandir na huay uranium enrichment plants ho gye".
Anyone giving religion or its scriptures to justify anything should go check his psychiatrist

Pakistan was created on basis of religious ideology, with the elected support of the Muslim population of present day India (United Provinces, Bombay, CP, Bihar etc).

We say anyone who uses culture and ethnicity to justify things are crackheads. We don't recognise ethnic nationalism. We are bound by religion.

The failure in Bangladesh was due to the decline in the practice of Islam by the 1960s and 1971. After the 1980s religious sentiments in both Pakistan and Bangladesh have shot up.

And even today most Indian Muslims are not loyal to India. Indian members of this forum have affirmed this. And by this I mean the Indian forum members who have actually mixed with Muslims and have gone to Muslim neighborhoods and mosques and witnessed the real Indian Muslim opinions.
its not on the media here. this blackman guy is a back bencher and is pro isreal. so pakistans should not lose their sleep over this. he had an affair with a colleague. and was caught deleting stuff from wikipedia near to 2015 election, like how he was caught with his pants down. and was caught fidling with his expences and got done for it. even corbyn will be calling him a weirdo.

its like asking a chinese man if he prefers india or pakistan?
Bob Blackman (politician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A simple point that all your Military expenditure is directed towards India is enough to debunk all your wrote. This is not me saying. Your military planner have said this time and again. 'our only enemy is India'...this is what they always say.
So you're saying that Pakistan is currently fighting a war, absolutely for free. Dude, just shut up.

And on Kashmir, everyone knows that Pakistanis think the army is the guardian of their interests on Kashmir, so they enjoy disproportionate power. This sentiment of Pakistanis on Kashmir have also been used by religious nutjobs to justify their existence
Who are these "everyone" you're talking about? Oh, it's mainly just you.
Why should any Indian care what some MP from UK says?

Have you looked at what some of their other MPs have said and supported?

We have only one country that we need to deal with over Kashmir: Pakistan.

Third parties are just extra noise.
Pakistan was created on basis of religious ideology, with the elected support of the Muslim population of present day India (United Provinces, Bombay, CP, Bihar etc).

We say anyone who uses culture and ethnicity to justify things are crackheads. We don't recognise ethnic nationalism. We are bound by religion.

The failure in Bangladesh was due to the decline in the practice of Islam by the 1960s and 1971. After the 1980s religious sentiments in both Pakistan and Bangladesh have shot up.

And even today most Indian Muslims are not loyal to India. Indian members of this forum have affirmed this. And by this I mean the Indian forum members who have actually mixed with Muslims and have gone to Muslim neighborhoods and mosques and witnessed the real Indian Muslim opinions.
people change religion but the land dsnt change ,its always better if you are bound by something which is permanent.and you call others crackheads

if as per your post Muslims cannot cant be loyal to their nationality but their religion,why should they be welcome to other peoples land or why should muslims go to other peoples land who belive in nationalism.
people change religion but the land dsnt change ,its always better if you are bound by something which is permanent.and you call others crackheads

if as per your post Muslims cannot cant be loyal to their nationality but their religion,why should they be welcome to other peoples land or why should muslims go to other peoples land who belive in nationalism.

Non-muslims change their religion or convert to Islam

Muslims don't change their religion. It is a capital crime to do apostasy under Islamic law.
Pakistan was created on basis of religious ideology, with the elected support of the Muslim population of present day India (United Provinces, Bombay, CP, Bihar etc).

We say anyone who uses culture and ethnicity to justify things are crackheads. We don't recognise ethnic nationalism. We are bound by religion.

The failure in Bangladesh was due to the decline in the practice of Islam by the 1960s and 1971. After the 1980s religious sentiments in both Pakistan and Bangladesh have shot up.

And even today most Indian Muslims are not loyal to India. Indian members of this forum have affirmed this. And by this I mean the Indian forum members who have actually mixed with Muslims and have gone to Muslim neighborhoods and mosques and witnessed the real Indian Muslim opinions.

Talk of yourself, not about Indian Muslims. Islamic terrorists also give the same reason: Islam and Islamic scriptures for their heinous acts so does TTP, JuD and LeT. I don't find any difference between you and them

And let me tell you until the point you make Kashmir a religious issue, you are actually harming your so called Kashmir cause.
Glad he raised the issue of Kashmiri Hindus

Non-muslims change their religion or convert to Islam

Muslims don't change their religion. It is a capital crime to do apostasy under Islamic law.

Many Muslims have converted

Pakistan was created on basis of religious ideology, with the elected support of the Muslim population of present day India (United Provinces, Bombay, CP, Bihar etc).

We say anyone who uses culture and ethnicity to justify things are crackheads. We don't recognise ethnic nationalism. We are bound by religion.

The failure in Bangladesh was due to the decline in the practice of Islam by the 1960s and 1971. After the 1980s religious sentiments in both Pakistan and Bangladesh have shot up.

