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It's a misconception that the way women dress attracts abuse: Mehwish Hayat

Here is a photo from pre-2011 Libya :


And this is of Syrian pro-Assad soldiers :



I don't like militaries or even violence but just showing you that these women are not covered up in burqa. Do you want Saudia or Libya and Syria ?

That dress is still normal and polite, Chinese female military though reveal many of their bare legs.

Indonesian female soldier can chose using hijab or not but the dress is still polite for non hijab soldiers. Seeing Syrian soldier, look like they are banned to wear hijab, which violates human right.

Indonesian Female Soldier



It's a misconception that the way women dress attracts abuse: Mehwish Hayat
By Entertainment Desk
Published: January 23, 2018


Pakistani starlet Mehwish Hayat recently shared her two cents on how a woman dresses has nothing to do with the way she’s treated.

Taking to Instagram, the Punjab Nahi Jaungi actor shared a clip from her blockbuster Actor in Law which also starred Fahad Mustafa. She captioned it, “There is a misconception that the way a woman dresses is what attracts abuse.”

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Hayat added, “This is something that we dealt with in my film Actor in Law. When a woman wearing a ‘burkha’ also attracted vilification. The way that a woman dresses has no bearing on the way she is treated. This is simply down to the mentality of some of the misogynistic elements in our society.”

This is not the first time Hayat has been vocal about Times Up campaign that took Hollywood by storm. Sharing her thoughts previously, the Jawani Phir Nahi Ani starlet posted a picture on Instagram in which she was sporting an all-black outfit and captioned it, “It is time for women of the world to stand up for their rights. Today, I wear black in solidarity with my industry colleagues in US and push this message to the women of my own homeland, Pakistan. We are no less than men by virtue of our gender. Harassment of any form is totally unacceptable and we will not tolerate it.”

Hayat made her silver screen debut with the popular item number, Billi in Na Maloom Afraad’s first installment. As much as her spins and twirls were admired (and rightfully so, as she stole everyone’s thunder), she was also severely denounced for pioneering a departed trend that is more often than not, looked down upon.

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“I think criticism comes with appreciation. Again, that very situation in Na Maloom Afraad was a goons’ after-party. Billi was a character – she represented the lust of a certain class and none of it was forced,” she justified.

“Look at yesteryear cinema in our country, they even had mujras. It’s not that we’ve been inspired by India or we’ve started something new; it’s been a part of our cinema for ages. Then again, it shouldn’t be vulgar, it should appear sensual and appealing, but there’s a fine line between the two,” she stated.

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Haha this video again :D
Of course there is a relationship between what eyes see and the quantity of TESTOSTERONES produced by male testicles. Amount of testosterones produced has a direct bearing on male sexual behaviour. Its pure scince (physiology). Nothing for males to be ashamed of. What is Mehwish Hayat ? a qualified sexologist ? read this
https://www-psychologytoday-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/evolution-the-self/201711/male-sexual-misconduct-and-the-testosterone-curse?amp_js_v=a3&amp_gsa=1&amp&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA=#aoh=15898894860481&referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s&ampshare=https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/evolution-the-self/201711/male-sexual-misconduct-and-the-testosterone-curse
That dress is still normal and polite

You are correct but I was just replying to @Hiraa who spoke about being comfortable in burqa ( or was she talking about some separate thing called abaya ? ).

Chinese female military though reveal many of their bare legs.


Indonesian female soldier can chose using hijab or not but the dress is still polite for non hijab soldiers.


Seeing Syrian soldier, look like they are banned to wear hijab, which violates human right.

I don't think it's banned. Maybe they just don't prefer it.

And hijab is not the primary human right. Right to free education, free medical system, affordable food, free water, affordable internet, free housing, free to think and question outdated cultural beliefs, free to contribute to technological progress etc... these are the primary human rights. :)

She's pretty.
Of course there is a relationship between what eyes see and the quantity of TESTOSTERONES produced by male testicles. Amount of testosterones produced has a direct bearing on male sexual behaviour. Its pure scince (physiology). Nothing for males to be ashamed of. What is Mehwish Hayat ? a qualified sexologist ? read this
https://www-psychologytoday-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/evolution-the-self/201711/male-sexual-misconduct-and-the-testosterone-curse?amp_js_v=a3&amp_gsa=1&amp&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA=#aoh=15898894860481&referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s&ampshare=https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/evolution-the-self/201711/male-sexual-misconduct-and-the-testosterone-curse

Finally science summed up the mera jism meri marzi
You are correct but I was just replying to @Hiraa who spoke about being comfortable in burqa ( or was she talking about some separate thing called abaya ? ).

