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It's funny how Iran decided to make an enemy of Israel

What you propose is a joint alliance between Iran & Israel against Arabs? Sounds great....

Worked before against pan-Arabism.

No I don't propose it now, as you have proven to be very unreliable friends. I'm just saying that now Iran is facing the wrath of the Arab world, things aren't looking good and if they had not turned on Israel in such an ugly manner, they would feel more secure having an ally in the heart of the Arab world.
I did not asked for polemics but real world advantage.

There is no hegemony of Israel. All it's neighbours hate it for religious reasons even when they remain shut because they are militarily inferior to Israel.

You do not share border with Israel. If your mullahs would not have gone bonkers, your nukes would have been as inconsequential for Israel as South African Nukes.

So what is it exactly that makes Iran, anti Israel?

It's highly unlikely Israel would "Allow" Iran to become Nuclear even if we had a secular government.

You can't compare geopolitics of Iran vs. Israel / Israel vs. South Africa.

Israeli hegonomy is Egypt and Jordan. Both dominated by Israel.

Even during Shah the Great rule we helped Arabs (secretly) you can do your own research for that...:azn:
Worked before against pan-Arabism.

No I don't propose it now, as you have proven to be very unreliable friends. I'm just saying that now Iran is facing the wrath of the Arab world, things aren't looking good and if they had not turned on Israel in such an ugly manner, they would feel more secure having an ally in the heart of the Arab world.

Cousin, 25% of Israel's population are Palestinian Arabs. Nearly half of the actual Jews in Israel are Jews from Arab lands. We already spoke about this and you were in agreement.

Israel will and has always been surrounded by us Arabs from within and from the outside. Or other fellow Semitic people being Semites themselves. You can't just move and create another Israel next to Iran and Afghanistan or Turkmenistan or another "stan". That is not how it works.
Worked before against pan-Arabism.

No I don't propose it now, as you have proven to be very unreliable friends. I'm just saying that now Iran is facing the wrath of the Arab world, things aren't looking good and if they had not turned on Israel in such an ugly manner, they would feel more secure having an ally in the heart of the Arab world.

We have nothing to fear from Arabs. Arabs are incompetent, in every field. That is also why your government fears us more than it fears Arabs, who have failed numerous times in military operations against your country.

I don't think we need anyone in the region by the way. All we need to is get rid of the social and religious restrictions in the Iranian society, and start developing our own country.
It's highly unlikely Israel would "Allow" Iran to become Nuclear even if we had a secular government.

You can't compare geopolitics of Iran vs. Israel / Israel vs. South Africa.

Israeli hegonomy is Egypt and Jordan. Both dominated by Israel.

Even during Shah the Great rule we helped Arabs (secretly) you can do your own research for that...:azn:

You obviously have no Idea what you're going on about.
During shah's time, Iran helped fund Israeli jercho missile program and Israeli's secretly offered Iran jericho WITH nukes.

Put the link below into youtube link.
Cousin, 25% of Israel's population are Palestinian Arabs. Nearly half of the actual Jews in Israel are Jews from Arab lands. We already spoke about this and you were in agreement.

Israel will and has always been surrounded by us Arabs from within and from the outside. Or other fellow Semitic people being Semites themselves. You can't just move and create another Israel next to Iran and Afghanistan or Turkmenistan or another "stan". That is not how it works.

Cousin, we managed to have an alliance with Iran before when Nasser was flapping his gums and then as we all know, got his *** kicked.

Iran was just as worried about Nasser as Israel was, hence the alliance.

I'm afraid the Iranians cannot be trusted. Israel did not turn on them, they turned on Israel. Never again will we make the mistake of trusting Iranians.

At the same time cousin, we don't trust our Arab neighbours. They have a tendency to lie and deceive. In fact there is an English expression which is now banned because it's non-pc, the expression is "lying Arab" and is used against anyone telling porkies.

We used to see the Iranians as being more sophisticated and culturally rich - but with the stagnation of Iran and rise of GCC as well as the 'palestinians' in the Judea & Samaria starting to turn to high-tech industry with the help of Israel - we see the Arabs as a slowly rising star - but first they have to sort out their warring.

I don't think we need anyone in the region by the way. All we need to is get rid of the social and religious restrictions in the Iranian society, and start developing our own country.

Ironically, this could be your biggest war.
Cousin, the only Arabs you border are the Palestinian Arabs who compromise 3% of the entire 450 million strong Arab population. Hell, half of the Jews in Israel are Arab Jews. Look at the cultural contribution of Yemeni Jews. They are leading in music, cuisine, poetry, entertainment besides being very strong in terms of business. Only the Russian and French Jews rival them.

Well all the best luck to the the Palestinian Arabs inside Israel who form 25% of the population. Once the Palestinians get their country thinks will be good.

Dont forget that we Arabs had mercy for our cousins the Jews when you were being persecuted in Europe and living in ghettos as the most marginalized group of people. You were even allowed to have your own courts, religious laws, quarters etc.

The Russians/East Europeans turned Jews brought with them alien ideologies founded in Europe such as Zionism and unfortunately poisoned some of the peaceful Jews who were actually living in Palestine before Israel came to a existence. Nothing that can't be changed though.

How to be an Arab - YouTube

But you are of course free to settle in Iran next to Afghanistan preferably or Turkmenistan maybe.
You obviously have no Idea what you're going on about.
During shah's time, Iran helped fund Israeli jercho missile program and Israeli's secretly offered Iran jericho WITH nukes.

