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J-10 vs LCA Development Similar timeframe.

wow a two year old boy(China's Aviation industry) is laughing at a infant (Indian Aviation industry) trying to crawl and he is telling I can run but you are a failed human cant even crawl properly.

don't forget that you were once infant and now your are 2 .. probably some grandfathers are laughing at you as well for not running fast.

I know its off topic but . cant control

LCA is a lead project (first 4th gen aircraft of India) any lead project will take time .. and India has lot of red tapism ... our baby is slowly crawling now ; he will run soon but at any cost we wont stop him crawl..

Comparing time lines of LCA and J10 is waste of time.

1.working under communists is like do or die attitued ..
2. Thats not true for DRDO..

"3. China directly affects the progress of any weapon system in India. " -- might sound stupid. but that is true .. In the middle of weapon development there are so many changes to the requirement to counter what china inducts newly...( IAF wants to maintain quality edge as India cannot have quantity Luxury as china enjoys). this pushes every project.

It's always fun for Pakistani Brothers to say LCA is a faild project ... Why should we stop them let them have fun... Its always good at laughing others.when they are struggling.

we will continue to nourish LCA so that it can catch up big guys...

by the way J10 looks cool .. congratz

I agree with much of what you said. How many nations on Earth can produce advanced jet fighters?! Not many, especially considering the smaller players rely on 'collaboration' to do it.

Like he said, J-10 is China's first 'home-made' indigenously designed fighter (that's why it looks 'ugly'). CAC and SAC will gain much experience for the future. Likewise, HAL will learn from their mistakes as well.

That said J-10 is still formidable. Give it a few years and we'll see the fruits of past efforts of planting the seeds. J-10 will give birth to J-XX, and LCA will give birth to MRCA. :wave:
don't worry MK-2 will beat the hell out of every 4.5+ gen A/C, grey boy ur under estimating LCA,

@ Jatt
Man i want to know what exactly are u trying to say, if u plz conclude it in one post

emo; I am afraid i have to disagree with you for accussing me

under estimating LCA;

I will say for the last time, LCA will beat the hell out of anything that

FLY in the SKY. :smitten::pakistan::china:
It has recently come to my attention, whilst looking At the J-10 page on Wikipedia.
Chengdu J-10 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where i discovered that the J-10 "After 18 years in development, the J-10 finally entered service in 2004".

Now the reason i bring this up is because
we all know how much the LCA tejas by HAL has been criticized about its many delays and cost overruns.

So if China can take 18 years to make a plane and get of with no criticism,
Why is there a double standard for India, whose own LCA was done over a same time-frame.

So i have started this thread to get to the bottom of this and find out
About the differences between J-10 and Tejas development

as to why HAL is criticized
and Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute is praised.

take it easy, all the criticism will disappear when HAL start the mass production of LCA,i never saw chinese exports criticized the performance of LCA
take it easy, all the criticism will disappear when HAL start the mass production of LCA,i never saw chinese exports criticized the performance of LCA

Yup, But IAF and DRDO expectations were High, But They are achieveing it slowly..... Media hyped it a lot and equally criticised it
wow a two year old boy(China's Aviation industry) is laughing at a infant (Indian Aviation industry) trying to crawl and he is telling I can run but you are a failed human cant even crawl properly.

don't forget that you were once infant and now your are 2 .. probably some grandfathers are laughing at you as well for not running fast.

I agree two years old boy should not laugh at a infant just because the infant is still trying crawling. It's not fair to compare a two years old boy with an infant. However, if the infant yet not able to crawling much but wants to compare himself with a 2 years old boy to chanllenge who can walk faster, that's laughable. Look who opened this thread.

Failure is the mother of success. If ppl keep mouth shut and work hard toward their target, even if they failed, nobody will have a problem with that failure, just try even harder again next time.
But if boast too much but achieved too little, that made it a laughing stock.
I agree two years old boy should not laugh at a infant just because the infant is still trying crawling. It's not fair to compare a two years old boy with an infant. However, if the infant yet not able to crawling much but wants to compare himself with a 2 years old boy to chanllenge who can walk faster, that's laughable. Look who opened this thread.

Failure is the mother of success. If ppl keep mouth shut and work hard toward their target, even if they failed, nobody will have a problem with that failure, just try even harder again next time.
But if boast too much but achieved too little, that made it a laughing stock.

Thats a good point. how ever it wont work in case of India..

we need to publish our result to get people confidence; and it will come out any means .Because we have free media. those stupids wants to sell their news even if it is shaming their own people. Some will do positive journalism and some will do negative journalism .. Now a days every where it is negative journalism.

Since china has control over its media ( I mean for secret projects they dont let media to touch their hands).. it can happen over their..

So success or failure our media will project it to sell their news. eg. Pokran test.,, catchy terms like "" nuke are dud fizzle" . even if the yield is less the nukes detonated but it is seriously downplayed with catchy words. that wont happen in china. Media is disciplined by your govt. her it is chaos..

