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J-10C A sole international market for China's J-10 fighter jets is taking shape

The Mig-29 is not meant for the development of the avoinics, per se, but rather creating performance requirements for the J-31 design. Testing how the sensors and comms will work in the real work, over the ocean at low level, or in the mountain valleys can't be done as well in the avionics testbed airliner. Also, the new WS-19 engines would be better tested in a fighter air-frame. one RD-33 and one WS-19 at first, and then on to both as WS-19, eventually ending with WS-19 with TVC if that is planned for the J-31.

Finally the pilots need to start developing training on the closest thing to the J-31. After which, they can start developing tactics to best use the sensors, datalinks, and the advantages of the powerful WS-19 engines.
Bro bro J-31 is the Chinese project, they have better resource/$$$$ than us, and Chinese has all landscape you refer to test the avionics of J-31 and as for WS-19 is still in development and if somehow Pakistan gets some WS-19 it need a Chinese help to fit MIG-29 as well as maintenance logistic, think about it, you're overestimating the Pakistan's military industries @FuturePAF
In my opinion, PAF should not hesitate in buying latest J10 variant as PAF needs to get rid of old F7 & old Mirages. As PAF needs new aircrafts. Also TVC will be very helpful for PAF & if PAF can upgrade JF17 to TVC it will really boost the performance of JF17’s.
Bro bro J-31 is the Chinese project, they have better resource/$$$$ than us, and Chinese has all landscape you refer to test the avionics of J-31 and as for WS-19 is still in development and if somehow Pakistan gets some WS-19 it need a Chinese help to fit MIG-29 as well as maintenance logistic, think about it, you're overestimating the Pakistan's military industries @FuturePAF

ok ok, I give. Then we should just wait till our pilots go to China to test out the J-31 and give feedback so the design is refined per PAF specifications. Even if the PAF doesn't choose this design in the long run, as a potential design the PAF may purchase down the line, PAF should send pilots to evaluate the design and give feedback, so the SAC team can take PAF requirements into consideration when coming up with the final design.

If this is the case, Why can't this be happening now, and China can start cranking out the Planes we need in a couple years. The current J-31v2 design look advanced enough,


... and we are flying the JF-17 with Rd-93 Engines hoping for better engines to come along down the line. Why not commit to the J-31 program today. I don't see why a Block I J-31 with sidebays, and the electronics from the J-20 couldn't be flown this year, with initial operational production started in only a few years.


It seems a better option then the J-10CE, which would also take years to build and train the PAF pilots to fly. Only the need to replace the hundreds of mirages and F-7s ASAP could require the PAF to buy J-10s now, and buy the J-31 in a few years.

BTW, As a priority program the J-20s development was been as quick as possible, but the J-31 can do it faster, as the J-20 has lead the way. The J-20's first flight was January 2011, and by the end of 2015 the last prototype had flown with initial production starting thereafter. LRIP aircraft started in 2016, flew in the 2016 Zhuhai Airshow, and entered PLAAF service at the end of 2016. By March 2019, at least 3 J-20s are operationally deployed at a base facing Japan and Taiwan.

The J-31 first flew in October 2012, with the second prototype flying in December 2016. If the PLAAF and/or the PLANAF have signed onto the J-31, a production model may fly this year, with operational capability achieved by 2022 (where the J-20 reached in 2016).
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.... I don't see why a Block I J-31 with sidebays, and the electronics from the J-20 couldn't be flown this year, with initial operational production started in only a few years.

Simply since adding side-bays to a design would be de facto like going back to the drawing board and design a new fighter, consequently flying such a thing already this year is impossible.

Guys ... go and do your homework, aero-engineering isn't like adding a new app to your mobile. :crazy:
ok ok, I give. Then we should just wait till our pilots go to China to test out the J-31 and give feedback so the design is refined per PAF specifications.

If this is the case, Why can't this be happening now, and China can start cranking out the Planes we need in a couple years. The current J-31v2 design look advanced enough,
And why not you think PAF is already giving feedback to China to Improve the performance of J-31 and some senior members suggest Project AZM will be the single engine version of J-31 @FuturePAF
.. and we are flying the JF-17 with Rd-93 Engines hoping for better engines to come along down the line. Why not commit to the J-31 program today. I don't see why a Block I J-31 with sidebays, and the electronics from the J-20 couldn't be flown this year, with initial operational production started in only a few years.
Block-3 will come with new engine RD-93MA or WS-13E with improved thrust, Currently J-31 company (private project) and don't financed by govt/PLAAF, J-31 inspired by F-35 design which is multi-role design, that why it not have a side bays, J-20 only used for Air superiority mission, thee are rumors on various Chinese blogs/Forums that Improved version of J-31 coming within a year or 2 for PLAAN called J-35 @FuturePAF
It seems a better option then the J-10CE, which would also take years to build and train the PAF pilots to fly. Only the need to replace the hundreds of mirages and F-7s ASAP could require the PAF to buy J-10s now, and buy the J-31 in a few years
For F-7 JF-17 replacing it, for 80 Mirages its a good choice @FuturePAF
Simply since adding side-bays to a design would be de facto like going back to the drawing board and design a new fighter, consequently flying such a thing already this year is impossible.

Guys ... go and do your homework, aero-engineering isn't like adding a new app to your mobile. :crazy:

Rumor has it a third prototype is in the works for the PLANAF carrier force called the J-35. adding side-bays to the current design may not be feasible, the J-35 is potentially an enlarged design could have it added, hence the design team has gone back to the drawing board.

And why not you think PAF is already giving feedback to China to Improve the performance of J-31 and some senior members suggest Project AZM will be the single engine version of J-31 @FuturePAF

Block-3 will come with new engine RD-93MA or WS-13E with improved thrust, Currently J-31 company (private project) and don't financed by govt/PLAAF, J-31 inspired by F-35 design which is multi-role design, that why it not have a side bays, J-20 only used for Air superiority mission, thee are rumors on various Chinese blogs/Forums that Improved version of J-31 coming within a year or 2 for PLAAN called J-35 @FuturePAF

For F-7 JF-17 replacing it, for 80 Mirages its a good choice @FuturePAF

:( Guess We are in a bind, because we need jets soon to replace the 50+ year old Mirages. We really can't expect to push the JF-17s to hold the line when its not just capability, but numbers we need.

So it looks like the PAF will need to get the funding to buy J-10CE now, and a single engine J-31 down the line. Hopefully we can get our finances fixed to make these purchases.
J 10 is better choice with canards paf has nothing like it more manuverable than vipers with PL 15 it will become deadly even against rafale
A new dawn, a new beginning for who? Has Pakistan finally placed an order for J-10Cs? If J-10s are coming then you can be sure that new F-16s won't.
A new dawn, a new beginning for who? Has Pakistan finally placed an order for J-10Cs? If J-10s are coming then you can be sure that new F-16s won't.
So, is that a good or bad thing?
Actually, China is not keen to sell J-10C.
Actually, Pakistan is not keen to buy J-10 C.
It's just fanboys spreading false news.
A commander sitting in J-10 C doesn't mean Pakistan want to buy these.

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