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'It's a Very Powerful State': Zelensky Seeks Direct Talks With China's Xi to Help 'End War With Russia'

Congratulations on the opportunity to sanction China.

I send you a message from China. In response to Pelosi and the USA, the Chinese govt will publicly export drones, chips and 152mm howitzers to Russia.

I hope the west can be as brave as you said to impose sanctions on China.
tag @me when chinese weapons are delivered.

Well, that is a market Russia missed. Intel has put in backdoor into its processor boards in form of Intel Management Engine and AMD has done a similar thing directly into one of its processor lines in form of, wait for it, "TrustZone". :rofl:

So Russia could really have advertized its processors and boards in the world as general purpose, reliable and safe that could generally securely run x86 Windows XP and Linux without any backdoor for the American government.
Do you really believe anyone would buy Russia CPU and boards? Ok probably most buyers from India, Bangladesh.
Why won't you buy them ?
Because those items are uncertified, unproven, cheap made. Would you buy x,y motherboard from flee market and build a computer yourself? Even so it’s doubtful that window OS would run.
Because those items are uncertified, unproved, cheap made.

1. Everything is unproved until first used including the first human flight of SpaceX rocket. But those Russian item will have gone through many tests for reliability. After all Russia wanted them to replace untrustworthy American systems.

2. Uncertified ?

3. If it is cheap to buy it is an advantage for the user.

Would you buy x,y motherboard from flee market and build a computer yourself? Even so it’s doubtful that window OS would run.

From :
The Elbrus-8S (Russian: Эльбрус-8С) is a Russian 28 nanometer 8-core microprocessor developed by Moscow Center of SPARC Technologies (MCST). The first prototypes were produced by the end of 2014 and serial production started in 2016.[3] The Elbrus-8S is to be used in servers and workstations.[4] The processor's architecture allows support of up to 32 processors on a single server motherboard.[5][6]

In 2018 MCST announced plans to produce Elbrus-8SV an upgraded version of the 8C but with doubled performance. The CPU features 576 Gflops and 1.5 GHz, as well as DDR4 support instead of DDR3.[1][2] Engineering samples were already completed in Q3 2017.[7] Development was completed in 2019[8] and its fabrication started in 2020.

Supported operating systems[edit]​

The Elbrus-8S and -SV processors support binary compatibility with Intel x86 and x86-64 processors via runtime binary translation.[2] The documentation suggests that the processors can run Windows XP and Windows 7.[2] The processors can also run a Linux kernel based OS compiled for Elbrus.
1. Everything is unproved until first used including the first human flight of SpaceX rocket. But those Russian item will have gone through many tests for reliability. After all Russia wanted them to replace untrustworthy American systems.

2. Uncertified ?

3. If it is cheap to buy it is an advantage for the user.

From :
SpaceX? Wait a second, the recent most stuffs from Russia are flame flower, nuclear torpedo and hypersonic missile. No offense, Russians rarely make anything useful for peaceful purposes. Military is the only thing they are proud of.
No, 99 percent won’t buy Russia clone x86 CPU. Even if, Russia can’t make CPU. They buy cheap cloned CPU from China to circumvent sanctions.
SpaceX? Wait a second, the recent most stuffs from Russia are flame flower, nuclear torpedo and hypersonic missile. No offense, Russians rarely make anything useful for peaceful purposes. Military is the only thing they are proud of.

Are the Mir space station and the ISS military things ? The ISS was built largely because of Russian expertise and experience.

Is the Sputnik V vaccine for Covid a military thing ?

No, 99 percent won’t buy Russia clone x86 CPU. Even if, Russia can’t make CPU. They buy cheap cloned CPU from China to circumvent sanctions.

Mikron Group in Russia makes processors and other computer elements but not in big quantity hence the recent Russian Elbrus processor version was manufactured in TSMC in Taiwan, until the Ukraine war which brought Western sanctions on Russia and prevented any non-Russia entity in the Western bloc from dealing with Russia. Russia should see this as opportunity to enlarge the computing components manufacture capacity that is currently there in Mikron.

