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J-20 Stealth Fighters In Hotan AB Near Ladakh

J-20 is a dedicated air superiority fighter ... its foremost goals are not to attack AWACS/refueling aircraft nor strike targets on the ground but to shoot down IAF fighter aircraft.
Yes and no. I think it's best to consider the J-20 in a force-on-force engagement with the US - there, because China still lacks sufficient numbers of J-20s and the US has a large number of high-value targets like AWACS and refuelers, the primary mission of the J-20 would be to destroy these high-value targets. While by design it does and can go up against enemy stealth fighters, a war of attrition of fifth gens would favour the US because of the slight kinematic edge of the F-22 and the larger numbers of F-22s/F-35s.
I think the 400 km PL-21, carried by the J-16, would be a better AWAC killer than the dedicated A2A PL-15 missile. It is hard to go for AWACS/refueling tankers when you haven't even taken care of the fighters.
Yes, but that missile would still need to be datalinked at that range - no fighter radar can lock at 400 kilometers. It needs either ground radars or a J-20 sneaking past enemy defences to guide it.
Yes and no. I think it's best to consider the J-20 in a force-on-force engagement with the US - there, because China still lacks sufficient numbers of J-20s and the US has a large number of high-value targets like AWACS and refuelers, the primary mission of the J-20 would be to destroy these high-value targets. While by design it does and can go up against enemy stealth fighters, a war of attrition of fifth gens would favour the US because of the slight kinematic edge of the F-22 and the larger numbers of F-22s/F-35s.

Yes, but that missile would still need to be datalinked at that range - no fighter radar can lock at 400 kilometers. It needs either ground radars or a J-20 sneaking past enemy defences to guide it.
I am not saying that it will not attack high value targets like AWACS ... of course it will. But I disagree it is the primary mission of the J-20 ... its primary mission will be to defeat the F-22 and F-35s. How are you going to go after high value targets when you have not even defeated these fighters? It's not like the J-20 can magically shoot down high value targets like AWACS (or for the USAF to leave them in such vulnerable positions) without first encountering the F-22s/F-35s. The assumption of the J-20 being a dedicated aerial interceptor or long range sniper stems from the faulty assumption that the USAF will just leave its AWACS and refueling tankers out like sitting ducks. What this means is for the time being, the J-20 will need to not only win air to air engagements but also needs to strike out these high value targets.
I always viewed the jet as a long range interceptor
It has always been a stealth air superiority fighter.
How are you going to go after high value targets when you have not even defeated these fighters?
Stealth, baby! That's the whole point, the J-20's VLO RCS and rich passive sensor suite would allow it to sneak up close enough to guide a PL-20 shot by a J-16 or even fire off its own PL-15 and then vanish like a fart in the wind after it's popped the high-value target.
Stealth, baby! That's the whole point, the J-20's VLO RCS and rich passive sensor suite would allow it to sneak up close enough to guide a PL-20 shot by a J-16 or even fire off its own PL-15 and then vanish like a fart in the wind after it's popped the high-value target.
Possibly but that is under the assumption the J-20 can sneak up to these high value targets before encountering F-22s and F-35s. More than likely, the J-20 will first have to encounter the US stealth fighters before they ever sneak up on these high value targets ... the high value targets will be far behind these fighters. Even with its VLO characteristics, it is unlikely the J-20s can just run through the F-22/F-35 defensive screen ... this assumption is faulty to say the least.
With the way stealth development is going -- pilots will be spending 99% of time finding each other to get that 1% chance to shoot one down.
Sun Tzu

"There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare

The nation would definitely not benefit. But the military industrial complex certainly benefits from prolong warfare.

there were no military industrial complex at time of Sun Tsu.
The nation would definitely not benefit. But the military industrial complex certainly benefits from prolong warfare.

there were no military industrial complex at time of Sun Tsu.
Weapons development is the fastest in times of warfare so yes there would be a benefit.
I am not saying that it will not attack high value targets like AWACS ... of course it will. But I disagree it is the primary mission of the J-20 ... its primary mission will be to defeat the F-22 and F-35s. How are you going to go after high value targets when you have not even defeated these fighters? It's not like the J-20 can magically shoot down high value targets like AWACS (or for the USAF to leave them in such vulnerable positions) without first encountering the F-22s/F-35s. The assumption of the J-20 being a dedicated aerial interceptor or long range sniper stems from the faulty assumption that the USAF will just leave its AWACS and refueling tankers out like sitting ducks. What this means is for the time being, the J-20 will need to not only win air to air engagements but also needs to strike out these high value targets.

It has always been a stealth air superiority fighter.

I don't agree with this, honestly. It's like, does submarine is created to beat another submarine? NO. To counter submarine, you need sonar, etc, not another submarine. It also the same as stealth fighter. You don't use stealth fighter to beat another stealth fighter. Stealth Fighter is an offensive asset, as they are being used to breaking in the enemy radar area.

Remember, whatever it is an air engagement or under sea battle, there won't be an engagement if nor party detect the other. so if both stealth fighters can't detect each other, there won't be any missiles exchange to happen. Then, it is pointless to use J-20 to counter F-35 / F-22. As an counter will be unlikely.

But it is different if a stealth fighter is being used to attack a critical enemy target.
I don't agree with this, honestly. It's like, does submarine is created to beat another submarine? NO. To counter submarine, you need sonar, etc, not another submarine. It also the same as stealth fighter. You don't use stealth fighter to beat another stealth fighter. Stealth Fighter is an offensive asset, as they are being used to breaking in the enemy radar area.
This analogy does not make any sense. Why are we comparing fighter jets to just submarines? Why not compare a fighter jet to a tank, whose primary goal is to go against other tanks? A tank can also attack other vehicles (e.g. APCs, IFVs) or fortified positions, but its primary goal is to knock out other tanks. I am not saying the J-20s only goal is to beat other stealth fighters ... I am just saying it is the J-20s primary goal. Of course the J-20 will also attack high value targets like AWACs or even conduct strike roles, but these are all secondary objectives. If the J-20s sole objective was to shoot down AWACs, then who is to deal with the F-22s and F-35s?
This analogy does not make any sense. Why are we comparing fighter jets to just submarines? Why not compare a fighter jet to a tank, whose primary goal is to go against other tanks? A tank can also attack other vehicles (e.g. APCs, IFVs) or fortified positions, but its primary goal is to knock out other tanks. I am not saying the J-20s only goal is to beat other stealth fighters ... I am just saying it is the J-20s primary goal. Of course the J-20 will also attack high value targets like AWACs or even conduct strike roles, but these are all secondary objectives. If the J-20s sole objective was to shoot down AWACs, then who is to deal with the F-22s and F-35s?

Why not call J-20 primary goal is air superiority instead? Air superiority means to rule the sky, to establish a no fly zone. Not to counter this or that.
These jets are there for look down shoot down what ever in air has indian insignia

Wondering the face of arnab goswami and major
I think the 400 km PL-21, carried by the J-16, would be a better AWAC killer than the dedicated A2A PL-15 missile. It is hard to go for AWACS/refueling tankers when you haven't even taken care of the fighters.
Yankeesama said the new a2a pl–xx for J20 is around the corner and I too believed J20 will pair with J16/J10C it would served as somekind of leader jet in the team, datalink the target for non stealthy 3.5 gen at the back.
IAF: *Commissions rafale*
PLAAF: *Deploys Stealth J-20*

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