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It’s official: America is now No. 2

Hang on to your hats, America.

And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it.

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it: We’re no longer No. 1. Today, we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet.

It just happened — and almost nobody noticed.

The International Monetary Fund recently released the latest numbers for the world economy. And when you measure national economic output in “real” terms of goods and services, China will this year produce $17.6 trillion — compared with $17.4 trillion for the U.S.A.

As recently as 2000, we produced nearly three times as much as the Chinese.

To put the numbers slightly differently, China now accounts for 16.5% of the global economy when measured in real purchasing-power terms, compared with 16.3% for the U.S.

This latest economic earthquake follows the development last year when China surpassed the U.S. for the first time in terms of global trade.

I reported on this looming development over two years ago, but the moment came sooner than I or anyone else had predicted. China’s recent decision to bring gross domestic product calculations in line with international standards has revealed activity that had previously gone uncounted.

These calculations are based on a well-established and widely used economic measure known as purchasing-power parity (or PPP), which measures the actual output as opposed to fluctuations in exchange rates. So a Starbucks venti Frappucino served in Beijing counts the same as a venti Frappucino served in Minneapolis, regardless of what happens to be going on among foreign-exchange traders.

Make no mistake. This is a geopolitical earthquake with a high reading on the Richter scale.
PPP is the real way of comparing economies. It is one reported by the IMF and was, for example, the one used by McKinsey & Co. consultants back in the 1990s when they undertook a study of economic productivity on behalf of the British government.

Yes, when you look at mere international exchange rates, the U.S. economy remains bigger than that of China, allegedly by almost 70%. But such measures, although they are widely followed, are largely meaningless. Does the U.S. economy really shrink if the dollar falls 10% on international currency markets? Does the recent plunge in the yen mean the Japanese economy is vanishing before our eyes?

Back in 2012, when I first reported on these figures, the IMF tried to challenge the importance of PPP. I was not surprised. It is not in anyone’s interest at the IMF that people in the Western world start focusing too much on the sheer extent of China’s power. But the PPP data come from the IMF, not from me. And it is noteworthy that when the IMF’s official World Economic Outlook compares countries by their share of world output, it does so using PPP.

Yes, all statistics are open to various quibbles. It is perfectly possible China’s latest numbers overstate output — or understate them. That may also be true of U.S. GDP figures. But the IMF data are the best we have.

Make no mistake: This is a geopolitical earthquake with a high reading on the Richter scale. Throughout history, political and military power have always depended on economic power. Britain was the workshop of the world before she ruled the waves. And it was Britain’s relative economic decline that preceded the collapse of her power. And it was a similar story with previous hegemonic powers such as France and Spain.

This will not change anything tomorrow or next week, but it will change almost everything in the longer term. We have lived in a world dominated by the U.S. since at least 1945 and, in many ways, since the late 19th century. And we have lived for 200 years — since the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 — in a world dominated by two reasonably democratic, constitutional countries in Great Britain and the U.S.A. For all their flaws, the two countries have been in the vanguard worldwide in terms of civil liberties, democratic processes and constitutional rights.

It’s official: America is now No. 2 - MarketWatch

US does not believe in it. They have their own way and mechanism to measure and quantify things.

If i remember correctly, in 2011 when moodys and others downgraded ratings of USA, the official statement form USA was that they do not believe in such institutions and that USA has it's own way of measuring and quantifying and grading when it comes to USA.
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No shame in being #2

And again


Unlike CHINA (Its all about the mind set)



Again Top 3 positions China

Made in China


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China's National Bureau of Statistics has officially said they do not recognize PPP.
China can also refuse to recognize the law of gravity.

