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J-10 has been deployed in Xizang (Tibet)

How about H-6s? If they can operate in the high altitude of Tibet, why not station them in Tibet too? Those H-6s will provide the PLAAF with a deep strike capability and conventional deterrence against India without relying too much on 2nd Arty's BMs and GLCMs. The newest version of H-6s can carry 6 cruise missiles as seen from pictures on the web, so even a minimum of 15 H-6s can deliver 90 cruise missiles at Indian targets in an event of a conflict. Also PLAAF also needs a dedicated stealth bomber too! If China ramps up R&D on it, it can be created. If i were a Chinese leader, i would order all resources and brains to be poured on developing stealth bombers.
How about H-6s? If they can operate in the high altitude of Tibet, why not station them in Tibet too? Those H-6s will provide the PLAAF with a deep strike capability and conventional deterrence against India without relying too much on 2nd Arty's BMs and GLCMs. The newest version of H-6s can carry 6 cruise missiles as seen from pictures on the web, so even a minimum of 15 H-6s can deliver 90 cruise missiles at Indian targets in an event of a conflict. Also PLAAF also needs a dedicated stealth bomber too! If China ramps up R&D on it, it can be created. If i were a Chinese leader, i would order all resources and brains to be poured on developing stealth bombers.

Overkill, my friend, overkill. Why the heck would China put strategic bombers on the border? If they do that I'd think that the PLAAF is actually "needling" India for once.
Overkill, my friend, overkill. Why the heck would China put strategic bombers on the border? If they do that I'd think that the PLAAF is actually "needling" India for once.

certainly, Honestly if there is any possibilty of war I think it will be a very confined one in which China and India will engage oneanother on disputed territories (most likely Arunachal Pardesh).Both of the countries would not like to spread the confilct to more deep and central locations. The Nukes will restrict them. In this senario, J-10 deployment makes sense as both PLAAF and IAF will try to establish AS over the reigion of engagement so as to provide peace of mind to respective armies. thats why i dont think there would be a need for deep strike platforms.

China's front-line fighter is NOT the Su-30MKK. China's front-line fighter currently is the J-11BS and J-10B.

J-10B have AESA radar, stealthy RAM coating, DSI for further RCS induction, and 3-dimensional vector thrust. J-10B also has IRST. RCS is 0.3 m, which is almost comparable to that of the F-35.

An article at Grande Strategy said that the J-10B can only be matched in air-to-air combat by a Eurofighter, assuming that the Eurofighter also has AESA radars.

The indigeniously-developed J-11B have less than 3 m of RCS (as compared with 25 m RCS of Su-30MKI). It has extremely powerful engines, is the first heavy fighter to use onboard oxygen-generator, has 350 km range radar, and extremely high maneuverability. J-11B has higher speed, higher ceiling, and higher climb rate than the Su-30MKI.

J-10A is not a front-line fighter for any region. It's simply there to do some training.

And the Su-30MKI isn't the best Sukhoi or Flanker out there. Check out the Su-35BM and the Su-37. Not to mention the Su-47.:disagree:

No war. Peace.

AESA on J-10 is nothing more than speculation,their is also no RAM coating present on it.

U dont need to compare J-11 and MKI on RCS,MKI lag behind each and every plane in this case,because of its powerful radar

MKI engine allow thrust vectoring,i dont think such capability is present with J-11 and produce a thrust much greater than J-11

In 2007,during Indra-Dhanush exercise with Royal Air Force's Eurofighter Typhoon,RAF's pilot's admitted that Su-30MKI displayed maneuvering superior to that of the Typhoon.So ur point that only EFT can beat J-11 is vague.

Range does not matter here very much due to the advancements in Buddy refuelling,drop tanks and CFT's,anyway compared to MKI's range of 3000 km J-11 had an additional range of 500 km.

About the radar on board mki,N011M Bars has a 350 km search range and a maximum 200 km tracking range, and 60 km in the rear hemisphere. The radar can track 15 air targets and engage 4 simultaneously.The Su-30MKI can function as a mini-AWACS as a director or command post for other aircraft. The target co-ordinates can be transferred automatically to at least four other aircraft. The radar can detect ground targets such as tanks at 40–50 km.

The radar on J-11 pale in comparison,it cannot track more than 10 targets,and i am not sure if it even have the coordination capability.

No war,peace:cheers:
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Why not send some Su-30s over as well? The naval airforce is using it as a high end strike fighter.

PLAN is already busy enough on the east.I think the PLAAF will be response for the missions on Tibet.It will be quit strange if the PLAN operates its su30MKK on Tibet.Another reason might to be the fexibility.The JH7A can fire all the Chinese indigerous air to ground missiles while su30MKK seems not and its a 100% Chinese fighter.If the war broken,you will rely on the plane you trust,not a Russian fighter which you will never import again.So far the JH7A is the backbone of the PLAs air to ground fire power.The situation will change untile the J11BS or other Chinese flanke variants entering the service.

The usage of AESA radar on the J-10B, while highly likely, is still speculative at this point. I don't think that stealth coating was applied and the plane definitely doesn't have TVC.

Su-47 is not a flanker variant.

Note: the J-10B variant (at least for the Pakistani variant) is planned for a Swedish AESA. The vents for the radar are sighted on the prototypes.

