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It’s time India stops blaming Pakistan for every terror attack on its soil

As for terrorism why don't you shame Doval and Modi as international terrorists by the UN,i am sure 50 plus muslim nations will support your call,and nobody except pak call those Mukti Bahini as terrorists,they are hailed as freedom fighters world over.
Do i need to remind you about visa ban of Modi in UK and USA.
Always Indians are not capable to Provide Genuine proofs against if their is any Pakistani Involvement. Even in Mumbai Attack.. It's said to Picked from Nepal..and on his death bead he took bhagwan's name...as he was claimed to b a jihadi by Indians...din't came up with better idea to Pakistan..
Do i need to remind you about visa ban of Modi in UK and USA.

And Your Chinese friend welcomed modi with Red Carpet,invested in his state,even before he was PM and just after Gujrat Riots.

Even Zakir Naik was Visa Ban in UK,learn the difference between Riots and Terrorism.
Like as if India isn't sponsoring terrorism and suicide bombings on Pakistani soil through their Afghan terror consulates. Like as if India doesn't sponsor terrorism in Balochistan.

India doesn't even spare its own Indian critics.

India intolerance debate: Aamir Khan 'removed as ambassador' for Incredible India campaign

Anyone who criticizes India is labeled as a traitor in this country. Hindu intolerance is at an all time high. Yet, these people have the audacity to point fingers at others.

Khan brothers sharpen India's intolerance debate | The Japan Times
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Even Zakir Naik was Visa Ban in UK,learn the difference between Riots and Terrorism
Does not change the fact that he was considered an accomplice and was banned. And just to let you know that ethics dont usually work in Foreign policies of the countries, it all about money. Now everyone is cozy with Modi because, you know money, business.
Lets see if this government has any balls to do something, or it displays the exact same traditional spinelessness of UPA. It's appeasement policy seems exactly the same.
And the underlying assumption is that these attacks could not have been carried out without the support of Pakistan military’s intelligence network.

But the 31 attacks that happened in Pakistan were carried out otherwise ............... all those attacks including attack on a foreign cricket team to destroying our military installations only benefited India and provided India an edge over us. Yeah sure the attacks that happen in India are supported by Pakistan but in case of Pakistan it is Pakistan itself to blame.......... simply great .......... :disagree:
But the 31 attacks that happened in Pakistan were carried out otherwise ............... all those attacks including attack on a foreign cricket team to destroying our military installations only benefited India and provided India an edge over us. Yeah sure the attacks that happen in India are supported by Pakistan but in case of Pakistan it is Pakistan itself to blame.......... simply great .......... :disagree:
yes because of your obsession of Kashmir you created and supported terrorist organizations. you were so happy using terrorists as strategic assets. when your own created terrorists are hitting you back you have started crying. even your top military generals accept creating and harboring terrorists. you own leader(zia) radicalized your society to the extent that everyone is considering himself jihadi and holy warrior against kafirs. stop blaming others for your own sins.
yes because of your obsession of Kashmir you created and supported terrorist organizations. you were so happy using terrorists as strategic assets. when your own created terrorists are hitting you back you have started crying. even your top military generals accept creating and harboring terrorists. you own leader(zia) radicalized your society to the extent that everyone is considering himself jihadi and holy warrior against kafirs. stop blaming others for your own sins.

I think you have viewed that Goswami program lately .............. calm down read my comment again and you will realise that I am asking the same thing in our case based on your assumptions.

And we both know Indian society is also an extremist society come on there is no difference between your's and our's when it comes to extremism. We can both lynch and kill people so don't try posing innocent it won't work on me.

And I least expected a Maratha to whine and cry :D kya hua Baniyay ban rahy ho ahista ahista ..............
yes because of your obsession of Kashmir you created and supported terrorist organizations. you were so happy using terrorists as strategic assets. when your own created terrorists are hitting you back you have started crying. even your top military generals accept creating and harboring terrorists. you own leader(zia) radicalized your society to the extent that everyone is considering himself jihadi and holy warrior against kafirs. stop blaming others for your own sins.
you are wasting your time.
Indians are brain washed nation, just imagine the mental level of a nation which have tv shows like Arnab goswami.
A country with a murderer PM and Person like Doval as their NSA who multiple times have in public supported terrorist activities in Pakistan and to some extent china as well.Just recently their murderer PM accepted their state terrorism in east Pakistan in 1971, india was the first nation which brought state terrorism to south Asia from East pakistan to Sri lank, kashmir, Balochistan and TTP a group which never existed as taliban group niether trained by ISI or CIA as mujahiden to tackle USSR and suddenly appeared as a result of NDS and RAW.
You should read their defence forums to get their mentality. They are openly supporting butchering of kids in APS and are saying that they dont mind bombs being dropped on civillian in Pakistan. I told their moderator that its againt forum policy to support terrorism openly and he said collateral damage is part of war lol intentionally dropping bomb is collateral damage for him
You should read their defence forums to get their mentality. They are openly supporting butchering of kids in APS and are saying that they dont mind bombs being dropped on civillian in Pakistan. I told their moderator that its againt forum policy to support terrorism openly and he said collateral damage is part of war lol intentionally dropping bomb is collateral damage for him
so internet forums determine mentality of a nation, quite brilliant, compute the traffic to forum you refer to, and determine the % of populace it represents, i am sure the number will surprise you.
And miind well this is the same nation that ensured around 55K of pow combatants safely to your nation. If the mentality was to drop bombs on civilians, would those POW's return, especially when bangladeshis were out for blood.
Hmm.....neighbour's own house caught fire in his attempt to burn down my house, I should not blame the neighbour and stand in solidarity with him....good one! :tup:
We are not trying to burn our neighbors house if you are linking it with Kashmir stance of Pakistan brother since dogra raj these unfortunate people struggling since that time and Kashmir was a very much part of partition agenda but unfortunately British succeeded in divide and rule policy once more, since then both nations suffering from this. It is India who take this issue to UN and should act on UN resolutions.
And if talking about Pathankot what we will get from this tell me our military is busy and in final stages of operations against TTP and others. Our projects just started, economy just in first phase of recovering why we want to derail all achievement tell me? These kind of braindead people easily available in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan everywhere (I mentioned India because as per recent reports many Indian Muslims want to join ISIS) may fell into the hands of those handlers who use them for money and these morons unknowingly gives their lives, they can attack anywhere on anything Masjid, Mandir or Gurudawara even Church. Look at third hands who don't want peace because it is not in their interests. I hope sane Indian knows this and they should raise voice for that, may one day we jointly act on these morons by sharing intelligence reports.
I think you have viewed that Goswami program lately .............. calm down read my comment again and you will realise that I am asking the same thing in our case based on your assumptions.

And we both know Indian society is also an extremist society come on there is no difference between your's and our's when it comes to extremism. We can both lynch and kill people so don't try posing innocent it won't work on me.

And I least expected a Maratha to whine and cry :D kya hua Baniyay ban rahy ho ahista ahista ..............
bhai we have to bash Pakistan at least once daily otherwise we are not considered enough patriots.:lol: now that my today's quota is fulfilled we can have meaningful debate. :D
before saying there is no difference between yours and ours extremism we should consider our respective definition extremism.
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