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J-20 Stealth Fighters In Hotan AB Near Ladakh

IAF: *Commissions rafale*
PLAAF: *Deploys Stealth J-20*
Only option is to patiently wait for thr JF-17 Block 3 ... rest assured it will come soon.
Chinese Stealth Fighters J-20 Head West To Confront India
David Axe
Aerospace & Defense
Aug 17, 2020,10:00pm EDT



Two Chinese air force J-20 stealth fighters have appeared at an air base in China’s far west as the mountain stand-off between India and Chine enters its fourth month.

The twin-engine J-20s are visible in commercial satellite imagery of Hotan air base, in the Uighur autonomous region of Xinjiang. Chinese social-media users first spotted the planes.

The J-20 deployment, however temporary, signals Beijing’s resolve as China wrestles with India for influence over a disputed region of the Himalayas. But a pair of warplanes, no matter how sophisticated, don’t represent much actual combat power.

It’s not clear whether there are more J-20s out west than just two that are visible in the satellite photo. The Chinese air force possesses only around 40 J-20s.

Hotan lies some 200 miles from Ladakh, the region of northern India along which runs the Line of Actual Control, the demarcation between Indian and Chinese forces in the Himalayas. Diplomats drew that line as part of truce talks following a bitter, bloody border war in 1962.

After weeks of posturing, in early June Chinese forces killed 20 Indian soldiers in a skirmish along the LOAC. Forty-three Chinese soldiers also were injured or died, according to press reports.

Indian and Chinese warplanes and helicopters are patrolling the border zone as the stand-off continues. India has deployed Su-30, MiG-29 and MiG-29K fighters.

The People’s Liberation Army Air Force previously deployed at least six H-6 bombers with KD-63 cruise missiles to Kashgar airport, also in Xinjiangan, placing the bombers within striking distance of Indian forces.

The tiny contingent of J-20s arguably is less potent than the H-6 force. Two J-20s flying together probably could mount no more than a single patrol every couple of days. Double the J-20 detachment to four planes, and you might get a daily two-jet mission.



Triple it, and you might be able to sustain slightly more than a mission per day, on average. But at that size, the J-20 contingent at Hotan could require the support of the PLAAF’s entire stealth-fighter fleet.

That’s because, owing to training and maintenance requirements, a force of 40 fighters can sustain just a handful of planes on front-line operations over a prolonged period of time.

It’s a problem that smaller European air force are struggling with as they acquire tiny fleets of F-35 stealth fighters to replace their larger fleets of old F-16s. Denmark is buying 27 F-35s to replace 41 F-16s and expects to deploy four F-35s at a time. Belgium is acquiring 34 F-35s to replace 56 F-16s and could deploy around five F-35s.

The J-20s however do underscore Chinese resolve—and could hint at larger, future deployments of a wider variety of fighter types. The Chinese air force at present is thin on the ground in China’s west. The PLAAF concentrates its forces in the east for operations over the disputed China Seas and for a possible invasion of Taiwan.

Besides, the austere conditions and performance-draining high elevations of western airfields complicate fighter operations. Chinese J-16s that routinely fly from western bases reportedly carry just a few small air-to-air missiles and must get new brake discs after every mission.

At 4,600 feet above sea level, Hotan is higher than are most of the bases the PLAAF operates from—with the obvious impact on the performance of aircraft flying from the base. Hotan’s proximity to the LOAC at least mitigates the performance impact of the high, thin air.

To be clear, Indian forces in the region suffer the same constraints, although it’s worth pointing out that India has more experience with air operations in the mountains.

During a clash with Pakistani forces in Kashmir back in 1999, a single coordinated strike by Indian air force Mirage 2000s hauling Litening camera pods and laser-guided bombs succeeded in knocking out a key Pakistani headquarters.

Forbes used to be business leaders mag, and now it has a become a more dod mouthpiece, guess there is not much economic topics left for US to discuss.
A one page article of hot air for something that boils down to "random guy who looks at satellite pictures for a hobby spotted 2 J-20's at Chinas Hotan airbase"
China-India border dispute: PLA flexes military muscle with live-fire drill in Tibet
  • Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily releases video and details of the exercise as state media steps up propaganda campaign
  • Footage shows recently deployed artillery being used in what military expert calls a ‘demonstration of power’
Liu Zhen in Beijing
Published: 10:00pm, 18 Aug, 2020


The PLA’s latest live-fire drill took place at an altitude of 4,600 metres in an undisclosed location in the Himalayas. Photo: qq.com

Chinese state media has again highlighted a PLA exercise near the Indian border, as
tensions continue to simmer between the neighbours.

Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily published a video of the live-fire drill conducted by the People’s Liberation Army in the Himalayas, along with details of the exercise, as state media steps up a propaganda campaign to show China’s military might on the Tibetan Plateau.

It came days after Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid a rare visit to Tibet, including a trip to the disputed border with India. The visit was seen by observers as a symbolic gesture after months of friction between the two countries following a deadly border clash in June.

The latest live-fire drill took place at an altitude of 4,600 metres (15,000 feet) in the middle of the Himalayas, which separate China and its South Asian neighbours – India, Nepal and Bhutan. The report did not give the exact location or say when the drill took place.

“The exercise … tested the coordinated strike capability of multiple units and put new equipment to the test in a combat situation,” it said.

The report detailed how the PLA troops set out at 4am to get into position dozens of kilometres from the starting point while avoiding enemy reconnaissance.

During the exercise, target drones were shot down with surface-to-air missiles. The enemy’s rear command posts, missile launchers and communication hubs were knocked out with guided bombs. PLA troops also launched saturated artillery fire on the enemy’s frontline positions, bunkers and camps. And a precision missile strike on remaining fortresses was carried out at the end of the drill, according to the report.

The footage showed recently deployed artillery being used in the drill – a vehicle-mounted version of the HJ-10 anti-tank missile system, 155mm and 122mm calibre vehicle-mounted howitzers, and HQ-16 air defence missiles.

Antony Wong Dong, a military expert based in Macau, said the new lightweight artillery was designed for rapid response situations on the Tibetan Plateau.

“They’re making the debut there as a demonstration of power,” he said.

People’s Daily said the drill was “scheduled in the annual training plan” of the PLA’s Tibet Military Region. However, it was just the latest in a recent series of live-fire exercises in the region, where the PLA has sent a large number of troops.

The stand-off between Chinese and Indian border troops has shown little sign of abating, although the two sides have disengaged from the major hotspots along the disputed boundary. The latest tensions peaked in June when 20 Indian soldiers were killed in the worst clash between the two sides in decades, in the disputed Galwan Valley. China has not revealed the number of its casualties.


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