China makes processors at large scale and under current circumstances Russia is making do with what it can obtain.
Are the Mir space station and the ISS military things ? The ISS was built largely because of Russian expertise and experience.

Is the Sputnik V vaccine for Covid a military thing ?

Mikron Group in Russia makes processors and other computer elements but not in big quantity hence the recent Russian Elbrus processor version was manufactured in TSMC in Taiwan, until the Ukraine war which brought Western sanctions on Russia and prevented any non-Russia entity in the Western bloc from dealing with Russia. Russia should see this as opportunity to enlarge the computing components manufacture capacity that is currently there in Mikron.

China makes processors at large scale and under current circumstances Russia is making do with what it can obtain.
Mir? Good that you mentioned it is from USSR, not Russia. You don’t understand. Ussr economy was more diverse than Russia. Ussr produced lots of things, Russia Putin economy is all about gas, oil, minerals. And military. That’s all. Everything else is imported. Look at Russia automobile industry once the West withdrew the industry collapsing.

If I put two engineers, one from Japan one from Russia, into a room and tell they should make a fridge. The Japanese will come out with high efficient hybrid solar/air powered fridge. The Russian will give me a hybrid gas/oil powered with 5,000 liter gas/oil tanks.

Russia is the most disappointing country in history.

They have people, engineers, technicians, technology, resources, however they don’t use it.
Mir? Good that you mentioned it is from USSR, not Russia.

I mentioned Mir because it among the other USSR's space stations is the main reason for the existence of the ISS.

And you didn't acknowledge the non-militaryness of the ISS.

You don’t understand. Ussr economy was more diverse than Russia. Ussr produced lots of things, Russia Putin economy is all about gas, oil, minerals. And military. That’s all. Everything else is imported. Look at Russia automobile industry once the West withdrew the industry collapsing.

You mention the failing automobile industry of Russia again and I tell you again that it doesn't matter as I had told you in this post from yesterday abou the Cyclocar project.

If I put two engineers, one from Japan one from Russia, into a room and tell they should make a fridge. The Japanese will come out with high efficient hybrid solar/air powered fridge. The Russian will give me a hybrid gas/oil powered with 5,000 liter gas/oil tanks.

Russia is the most disappointing country in history.

They have people, engineers, technicians, technology, resources, however they don’t use it.

I agree, Russia has great potential and again I say that though Russia must mourn the sacrifices of its citizens and of its allies in Ukraine it must also see this crisis as an opportunity to renew its industrial base to USSR's days and in fact greatly modernize it to futuristic standard. For example, Cyclocar. And in energy production, continue the work on extracting electricity from neutrino energy which Russia was researching with a German organization. Neutrinos are the ultimate form of electricity generation, and miniaturizable, portable, decentralizable. Not much need for petroleum and natural gas :

Neutrino Energy will collaborate with Russia to develop new energy technology​

17. Dezember 2021 Wissenschaft – Forschung – Technik

Despite the alarming scale of the coronavirus’s global spread and its more dangerous mutation Omicron, the catastrophic dynamics of climate change, and the world’s difficult economic situation, politicians appear to have decided that nothing is more important than escalating the level of political confrontation in these circumstances. Endless and ineffective sanctions lack even the smallest smidgeon of logic, exacerbating the international economy’s already precarious predicament.

According to current trends, despite widespread immunization and restrictive measures implemented by many countries, the struggle against illness will be a lengthy one. The economy of all nations have entered a severe recession, and it is difficult to anticipate how the situation will evolve today. At the same time, several nations were unstable in terms of economic growth even before the covid-19 coronavirus arose in the globe, such as Italy and Spain, which are today countries whose economic position is growing progressively unfavorable.

Is there a solution to the problem today, and if yes, what is it?

