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'It's a Very Powerful State': Zelensky Seeks Direct Talks With China's Xi to Help 'End War With Russia'

I disagree. Ukraine is a mere 3,000 km away from China across Kazakhstan and a small portion of Russia. Ukraine's issue matters to China's national security.

China will help Russia solely due to the fact it would otherwise be having to stand alone against the West if Russia were to fall.
China know Russia is actually on the front line of the war Murica and NATO want to wage against China.

Come the time where China go all out to support Russia in the de nazification and de militarization of Ukraine and NATO

Supplying armaments and if necessary, Chinese boots on the ground.

The war against China will be fought and concluded on the soil of Ukraine and NATO doggies

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WhatsApp Image 2022-05-24 at 12.59.24 PM.jpeg
Xi might, and that's a big might, talk to Zelensky after he withdraws Ukrainian troops from Donbas and sell Motor Sich to China.
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Yeah. I think it got totaled in a missile strike. It could however be rebuilt if given the investment. The team should still be around.

And what after rebuilding? Sell to China? After selling to China, will China change it's policy about Ukraine-Russia war and suddenly start supplying Ukraine with weapons? Reality is China doesn't really need Motor Sich, China's engine take is almost mature.
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