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'It's a Very Powerful State': Zelensky Seeks Direct Talks With China's Xi to Help 'End War With Russia'

Can China affect end of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine?
If Ukraine and Russia need China, the Chinese are certainly willing to contribute to peace.
However, if both sides do not have the will for peace, China will not be able to influence these two countries.
Personally, I think they are more willing to seek help from Turkey. After all, China is a distant Asian country.
We support Ukraine to resist the invaders, but we also support Russia's opposition to NATO's economic sanctions.
We will not recognize Russia's sovereignty over eastern Ukraine, but we agree that the USA and Britain incited the war.

Hmm, that's quite a contradictions-filled balancing. Then what do you think about this talk show clip from the Indian right-wing news channel ( what we call Godi Media ) Republic TV in which the usually voluble host Arnab Goswami was shushed by a senior Western academic / researcher / businessman ( whose name I forgot but who has worked with USSR and Russia ) who was angry not only at Arnab's way of hosting the panel but also at Arnab ( and much of India ) not seeing that the Ukraine war is Russia's effort and sacrifice that will bring benefit to India and China ?

Russia space tech came from USSR.

And Russia has been the main beneficiary.

Russia computing is all about the company Karpersky.

I am talking about fundamental digital computing :


Vaccine, more genetics research, research from USSR days.

Do you seriously think the Chinese will trade those things against Apple, Tesla, BMW and the rest?

Tesla ? BMW ? Ground cars will soon be obsolete. Russia is developing the Cyclocar which is based on the Cyclorotor concept. Though the Cyclocar is presented for military purposes there is nothing to stop it from being used as a taxi or minibus - skycar and skybus. However, in the vid the under-development vehicle labeled "CycloTech" at 0:39 is from the Austrian company CycloTech :

Tesla and BMW surely will in a few years stop selling their over-priced nonsense.

Truthfully, this is a trap. US wants us to attack Taiwan. But so far China is playing it right an 'exetcise' blockade is good enough. And changing the current status quo by changing the so called 'boundary' is good enough. 25 years ago, when we had an exercise, the US sent their carriers in the middle of the Taiwan straits, today the carriers are moving away.

For gods saake, its an 84 year old lady flying unofficially and quietly like a shadow bypassing SCS. If it was the old US, its straight to Taiwan officially. But China is overreacting to get confessions and also to create a condition for status quo change. I don't think the strategist in China is that stupid. Now we can say, hey you change the status quo first and now we change ours. US media is sounding quite apologetic, I have never seen it sound so meek. Biden sounded like a pussy so does Gen. Milley, all warning Pelosi. That doesn't sound like the America I knew.

Just like North Korea and I believe some in South Korea want unification, is there a movement among Taiwanese and Chinese to have a peaceful unification ?
Hmm, that's quite a contradictions-filled balancing. Then what do you think about this talk show clip from the Indian right-wing news channel ( what we call Godi Media ) Republic TV in which the usually voluble host Arnab Goswami was shushed by a senior Western academic / researcher / businessman ( whose name I forgot but who has worked with USSR and Russia ) who was angry not only at Arnab's way of hosting the panel but also at Arnab ( and much of India ) not seeing that the Ukraine war is Russia's effort and sacrifice that will bring benefit to India and China ?

And Russia has been the main beneficiary.

I am talking about fundamental digital computing :

Vaccine, more genetics research, research from USSR days.

Tesla ? BMW ? Ground cars will soon be obsolete. Russia is developing the Cyclocar which is based on the Cyclorotor concept. Though the Cyclocar is presented for military purposes there is nothing to stop it from being used as a taxi or minibus - skycar and skybus. However, in the vid the under-development vehicle labeled "CycloTech" at 0:39 is from the Austrian company CycloTech :

Tesla and BMW surely will in a few years stop selling their over-priced nonsense.

Just like North Korea and I believe some in South Korea want unification, is there a movement among Taiwanese and Chinese to have a peaceful unification ?

No war will bring benefits to China. China is a global trading country, and trade needs peace and stability.

The Ukrainian war ruined China's local trade and cut off the Russian branch of the B&R project.

Perhaps India is the only winner of this war. Chinese people are not, we are victims.
We support Ukraine to resist the invaders, but we also support Russia's opposition to NATO's economic sanctions.
We will not recognize Russia's sovereignty over eastern Ukraine, but we agree that the USA and Britain incited the war.

You always view the world with conspiracy theory. Come on, Chinese people don't lack money to buy oil. Moreover, Russia is an industrial and agricultural power, and they have enough goods to sell to us. You underestimate Russia too much.

Moreover, the EU should be grateful that China has complied with international law and has not sold military equipment to the Warring States. As for other trade that does not violate international law, the EU is not qualified to intervene.
Ok tell me what items you import from Russia accept fuels and minerals? Let’s me guess: gold, diamonds, fertilizer, grains. Maybe some machinery. China has nothing to gain if delivery weapons to Russia. The moment you deliver the relationship to the West is finished. Even if you willing, I doubt Putin needs chinese weapons.
No war will bring benefits to China. China is a global trading country, and trade needs peace and stability.

Well, unless the country is USA whose government makes big business producing weapons and for which many of its wars are a matter of Capitalist commerce.

The Ukrainian war ruined China's local trade and cut off the Russian branch of the B&R project.

How ?

Perhaps India is the only winner of this war. Chinese people are not, we are victims.

