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J-10: Chinas new fighter!

J10 is the most superior and mysterious Bird , this levi thing is just rumor , now will every flying bird now copy of Levi ???

I think not if that was case we all would have F15 flying in our yards :coffee:

J10 is the most agile fighters with solid avionics - lets not forget china makes 99% of electronics from watches to computer chips

Yeah. by reverse engineering them. Don't be too reliant on China, or you will be doomed.
States Central Intelligence Agency disclosed that Jian Shi carrier type was in 2009 (December 18) in Dalian, China Varyag aircraft carrier flight test successfully. This means that Chinese carriers will become a reality. China approved in January 1986 J-10 project development. March 23, 1998, F-10 flight.

  December 29, 2006, China's Jian-10 was first announced. As early as 2001, the Chinese government began to develop F-10 carrier-based, after eight years of research, F-10 carrier-based launch of the last. From R & D speed of speaking, China's slower, developed J-10 use for 12 years, developed carrier-based F-10 actually took eight years. This shows that China's carrier-based aircraft technology is almost from scratch.

Carrier-based F--10

  The CIA on the F-10 carrier-based performance parameters estimated to be: the captain 14.57 meters, wingspan of 8.78 meters, height: 5.3 meters, sweep angle 50-52 degrees, the wing area of 38 square meters, vertical tail area of 8.4 square meters, thrust of 152 kN.

Takeoff and landing roll distance: less than 150 meters

High altitude of the maximum speed: 2.0 Mach

Low maximum speed: 1.2 Mach (1473 km / h)

Maximum ceiling: 18,000 metersbbs.chnqiang.com military forum

Combat radius: 1,300 km

Maximum range: 3,000 km

Maximum Takeoff Weight: 18.27 thousand kilograms, 6000 kilograms load of bombs, thrust-weight ratio greater than 1.1.

Plug-in 11 (5 under the fuselage, each wing the next three), the largest external fuel tanks 4100 liters (1500 × 2,1100 × 1)

These data indicate that F-10 carrier-based F-10 package type is almost identical, but thrust from 122 kN to 152 kN, roll distances have been shortened to 50 meters only. Like with the F-10, F-10 carrier-based addition to maintaining the normal level flight, there are enough thrust to meet the needs of the implementation of a variety of motor actions, so that the level of acceleration, climbing, circling, etc. have a larger performance increase, even in the air combat mode effortlessly vertically upwards.

  In fact, Jian Shi on China's development of carrier-based aircraft several years ago had been an open secret.

  Statistics show that China's military aircraft have been delivered in many parts, such as the Harbin Bearing Group, developed ship bearing, developed by Harbin Boiler Factory boiler accessories, Anshan Steel and Baoshan Iron & Steel developed special ship plate, etc., but the core of an aircraft carrier - ship body of research situations is not clear, however, carrier-based aircraft are being developed, and the supporting ships, submarines have been started.

Specifications for the aircraft carrier, the outside world is estimated that there are two kinds of programs are ranked 48,000 tons standard, full row of 60 thousand tons, catapult take-off of about 50 carrier aircraft, the only difference is that nuclear-powered or conventionally powered.

  According to the Chinese aircraft carrier the most likely displacement, China should adopt self-developed F -10 as a carrier-based aircraft carrier-based. Information that China's indigenously developed light combat aircraft F -10 fighter for the use of the former edge of the triangular canard wing layouts. The rise and fall of structure in the design of the aircraft beginning to consider the future apply to the use of carrier aircraft, so landing the aircraft structural design of a very complex carrier-based aircraft used. In addition, the F-span of only -10 Su -33 70%. No folding wing can carry into the aircraft carrier.

  Earlier this year in the total ship at a press conference, spokesman Tao Huang had said: "China has the ability to manufacture an aircraft carrier, but when a specific manufacturer has not yet determined." In a short time later, China's National People's Congress People's Liberation Army a delegation will be revealed, as far as he knows the current aircraft development has progressed smoothly, if fast, then there may be completed by 2010. His remark brought out the quartet. In response, China's cross-ministry spokesman Qin Gang did not deny that he only said that China has a vast territorial seas, to defend the country's maritime security and maintaining territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests is the sacred duty of the Chinese armed forces. China will combine all factors relevant to seriously study and consider the relevant issues.

hello everyone! Iam a colleague sutdent of southwest university of science and techology of china. I very much want to get some friends in the here. this is my e-mail, 373430217@qq.com , hoping also want to know my friends can give me e-mail, look forward to your letter,please show this haedline "I am come from PAKISTAN" when you sending to me .thank you!:yahoo:

Thanks mate, truly its looks awesome. A beautyfull beast in yellow colour and at the same time its proved the hard working skill and dedication of chinese towards their nation. surely this achievement will boost the chinese scientist moral and they will use this experinece for their 5th generation fighter programme, step by step chinese acheiving their goals, prime example to become self reliant.

Mate if I am correct PAF also planning to field the same bird in their fleets right?

Anyway congrats to my chinese friends .... :tup::tup:
Carrier-based F--10

  The CIA on the F-10 carrier-based performance parameters estimated to be: the captain 14.57 meters, wingspan of 8.78 meters, height: 5.3 meters, sweep angle 50-52 degrees, the wing area of 38 square meters, vertical tail area of 8.4 square meters, thrust of 152 kN.

CIA is wrong again: there'll be no carrier version of J-10! We are happy with J-15.
it's a slightly better paint job by TG this time, not as dull as those gray brushed jobs.
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