Attempts to stabilize the economy by injecting large quantities of unsecured money have only resulted in inflation so far. This is an economic law that must be taken into consideration. Holger Thorsten Schubart, CEO of the Neutrino Energy Group, a well-known German entrepreneur said: „It is exceedingly unproductive to hold money in bank accounts or cash in the current environment of rising inflation; both devalue. The desire of company structures to get rid of cash and secure money, rather than objective consequences of economic activity, explains the quick rise in stock values of businesses like Tesla. This is the significant risk of a stock market crash and the loss of a significant portion of one’s investment.

The rapid rise in energy prices would appear to favor the development of alternative energy, such as solar power and wind generation, but their reliance on weather conditions is their „Achilles heel,“ according to energy experts, but politicians do not understand or do not want to understand this, especially since they will be on the sidelines and not responsible for anything in the event of a blackout.

Holger Thorsten Schubart believes that the current political and economic scenario on the oil and gas industry presents a unique opportunity for alternative energy technology firms like the Neutrino Energy Group. „We’ve noticed an increase in investor interest in new power generation technologies, which is why we’re no longer interested in selling shares in private placements. Instead, we’re looking at offers to organize production of the Neutrino Power Cube® in various countries, and we’ve already signed first license agreements with a few of them, because the results we got showed not only us, but also the most ardent skeptics, that the Neutrinovoltaic power generation technology is the future. We believe Russia will play a critical role in the growth of the Neutrino Energy initiative, which is why we are forming a joint company with our Russian partners.“

Is our strength unification?

The development of the Neutrino Energy Group is not aimed at achieving autonomous serial manufacturing. It is difficult to build up large-scale manufacturing of Neutrinovoltaic technology on its own, despite substantial investments – it is a worldwide multinational project capable of playing a significant part in all economies of the globe.

Holger Thorsten Schubart has made it clear that „It is vital to coordinate the efforts of all governments in order to identify answers that are critical to humanity’s future. Following this principle, the Neutrino Energy Group has enlisted the help of scientists and businesses from a variety of countries, including Germany, Switzerland, the United States, Russia, and India, in developing the Neutrino Power Cube®, a device that converts the energy of radiation fields into electric current. Political differences, sanctions, embargoes, prohibitions, and limitations do not prevent scientists from working productively and creatively in various nations.

Scientists are attempting to provide findings that will allow the technical realization of autonomous direct energy sources based on Neutrinovoltaic technology, which are intended for use in both houses and electric automobiles, as well as in appliances and technical gadgets that require electricity.

Not only will this eliminate harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, but it will also allow cars to be converted to electric traction without the requirement for the centralized power supply infrastructure to charge electric vehicles. The broad use of autonomous Neutrinovoltaic power sources provides a 100 percent assurance of power supply in times of crises, disasters, and armed conflict, something that, given the current economic and political context, must be seriously examined.

Currently, Neutrino Energy Group is rapidly expanding, having signed a number of license agreements with manufacturers from various countries, including Russia, and is renovating its R&D center to adapt Neutrinovoltaic technology for electric cars with built-in Neutrinovoltaic power sources developed by Pi Cars, as well as mastering production facilities for producing Neutrino Power Cube® power sources.

Scientists at the business have developed and patented a novel superhard material based on graphene and doped silicon that permits direct conversion of many forms of natural and manmade radiation, including cosmic neutrinos, into direct electric current. This technology enables the creation of a fundamentally new distributed power supply system, allowing current to be placed directly in places where power is consumed, such as internal placement in devices and products that require power, such as computers, telephones, electric cars, and so on. The company’s progress will allow it to drastically reduce, if not totally eliminate, the usage of combustible fuel as a source of power production and motor fuel in the medium future.

In today’s world, any state’s growth is inextricably linked to scientific and technical advancement. Despite its vast mineral riches, the Russian government will undoubtedly promote, assist in the development, and implementation of novel advancements and technology.

Realizing similar economic interests, as demonstrated by the collaboration between Russia and Germany on the Neutrino Energy project, is another approach to stabilize the international economy and minimize political and economic tensions throughout the world.