Day-to-day Indian life has started seeing price rises is a few things - wheat, curds etc - but geopolitically Indian government of Modi is softening up the Indian people to get India to become a member of NATO.
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China will never support Ukraine against ally Russia becoz china has similar ambition against Taiwan they need Russian support if they betray Russia there will be no one to support them and zelensky part ways after using china in time of need
Given everything that has happened, what would one think Russia's negotiations for a Ukrainian surrender would look like?
1) Stay neutral not to join Nato
2) Declare independence for the Donesk region
3) Give up sovereignty over Crimea
4) Zelenski and his government to stand down

I would say point 1 is the easiest, point 4 personally hard for Zelenski but if he cared for his people he could do that, the other two I dont see Ukraine wanting to do. But both those regions are lost anyway and Russia baring a complete collapse are unlikely to give them back. So maybe they should move ahead with the above with a security guarantee from Russia that they would never invade again as they did.
Well, unless the country is USA whose government makes big business producing weapons and for which many of its wars are a matter of Capitalist commerce.

How ?

Day-to-day Indian life has started seeing price rises is a few things - wheat, curds etc - but geopolitically Indian government of Modi is softening up the Indian people to get India to become a member of NATO.
The USA and China are completely different.

The USA is a country that relies on domestic demand to promote economic development. War is a country's biggest domestic demand.

Therefore, the USA will always be in a state of war, while China will always oppose any war.

Ok tell me what items you import from Russia accept fuels and minerals? Let’s me guess: gold, diamonds, fertilizer, grains. Maybe some machinery. China has nothing to gain if delivery weapons to Russia. The moment you deliver the relationship to the West is finished. Even if you willing, I doubt Putin needs chinese weapons.
I remind you again that Russia has a trade surplus with China. Few countries in the world have a trade surplus with China.

Secondly, the West has no ability to sanction China whether China is involved in the Ukrainian war or not. China did not intervene in the Ukrainian war because it was unwilling, not unable.
Hmm, that's quite a contradictions-filled balancing. Then what do you think about this talk show clip from the Indian right-wing news channel ( what we call Godi Media ) Republic TV in which the usually voluble host Arnab Goswami was shushed by a senior Western academic / researcher / businessman ( whose name I forgot but who has worked with USSR and Russia ) who was angry not only at Arnab's way of hosting the panel but also at Arnab ( and much of India ) not seeing that the Ukraine war is Russia's effort and sacrifice that will bring benefit to India and China ?

And Russia has been the main beneficiary.

I am talking about fundamental digital computing :

Vaccine, more genetics research, research from USSR days.

Tesla ? BMW ? Ground cars will soon be obsolete. Russia is developing the Cyclocar which is based on the Cyclorotor concept. Though the Cyclocar is presented for military purposes there is nothing to stop it from being used as a taxi or minibus - skycar and skybus. However, in the vid the under-development vehicle labeled "CycloTech" at 0:39 is from the Austrian company CycloTech :

Tesla and BMW surely will in a few years stop selling their over-priced nonsense.

Just like North Korea and I believe some in South Korea want unification, is there a movement among Taiwanese and Chinese to have a peaceful unification ?
I would say 90% wants the status quo and 10% wants reunification. It's all about prestige and money, if the average Chinese is richer than Taiwan, more respected than Taiwan, things will change. The KMT did a decades long anti CCP campaign and now it is backfiring because now they equate Chinese as communists.
The USA is a country that relies on domestic demand to promote economic development. War is a country's biggest domestic demand.

Therefore, the USA will always be in a state of war

Relying on domestic demand is not bad at all but why should American governments have made senseless wars as the means to keep the economy "stable" even if the political, social and socio-economic system is rotten ?

while China will always oppose any war.

Well, there is the matter of Afghanistan in the 1980s when China supported NATO in NATO's regime change operation there. And now when Chinese government is allying with Taliban.

I would say 90% wants the status quo and 10% wants reunification. It's all about prestige and money, if the average Chinese is richer than Taiwan, more respected than Taiwan, things will change.

I see.

The KMT did a decades long anti CCP campaign and now it is backfiring because now they equate Chinese as communists.

Please elaborate.
European common people may not want any war nor the ordinary russians, even ordinary americans or brits.

But truth of the matter is, that in every country the military establishment and its global zionists have agenda for depopulation and the fastest way to do that is war. Even covid19 was their tool for beginning and look how they wrecked global economy and supply chains, and killed millions. Even calling covid successfull in their meetings in switzerland……
They’re hell bent on forcing russia to proceed and make it bigger. They’ll even try to force putin to use nukes on europe.
Now those same zionists use usa power to create taiwan conflict and they tried/try to create india/Pakistan war…..which Indian military already preparing fir invasion……look at their statements talking invasion of Pak.
Those zionists use their stooges in every country’s cabinets as economic hitmen……trying to play God……
Relying on domestic demand is not bad at all but why should American governments have made senseless wars as the means to keep the economy "stable" even if the political, social and socio-economic system is rotten ?

Well, there is the matter of Afghanistan in the 1980s when China supported NATO in NATO's regime change operation there. And now when Chinese government is allying with Taliban.

I see.

Please elaborate.
Well before the KMT lost the plot, everybody knows they are Chinese, the commies in mainland and the nationalist in Taiwan. After they lost the plot, there was a movement to create a new Taiwanese identity by the Japanese trained elites who worked with KMT, they infiltrated the government and plotted to create an independent Taiwan.

So being Chinese is now being Communist and being 'Taiwanese' is now democratic.
LMAO this fking clown, does he even watch the news?
Well, unless the country is USA whose government makes big business producing weapons and for which many of its wars are a matter of Capitalist commerce.

How ?

Day-to-day Indian life has started seeing price rises is a few things - wheat, curds etc - but geopolitically Indian government of Modi is softening up the Indian people to get India to become a member of NATO.
Stimulating domestic demand through war is like using drugs. No matter what the current situation of the USA is, Americans can't leave it.

In 1980, China was not a country dependent on Global trade.
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