She said Arabic Abaya like this and I think it is gorgeous


I don't think it's banned. Maybe they just don't prefer it.

I have estimation that Muslim women nowadays are more conservative and thus in majority prefer wearing hijab. I dont see a single photo of female Syrian soldier wearing hijab so it is quite suspicious. This photo below is the wife of our soldiers, you can see almost the soldier wife wear hijab. I think this phenomena in Muslim Indonesia also happen in other Muslim countries, and I see that Muslim Arab is even more conservative than East Asian Muslim, it can be seen on how Islamist party can win in any election there if they implement democracy.


And hijab is not the primary human right. Right to free education, free medical system, affordable food, free water, affordable internet, free housing, free to think and question outdated cultural beliefs, free to contribute to technological progress etc... these are the primary human rights. :)

Wearing Hijab is part of freedom of religion and it is similar like praying and other religious practice since wearing Hijab order is stated in Quran. Not allowing women to wear hijab is similar like not allowing Muslim to pray. It is part of primary human right, freedom of religion :angry:

She's pretty.

Yup, I am agree on you, but how about this Hijab soldier women ? :)

You are correct but I was just replying to @Hiraa who spoke about being comfortable in burqa ( or was she talking about some separate thing called abaya ? ).



I don't think it's banned. Maybe they just don't prefer it.

And hijab is not the primary human right. Right to free education, free medical system, affordable food, free water, affordable internet, free housing, free to think and question outdated cultural beliefs, free to contribute to technological progress etc... these are the primary human rights. :)

She's pretty.

@jamahir the responses to your hijab post is basically Pakistani Mard e Momin mentality summed up in a nutshell. Malnutrition and famine, sexual abuse of children, human rights abuses, lack of medical resources, crippling poverty can all go f**k themselves. A goddamn cloth on a woman's head is what is the most pressing issue for the men here. And if you question them you are an atheist satan worshipping Zionist libtard. How I weep for my nation's priorities.
@jamahir the responses to your hijab post is basically Pakistani Mard e Momin mentality summed up in a nutshell. Malnutrition and famine, sexual abuse of children, human rights abuses, lack of medical resources, crippling poverty can all go f**k themselves. A goddamn cloth on a woman's head is what is the most pressing issue for the men here. And if you question them you are an atheist satan worshipping Zionist libtard. How I weep for my nation's priorities.

Libtard mentality at work here folks. They are a special breed who think high and above others. We are just peasants infront of their eyes, stuck in the stone age.

As long as Islam doesnt change, and it wont, Our standards wont change either.

And please dont use derogatory words regarding God, thanks.
Libtard mentality at work here folks. They are a special breed who think high and above others. We are just peasants infront of their eyes, stuck in the stone age.

As long as Islam doesnt change, and it wont, Our standards wont change either.

HAHAHA I didn't even have to wait for 5 minutes. The libtard witch hunters are already at my door.
No one is doing anything to harm your Islam. But learn and please for the love of god understand that the world and even Pakistan is not only for Wahabi Maududi type hardliners. There are some who don't like the hijab. Who are you to impose your beliefs on them?
HAHAHA I didn't even have to wait for 5 minutes. The libtard witch hunters are already at my door.
No one is doing anything to harm your Islam. But learn and please for the love of god understand that the world and even Pakistan is not only for Wahabi Maududi type hardliners. There are some who don't like the hijab. Who are you to impose your beliefs on them?

No one, but if bhaigaratee becomes the norm, ask Iran what happenned.

I dont think anyone wants to see a revolution of that magnitude.
There are some who are not Heterosexual. So we should allow Homos to marry bcz we are dealing for poverty? Sorry No Chance

Way to jump the shark. Everything is not a zero sum game where you're either a complete nudist liberal or a complete Al Qaeeda hardline. Relax. Learn to take criticism, don't blow everything into a libtard Zionist freemason conspiracy. Who wants to wear hijab can wear one but if someone doesn't want to wear it and wants to wear jeans, don't start with your misogynistic slut and whore insults.
Women should stop telling women what to wear !!

Good thing about my posts are they stand the test of time which is why i do not have a problem when old threads get bumped up again.

The notables and the unmentionables of the forum have a hard time deleting their previous posts to keep in fashion haha
No one, but if bhaigaratee becomes the norm, ask Iran what happenned.

I dont think anyone wants to see a revolution of that magnitude.

Iran is a shithole for women. I'd rather have 'baighartee' (which in your eyes is something as harmless as a woman wearing a top and shirt) than a situation like Iran where women are flogged just for feeling the wind in their hair. No wonder Pakistan is in this state when it's filled with rabid Mullahs like you.

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