The reality is that no matter who, China or US or Russia or whoever, refuses to acknowledge the validity of one or several factors that contribute to an economy and the perceptions about the economy's health and standing in comparison to the others, economies and relations to each other are as obvious as the law of gravity and its effects. Economists have to ignore the many jabs and jokes about their profession and find ways to qualify and quantify the effects of individuals have on each other, and of countries on each other.
This PPP figure i won't take it seriously. It could have been inflated since the US need something to motivate her citizens. Its a way of telling her citizen "hey look, someone is overtaking us, we have to do something".
This PPP figure i won't take it seriously. It could have been inflated since the US need something to motivate her citizens. Its a way of telling her citizen "hey look, someone is overtaking us, we have to do something".

official US line is to deny, deny, deny - but even if it were true, we're still number 1!

Americans are morons. My guess is they didn't even see this coming or there would suddenly be 100000s of articles out about how China is evil and stingy and needs to share its wealth with the world, like Great America has been doing so selflessly for the past 500 years.

But those are coming. US just needs to call up all its buddies at its major media outlets for an international information blitzkrieg.
No Chinese is complacent for that.
It make no sense because our population is about 5 times as much as America but our average income is one fifth of theirs.

We still have a long way to match America in technologies,education,medical treatment,environmental protection,ect.

So,why Chinese need to be happy and America need to be surprised?
If human being is equal,why we can't or shouldn't develop as America?
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China can also refuse to recognize the law of gravity.

The reality is that no matter who, China or US or Russia or whoever, refuses to acknowledge the validity of one or several factors that contribute to an economy and the perceptions about the economy's health and standing in comparison to the others, economies and relations to each other are as obvious as the law of gravity and its effects. Economists have to ignore the many jabs and jokes about their profession and find ways to qualify and quantify the effects of individuals have on each other, and of countries on each other.

unlike gravity, calculation for PPP varies, sometimes greatly, from different institutions, its not strange for china to not accept the findings of a single institution if they do not agree with its method of calculation for ppp.

on the other hand, china has never denied that its economy has been growing, nor does it deny that its likely to overtake the US if it has not already done so.
unlike gravity, calculation for PPP varies, sometimes greatly, from different institutions, its not strange for china to not accept the findings of a single institution if they do not agree with its method of calculation for ppp.

on the other hand, china has never denied that its economy has been growing, nor does it deny that its likely to overtake the US if it has not already done so.
The point here is that the PPP is a metric that is independent of how China feels about it and it will be used to make assessments and comparisons between countries. It does have its limitations, but that could also be said for any economic metric used in modeling and policy making.
The point here is that the PPP is a metric that is independent of how China feels about it and it will be used to make assessments and comparisons between countries. It does have its limitations, but that could also be said for any economic metric used in modeling and policy making.

Do you agree or disagree with China's view that PPP is not the right measure to use?
Do you agree or disagree with China's view that PPP is not the right measure to use?
I disagree.

I already pointed out how economists have to endure the many jabs and jokes about their profession. The greater the scale of any economic modeling, the greater the risk of being wrong, as in 'eggs on face' wrong. But precisely because economic modeling and predictions are so hazardous that metrics like the PPP were created and used in hope of making sense of economics in general. I am not an economist by training but if all the yrs I spent in engineering taught me anything, it is that I should not discard a metric until I fully know its function and how it is inapplicable to what I am doing -- AT THAT TIME.
Doesn't mean anything. Average American still earns 5x as much as average Chinese.

Not just that, all ideas come from America. All business, commerce, technology initiatives start from America. China is factory of the world. Tell me when East brings up ideas on par with West. Until then, numbers are just numbers. They dont mean much.
This isnt significant. The true economic might will show when 1 billion chinese start earning as much as western citizens. Then its economy will be a true juggernaut.
I disagree.

I already pointed out how economists have to endure the many jabs and jokes about their profession. The greater the scale of any economic modeling, the greater the risk of being wrong, as in 'eggs on face' wrong. But precisely because economic modeling and predictions are so hazardous that metrics like the PPP were created and used in hope of making sense of economics in general. I am not an economist by training but if all the yrs I spent in engineering taught me anything, it is that I should not discard a metric until I fully know its function and how it is inapplicable to what I am doing -- AT THAT TIME.

So do you think China has a bigger economy than America already?

I don't. The Chinese government doesn't.
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