And even today most Indian Muslims are not loyal to India. Indian members of this forum have affirmed this. And by this I mean the Indian forum members who have actually mixed with Muslims and have gone to Muslim neighborhoods and mosques and witnessed the real Indian Muslim opinions.

What a dumb retard you are
So you're saying that Pakistan is currently fighting a war, absolutely for free. Dude, just shut up.

Who are these "everyone" you're talking about? Oh, it's mainly just you.

So you are justifying $7 billion of your defense budget, a 25% of your whole budget on WoT. And a war that you started seriously just started after APS. And I guess US has been footing majority of WoT budget.

Moreover, the whole Taliban was the creation of ISI. You felt that Taliban will harm other but not you. And you are proven wrong. A snake is a snake. It will harm anyone.
If Muslims were not loyal to India they would not join the armed forces, go schools with their countrymen or celebrate each others festivals lol

Karnataka Muslim girl tops Ramayana exam with 93% - Times of India

He represents Harrow East which is a Indian area and he needs their votes but it is nothing different to the Pakistani support given in places like Yorkshire etc

its not on the media here. this blackman guy is a back bencher and is pro isreal. so pakistans should not lose their sleep over this. he had an affair with a colleague. and was caught deleting stuff from wikipedia near to 2015 election, like how he was caught with his pants down. and was caught fidling with his expences and got done for it. even corbyn will be calling him a weirdo.

its like asking a chinese man if he prefers india or pakistan?
Bob Blackman (politician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually it is the area (Harrow)
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Pakistan was created on basis of religious ideology, with the elected support of the Muslim population of present day India (United Provinces, Bombay, CP, Bihar etc).

We say anyone who uses culture and ethnicity to justify things are crackheads. We don't recognise ethnic nationalism.
We are bound by religion.

The failure in Bangladesh was due to the decline in the practice of Islam by the 1960s and 1971. After the 1980s religious sentiments in both Pakistan and Bangladesh have shot up.

And even today most Indian Muslims are not loyal to India. Indian members of this forum have affirmed this. And by this I mean the Indian forum members who have actually mixed with Muslims and have gone to Muslim neighborhoods and mosques and witnessed the real Indian Muslim opinions.

With the greatest of respect you don't speak for all the ethnic groups who make up Pakistan. All the Pashtuns/Pathans that I know have a very strong sense of ethnic identity. The only one's that do not are the Salafis, and nobody cares what they think.

No, the failure in Bangladesh was because Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto wouldn't accept that he'd lost an election, and certain ethnic groups in Pakistan had no intention of allowing an East Pakistani to be leader. Bhutto and Yahya Qizilbashi in a fit of madness and against all military sense decided that they could impose their will upon a part of the country hundreds of miles away, and on the other side of a mortal enemy. In the beginning there was lots of cheering from the usual gang who think that killing thousands of members of an ethnic group represents a great victory....all it does is ensure they will never forgive you. And in the end, despite all the media 'all good news', the truth eventually emerged.

I really don't care what the Indian Muslims get up to in India. Pakistan still hasn't managed to absorb the descendants of the migrants who arrived 70 years ago, and the obvious reason is that the culture of those migrants is far removed from the Indus valley cultures of the ethnic groups of Pakistan. The nature of the people of the western-most portion of the subcontinent is very different from the culture of the Gangetic Plains. What I'm saying isn't new. Ahmad Shah Abdali recognized this and chose not to rule Hind.

So please, let the Indian Muslims either resolve their problems within the borders of the Indian state, or let them break away into their own regions. Whatever they do, most Pashtuns do not want any sort of union with them. 'Altaf Bhai' and the MQM have been lesson enough for Pashtuns, on the very real differences between us as ethnic groups.
Why should any Indian care what some MP from UK says?

Have you looked at what some of their other MPs have said and supported?

We have only one country that we need to deal with over Kashmir: Pakistan.

Third parties are just extra noise.

What he says has merit because of the area he represents which has a big NRI community and is pro Modi
So you are justifying $7 billion of your defense budget, a 25% of your whole budget on WoT. And a war that you started seriously just started after APS. And I guess US has been footing majority of WoT budget.

Moreover, the whole Taliban was the creation of ISI. You felt that Taliban will harm other but not you. And you are proven wrong. A snake is a snake. It will harm anyone.
Oh my...you seriously cannot be this ignorant. Just...hush...up, you have ZERO idea what you're talking about. Nothing you've said is true, and your entire logic base is completely and utterly flawed.

Pakistan started military operations WAY before APS, or did you forget the operations S-WA, SWAT, Karachi, FATA, or the numerous military operations that were started soon after Pakistan joined the US efforts? I guess you forgot.

No, the US does NOT pay for the majority of the military budget.