Put the link below into youtube link.

Trust me during their arab-jew war, we looked the other way while Soviet Union helped their allies.:ashamed:
The jews are the enemies of all muslims...

The occupation of Palestine and Jerusalem and oppression of Palestine for over 50 years is unacceptable and intolerable.

The crusaders occupied Palestine for longer yet constant hatred, opposition and a determined will to get the holy land back resulted in the crusaders being eclipsed.

We surround israel and grow within in at immense pace, keep the fires burning, keep the hatred and rejection of israel strong and the israelis will face the same end as the crusaders.

The israelis desperatly need us to accept them, but they dont know how long the muslim world can hold a grudge
Ironically, this could be your biggest war.

Not really, we already voted for a centrist president, it hasn't been a whole month and already so many changes in our beautiful Iran.:yahoo:

It's great for Iran because it means stability and genuine change by the local population not some foreign funded violent fake revolution like Libya, Syria and Egypt.

Just based on your comments you obviously don't know ANYTHING about Iran, that's why you keep writing really stupid comments Which BTW is quit amusing....:laughcry:
Haha, Arab al-Hasani who is trying to convince that Israeli guy about Palestinians and Arabs. Al-Hasani, you seem to forget that almost 90% of the Israeli society thinks Arabs are terrorists, backwards and women suppressors. You may have more luck to convince Europeans that you have made a religion of peace 1400 years ago. :lol:
Yes, indeed Israelis who happen to be 25% Arabs to begin with aside from the Arab Jews who form 33% of the Israeli population.

Israelis: Do you hate Arabs? - YouTube

The Israeli street has spoken.

Besides it does not matter at all. Israel are currently working in the interest of us Sunni Arabs. Just look at Syria. We don't really care otherwise since they are not a threat at all. A tiny country surrounded by Arabs from within and the outside. Palestine will be a reality too.
Cousin, the only Arabs you border are the Palestinian Arabs who compromise 3% of the entire 450 million strong Arab population. Hell, half of the Jews in Israel are Arab Jews. Look at the cultural contribution of Yemeni Jews. They are leading in music, cuisine, poetry, entertainment besides being very strong in terms of business. Only the Russian and French Jews rival them.

Well all the best luck to the the Palestinian Arabs inside Israel who form 25% of the population. Once the Palestinians get their country thinks will be good.

Dont forget that we Arabs had mercy for our cousins the Jews when you were being persecuted in Europe and living in Ghettos as the most marginalized group of people. You were even allowed to have your own courts, religious laws, courters etc.

The Russians/East Europeans turned Jews brought with them alien ideologies founded in Europe such as Zionism and unfortunately poisoned some of the peaceful Jews who were actually living in Palestine before Israel came to a existence. Nothing that can't be changed though.

I'm not sure what map you're looking at, Cousin. We border more than just 'palestinians'.

I don't even recognise Yemenites/Iraqis etc in Israel. They are all Israelis to me and it doesn't matter where they came from - but obviously it's good to have these cultures because it gives variety with food, art etc.

I'm afraid during WWII when we were being massacred in Europe, the so-called 'palestinians' were urging the Germans to do the same to us in the middle east. Indeed the 'palestinians' were great allies of Hitler.

We won't forget that in a hurry, trust me. And neither do the scumbags want us to forget, as they fly the Nazi flag from Mosques.

Showing mercy in the past by some Arabs does not help today. We are showing Syrians mercy as they are filling our intensive care wards, but we don't see that kind of reciprocity with Arabs. I dread to think what would happen if an injured IDF soldier was found by our neighbours.

Not really, we already voted for a centrist president, it hasn't been a whole month and already so many changes in our beautiful Iran.:yahoo:

It's great for Iran because it means stability and genuine change by the local population not some foreign funded violent fake revolution like Libya, Syria and Egypt.

Just based on your comments you obviously don't know ANYTHING about Iran, that's why you keep writing really stupid comments Which BTW is quit amusing....:laughcry:

You voted for who Khamenei chose. Sorry to burst your bubble.

You will not bring down the religious regime without a fight.
Yes, indeed Israelis who happen to be 25% Arabs to begin with aside from the Arab Jews who form 33% of the Israeli population.

Israelis: Do you hate Arabs? - YouTube

Yeah yeah. Just read about racial profiling against Arabs on Israeli airports, regular Jewish hooligans of Beitar Jerusalem who chant anti-Arab slogans in stadiums and attack Arabs in the streets, humiliation of Arabs in check points, etc.

You seem to live in lalaland.
This desert born lizard eater think Israeli's today are his "cousins". :rofl:
Israeli's are anything but close to Arabs. They see Arabs as subhumans.
This Al hasani is just a insecure arab who is trying to make himself feel better by attempting to show saudis and yemeni Bedouin's as something important.

These Yemeni and saudis are known for many things, none of which are something positive or to be proud of.:rolleyes:

I don't recognise your description of what Israelis think of Arabs. Yes, they look at Syria or Egypt and shake their head at the brutality. Especially lynchings and beheadings.

But the Arabs in Israel are Arabs and very few Israelis have that view about them.

They are increasingly integrating into Israeli society and increasingly climbing the social ladder into the higher echelons of society.
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