Comparing with J10 .. one should Aim at the star so that you will shoot at the tree... DRDO will aim for much more lethality than j10 so that it will be close or equal to j10 in terms of lethality.

Mig 21 Bison should show you all what iaf wants. even if it is Mig 21 a vintage 60s design it should give nightmares to other fighters of same calss..
@ Jatt
Man i want to know what exactly are u trying to say, if u plz conclude it in one post

My posts are all over the place, but thats because I don't want to spend too much time on them. I find that argueing with some forumers is like arguing with women at a certian time once a month, emotional feelings, no real reasoning. I hate the tides. But since you asked i will post again.

You see, its not logical to conclude that the J-10 was purchased for the same reason as the FC-1, atleast not entirely. While the can, the J-10 is neither their cream of the crop for airsuperioty, nor a reliable airdefence. So why the purchase of small number of J-10s? My reasoning is that while both are multrole, one can be scrambled faster. I'm not talking about takeoff distance vs payload etc... because in this realm the J-10 would be largely superior thanks to its powerfull engine. But just like a car's engine, you need to turn on the engines for the aircraft, so they heat up and you can be on your way. If not, you get low thrust and massive fuel consumption aswell as. The RD-33 engines have short life span, relativily cheap but they solve one problem, which is assumed above.
Why is this time for engines important? Well, if your runways are limilted, you waste critical time ontop of that the aircraft that goes first waits for the second consuming fuel. One can build more airstrips like the PLAAF but not possible everywhere and expensive longterm solution. The time you loose incase of PAF, the IAF could that much closer to their target.
If you note, the primary duty of the Mig-29, even though mult-role now was intercepting. The engines were designed and the airframe was designed around the engine. The Falcrums body was meant for complete lift like one large wing. If you note, even the FC-1 had to increase its surface area to make it more effiecent with this engine. So if the primary duty of the FC-1 is PAF is interception of aircraft and air denial, what is the purpose of the larger J-10?
That question is answered by the larger payload. The IAF's MMRCA will not just be multrole but importantly a bomb droper. Tejas is their interceptor for airdenial, even though MMRCA is perfectly capable, the Tejas does it at a lower cost overall.
Given the J-10s engine which consumes more fuel than the FC-1, to have the pilots train in air to air combat with them, would consume more fuel overall than the FC-1. Its larger payload would be best used for droping munitions. While capable of air to air combat, training the pilot and constant scrambles to escort missions mean the the aircraft would cost a lot more in its life time.
Overall it was their doctrine which was built around the PAF's environment and budget. They could have chosen the FC-1, but building more airstrips, and buying more fuel is intolrable in the long run, expecially when the IAF will burst in short heated war, you need reliability.

Also the J-10 is not Lavi, not even close. It has more incommon with Flankers and F-7s. Thats what they build and to build something that is different would be another nightmare. Previous knowledge from Superseven, and J-9, J-13 was used. Knowledge and experience shouldn't be wasted. Neither the materials. TO note, the J-10's canard config is a lot older than Lavi.
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Why dont u say that you dint understand.. simple is that

Wow! Now we have a spokeperson for another member here. Dude mind your own business and let this debate between me and Jatt. I am waiting for him to reply my post which i posted in his reply.
Wow! Now we have a spokeperson for another member here. Dude mind your own business and let this debate between me and Jatt. I am waiting for him to reply my post which i posted in his reply.

Well, This is a public forum, not private I guess..... U wait till he replies , thats not my business, why do u give importance to my reply if u think it was not my business... simple as that. And Bro, It makes my business to reply to a post even though its not turned towards me.
Well, This is a public forum, not private I guess..... U wait till he replies , thats not my business, why do u give importance to my reply if u think it was not my business... simple as that. And Bro, It makes my business to reply to a post even though its not turned towards me.

Most welcome to debate. But do debate don't try to be someone's speaker. Ok?
HAL and ADA which made LCA are not as much a disgrace as the the GTRE who tried to make the engine. The LCA will fly sooner or later but the engine is no where close to being ready after the millions wasted on it.

The Indian defense industry is full of dead beats happy with a government job hence the lack of progress.They should open the defense sector to the private sector like we have in the US for rapid progress.
HAL and ADA which made LCA are not as much a disgrace as the the GTRE who tried to make the engine. The LCA will fly sooner or later but the engine is no where close to being ready after the millions wasted on it.

The Indian defense industry is full of dead beats happy with a government job hence the lack of progress.They should open the defense sector to the private sector like we have in the US for rapid progress.

Yes and to sum up in one term: Poor Project Management. India could have LCA in skies with IAF much earlier has they not tried to invent the wheel over and again. Now they have realized that they set too ambitious goals for them and trying to fix it with JV in some critical areas of LCA.
the LCA will have one of the best AESA radars in the world, and maybe some israeli avionics.

the LCA will be better.
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