Okay, let's do some math and some LOGIC, because I'm completely confident you have no idea where that 25% number comes from. First, keep in mind, war time usually means that the military budgets are larger than their official numbers, because war dynamics force nations to adjust military expenditures, depending on the situation. As such, Pakistan's current expenditure is actually TEMPORARY, and likely to decrease back to normal size, once most major military operations are complete, and the insurgency becomes a low level one.

Second, I'd like to point out that the military is the largest employer in Pakistan, and uses a good chunk of it's budget to help develop the tribal areas that were destroyed during PA operations. So, it's not like Pakistan is simply paying it's army to sit around and do nothing, as such, every single penny can be rightly justified. From building roads, schools and hospitals, the PA budget is not just paying soldiers, and fighting wars, it's also to pay for the aftermath; therapy of soldiers that were either wounded, or suffer from psychological trauma, and paying for reconstruction efforts.

Pakistan's budget for 2015-2016 is Rs4.451 trillion which is USD$42,509,898,640.00 ,Pakistan's official military budget is USD$7,449,499,200.00, that's only 17.52% of the total national budget: less than the 2014-15 budget, which was 18-19%.

Budget 2015-16: Finance Minister Ishaq Dar unveils Rs4.451 tr budget - The Express Tribune

Now if you include vital issues, such as protecting foreign workers, mainly Chinese working on Gwadar port, and the on going operations in N-WA, Karachi, and the soon to be announced Punjab operation, that budget is closer to $11 billion.

Adding in Pakistan's current budget that the military has requested in order to continue to conduct military operations (plus reconstruction, rehabilitation, and peacekeeping efforts), the actual budget is closer to $11 billion. AGAIN, THIS IS TEMPORARY, DUE TO WAR TIME EFFORTS, as such, the actual budget is 25.87%, which is LESS than the previous year of 26-27%.

This is more to show others what the budget actually is, rather than just to explaining it to you. Although, I'm SURE you're going to ignore most of what I wrote, and concentrate on specific words, which you will fail to contextualize.

@waz @Horus @WebMaster @Zarvan @jaibi @MaarKhoor @Areesh @Oscar @notorious_eagle
Oh my...you seriously cannot be this ignorant. Just...shut...up, you have ZERO idea what you're talking about. Nothing you've said is true, and your entire logic base is completely and utterly flawed.

Pakistan started military operations WAY before APS, or did you forget the operations S-WA, SWAT, Karachi, FATA, or the numerous military operations that were started soon after Pakistan joined the US efforts? I guess you forgot.

No, the US does NOT pay for the majority of the military budget.

Okay, let's do some math and some LOGIC, because I'm completely confident you have no idea where that 25% number comes from. First, keep in mind, war time usually means that the military budgets are larger than their official numbers, because war dynamics force nations to adjust military expenditures, depending on the situation. As such, Pakistan's current expenditure is actually TEMPORARY, and likely to decrease back to normal size, once most major military operations are complete, and the insurgency becomes a low level one.

Second, I'd like to point out that the military is the largest employer in Pakistan, and uses a good chunk of it's budget to help develop the tribal areas that were destroyed during PA operations. So, it's not like Pakistan is simply paying it's army to sit around and do nothing, as such, every single penny can be rightly justified. From building roads, schools and hospitals, the PA budget is not just paying soldiers, and fighting wars, it's also to pay for the aftermath; therapy of soldiers that were either wounded, or suffer from psychological trauma, and paying for reconstruction efforts.

Pakistan's budget for 2015-2016 is Rs4.451 trillion which is USD$42,509,898,640.00 ,Pakistan's official military budget is USD$7,449,499,200.00, that's only 17.52% of the total national budget: less than the 2014-15 budget, which was 18-19%.

Budget 2015-16: Finance Minister Ishaq Dar unveils Rs4.451 tr budget - The Express Tribune

Now if you include vital issues, such as protecting foreign workers, mainly Chinese working on Gwadar port, and the on going operations in N-WA, Karachi, and the soon to be announced Punjab operation, that budget is closer to $11 billion.

Adding in Pakistan's current budget that the military has requested in order to continue to conduct military operations (plus reconstruction, rehabilitation, and peacekeeping efforts), the actual budget is closer to $11 billion. AGAIN, THIS IS TEMPORARY, DUE TO WAR TIME EFFORTS, as such, the actual budget is 25.87%, which is LESS than the previous year of 26-27%.

This is more to show others how the budget is, rather than just to explain it to you. Although, I'm SURE you're going to ignore most of what I wrote, and concentrate on specific words, which you will fail to contextualize.

@waz @Horus @WebMaster @Zarvan @jaibi @MaarKhoor @Areesh @Oscar @notorious_eagle
A nice detailed mouth shut reply but we can't do much when hatred and obsession blind our neighbor a national phenomena...Pakistan always maintain and have peace loving agenda and always first to offer peace like we did in Siachen but hate and war monger neighbor despite losing number of his own soldiers never showed any interest...Pakistan started the operation long before our neighbor think like swat valley and on other areas but after APS its just come to lime light and in media....
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