The Neutrino Energy Group cooperates with a worldwide team of scientists and various international research centers, which deal with application research, the conversion of invisible radiation spectra of the sun, among other things, such as neutrinos (high-energy particles, which ceaselessly reach the earth) in electric power.
More on this issue from a recent interview ( April ) with the leader of the German organization.
Zelensky has believed the character that he's acting.

He has forgot that all is a Western movie, and China is not interested in Western fantasies.

Zelensky real power is zero, he's listened because USA orders vassals listen him.

'It's a Very Powerful State': Zelensky Seeks Direct Talks With China's Xi to Help 'End War With Russia'​

AUGUST 04, 2022, 09:31 IST

Ukraine is seeking an opportunity to speak “directly" with Chinese leader Xi Jinping to help end its war with Russia, President Volodymyr Zelensky said, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.

In an interview with SCMP, the Ukrainian leader urged China to use its outsize political and economic influence over Russia to bring an end to the fighting.

“It’s a very powerful state. It’s a powerful economy … So (it) can politically, economically influence Russia. And China is [also a] permanent member of the UN Security Council," the report quoted Zelenskiy as saying.

Meanwhile, Zelensky told Australian university students that China must not help Russia in its war against his homeland and remain at least neutral.

Zelenskyy addressed 21 Australian universities Wednesday in an online discussion hosted by the Australian National University in Canberra. Questioned by a student about Chinas stance, Zelenskyy said he would prefer Beijing join countries including the United States and Australia that have condemned the Russian invasion that began in February.

As for now, China is balancing and indeed has neutrality and, I will be honest, this neutrality is better than China joining Russia, Zelensky said through an interpreter from Ukraine.

Its important for us that China wouldn’t help Russia, Zelensky added.

China has refused to criticize Russia’s war in Ukraine or even to refer to it as an invasion in deference to Moscow, while also condemning U.S.-led sanctions against Russia and accusing the West of provoking Moscow.

When you have a no exprience clown-turn-politician as your president. Can only happen in Western-style democracies,

Make me think of the emperor Huizong of China's Song dynasty, a great artist-turn-emperor.

He was good at painting, but very bad at politics, Under his rule, China lost to Jurchen and North Song dynasty ceased to exist. He was captured by Jurchen and died in Jin land.
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Mir? Good that you mentioned it is from USSR, not Russia. You don’t understand. Ussr economy was more diverse than Russia. Ussr produced lots of things, Russia Putin economy is all about gas, oil, minerals. And military. That’s all. Everything else is imported. Look at Russia automobile industry once the West withdrew the industry collapsing.

If I put two engineers, one from Japan one from Russia, into a room and tell they should make a fridge. The Japanese will come out with high efficient hybrid solar/air powered fridge. The Russian will give me a hybrid gas/oil powered with 5,000 liter gas/oil tanks.

Russia is the most disappointing country in history.

They have people, engineers, technicians, technology, resources, however they don’t use it.
lmao Japan doesn't do shit in solar/wind. they use tons of fossil fuel, same with South Korea and Taiwan.

they are the ones who are going to make a oil/gas powered fridge. they don't have electric cars or anything.
So their new silk road ally asks them to mediate peace and they refuse to even speak to him?

China doesnt even bother to keep up her fake appearance of “being just/peaceloving” anymore.

Its all about turning a blind eye towards atrocities to hurry and make deals that bring them most wealth/power.
Xi will never answer Zelensky's phone calls ever again after the slap in the face with the Motor Sich humiliation.
If Ukraine and Russia need China, the Chinese are certainly willing to contribute to peace.
However, if both sides do not have the will for peace, China will not be able to influence these two countries.
Personally, I think they are more willing to seek help from Turkey. After all, China is a distant Asian country.

I disagree. Ukraine is a mere 3,000 km away from China across Kazakhstan and a small portion of Russia. Ukraine's issue matters to China's national security.
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