Stealth coating is in fact applied in some areas (such as the wings). RAM doesn't make it completely Raptor-quality stealth, but it certainly shrinks down RCS.

Front-line J-10Bs will use the WS-10B engine, which has 155 kN thrust AND thrust vector control.

SU-47 is not a Flanker, but it is a Sukhoi (read his original post).
AESA on J-10 is nothing more than speculation,their is also no RAM coating present on it.

U dont need to compare J-11 and MKI on RCS,MKI lag behind each and every plane in this case,because of its powerful radar

MKI engine allow thrust vectoring,i dont think such capability is present with J-11 and produce a thrust much greater than J-11

In 2007,during Indra-Dhanush exercise with Royal Air Force's Eurofighter Typhoon,RAF's pilot's admitted that Su-30MKI displayed maneuvering superior to that of the Typhoon.So ur point that only EFT can beat J-11 is vague.

Range does not matter here very much due to the advancements in Buddy refuelling,drop tanks and CFT's,anyway compared to MKI's range of 3000 km J-11 had an additional range of 500 km.

About the radar on board mki,N011M Bars has a 350 km search range and a maximum 200 km tracking range, and 60 km in the rear hemisphere. The radar can track 15 air targets and engage 4 simultaneously.The Su-30MKI can function as a mini-AWACS as a director or command post for other aircraft. The target co-ordinates can be transferred automatically to at least four other aircraft. The radar can detect ground targets such as tanks at 40–50 km.

The radar on J-11 pale in comparison,it cannot track more than 10 targets,and i am not sure if it even have the coordination capability.

No war,peace:cheers:

AESA vents are already seen on J-10B prototypes. A Pakistani source also said that their ordered versions of J-10B all have Swedish AESA radar.

RAM coating is also applied, which is why its RCS is 0.3

The Su-30MKI's radar, even though may have 350 km range, is not AESA and therefore prone to detection by enemy aircraft as well as the inability to detect small, RCS-lowered aircraft.

They RAF officials in the Indo-British exercise said that they were "impressed" by the maneuverability, while the IAF officials were impressed by the EF's agility.

Radars on the J-11B are indigenous models that are intended to replace the Russian N011 radars. The space of its flat-plate attena also gives it a performance advantage over the Russian N-0001.

The J-11B radar can track 20 targets and engage 6 simultaneously.
The Su-30MKI can track 15 targets and engage 4 simultaneously.

Range of J-11B radar is 350 km. It has functions of fire control, electro-optic countermeasure, infrared search and track, and much more.

J-11B is also planning to incorporate AESA.

A rumor leaked by Chinese officials said that they were able to detect a F-22A from long-range using the J-11B.

Sources state that RAM is also applied to some areas of the J-11B.

So, even though the Su-30MKI does have a formidable radar, it still needs some improvement in order to catch up with the one installed on the J-11B.

So no war. Peace.:D

AESA vents are already seen on J-10B prototypes. A Pakistani source also said that their ordered versions of J-10B all have Swedish AESA radar.

RAM coating is also applied, which is why its RCS is 0.3

The Su-30MKI's radar, even though may have 350 km range, is not AESA and therefore prone to detection by enemy aircraft as well as the inability to detect small, RCS-lowered aircraft.

They RAF officials in the Indo-British exercise said that they were "impressed" by the maneuverability, while the IAF officials were impressed by the EF's agility.

Radars on the J-11B are indigenous models that are intended to replace the Russian N011 radars. The space of its flat-plate attena also gives it a performance advantage over the Russian N-0001.

The J-11B radar can track 20 targets and engage 6 simultaneously.
The Su-30MKI can track 15 targets and engage 4 simultaneously.

Range of J-11B radar is 350 km. It has functions of fire control, electro-optic countermeasure, infrared search and track, and much more.

J-11B is also planning to incorporate AESA.

A rumor leaked by Chinese officials said that they were able to detect a F-22A from long-range using the J-11B.

Sources state that RAM is also applied to some areas of the J-11B.

So, even though the Su-30MKI does have a formidable radar, it still needs some improvement in order to catch up with the one installed on the J-11B.

So no war. Peace.:D

Well i will love to see some links that conforms AESA's presence on J-11B and its radar's tracking capability.As far as i know J-11B also uses N001VE,which cannot track more than 10 targets.

The following data in the below shown source shows it cant track more than 8 targets and canot engage more than 4.


The F-22 detection capacity is well only rumors at the current stage,no official data to prove it.

Meanwhile India is also planning to fit its Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighters with Russian Phazotron Zhuk-AE AESA radars.

And by the way Su-30mki radar also have FLIR and ECM capacity,just like which is present on most of the current generation planes

No war,just peace:yahoo:
welldone china again .......... as far as my information is concerned that pakistan has ordered for 36 j-10 i am not sure about it .......... but if pakistan does that would be nice addition to pakistan PAF rather relaying on F-16 we should contact china more and more ....................

again welldone and best of luck to my chinese brothers ........i proudly say none of the muslim country has done much for pakistan or any other country except china .....................china has done alot may ALLAH bless china and chinese
@SinoSoldier: Thanks for that valuable info. It's nice to know that China's planes has radar that can detect F-22. I hope future radar for JXX would be even more powerful and can detect and lock-on to a F-22 at even more longer ranges so that JXX can shoot down those Raptors with long-range Mach 4+Supersonic AAMs.






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