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J-10: Chinas new fighter!

CAn anyone rate this aircraft in comparision to the best in the industry right now by ability and price. See eurofighter for example. click on "Affordable Air Doinance".

Eurofighter Cost

Dude, the meaning of J-10 is not how it is superior or inexpensive. Rather, the significance is that it is made in China. The exception to purely "made in China" of it may be that it still uses Russian engine. Given the fact that China has the amount of people (it produces thousands of PhD yearly, similar to that of USA) and the amount of money, strong engines will come out shortly. If the management can be further streamline, it'll be even faster.
lengthened airframe,enlarged cargo tank. Serves as fighter-bomber.


I too have seen these pics in other fora, it seems to be photoshopped.
But I'm sure the future two seat version will look a lot like the Typhoon. :tup:
aaaaaaaand whats this got to do with China-MUSLIM partnership????i thought we were idscussing J-10, not JF-17 ,Pakistan doesnt have any role in this.
besides doesnt this look exactly like an F-16

More like the Eurofighter than the F-16.
aaaaaaaand whats this got to do with China-MUSLIM partnership????i thought we were idscussing J-10, not JF-17 ,Pakistan doesnt have any role in this.
besides doesnt this look exactly like an F-16

hi ,yes ,but china's J-10 MAY BE reference f16 but not f16,it's by china own

ability ,you indian have much sumki but why dont's you use this plane as

proto fight ,it's not just like what you think ,it's a difficlut way to produce one

plane ,why by now your LCA also not equipment in yourair force?????
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