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Itching for another Coup?

Should Gen Kiyani instigate another coup?

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We don't have a government of our own. It serves not the people of Pakistan.

Democracy will and always be sham. Spectacular sham as we saw on Feb 18. Everyone thought it was such a free and fair election, but now it turns out, PPP and Mush were in bed all along.

The kind of deceit seen on Feb 18 takes players of a whole different class.

Do the people even matter in a Pakistani democracy? That's why we need a coup so that someone can bring out a true democracy.

A short lived coup. (I know there's no such thing, but one can continue to wish).

Garbage clean up. Do not try to fix the system, just massive arrests of the obviously guilty - in the hundreds when it comes to Pakistan.

Then quit.
No more Army. The situation is bad the world over as some have said so even if the Army took over in Pakistan, it would get a bad name...not worth it. Let the new govt work it out.

I do not think the Army is in any mood to meddle in politics currently. Hopefully they will stay out in the future too.
We have shortage of electricity, wheat, and next perhaps would be gas.
In my opinion a natural draught may force Mr. Zardari to dismiss parliament and invite military to take over the rule.

We have already seen, how our nation came out in streets on the issue of democracy!
Imagine if they will have no food and water available than how much more furious they will be.
I believe they will gather outside PM house and Zardari will have no choice but to pick up the phone and call the general for bale out.

We get what we deserve.
People of Pakistan has voted for those who are known hurdels in the building of water dams. They have chosen criminals in the name of justice, who have released some more criminals formerly imprisoned for the regular bombing of gas pipe lines and other civil and state properties and individuals.
It was the people of Pakistan who are responsible for engaging security agencies and government in quagmire of freedom and democracy, where as wheat was being smuggled out of country in an organized approach.

You never know how bad a biryani may taste untill you eat one.

I hope our nation will learn from their experience with democrazy and will again distrubute sweets on the imminent military take over. in other words democratically electing cheif of army as CEO.
I feel a more viable alliance/coalition would be between PPP, President, MQM, ANP, JUI and PML-Q (Pro-President MNAs).

This will ensure that the economy does not suffer in the hands of people like Ishaq Dard and NS.

Hopefully, sanity will prevail.
Zardari has said that he has the majority and if Nawaz Sharif does not play ball, he could work out an arrangement with the Kings Party!

But Zardari said he had a majority in parliament without Sharif’s party and, in at hint he could bring Musharraf’s allies into government, said he wanted reconciliation with all politicians, even old enemies.
The Telegraph - Archives
If army stages another coup then the chances are that people this time shall come on the streets to protest. Result might be an army public clash. This should be avoided at all costs. Remember things have changed in the last eight years and people have started realizing that army is not the solution to every problem.
PPP does have simple majority and they should be allowed to work freely. The only danger is the Federal government Punjab government conflict as a result of PML (N) leaving the government.
As the house of cards falls, these same people will be asking for another coup.

That is to say if there exists an institution in Pakistan that is not under American control today.
On the issue of what "might happen" - there is a greater chance of NS saying good bye to the coalition and the PPP governing with the ANP and MQM, than there is of a coup, IMO.

Nawaz wont walk away from PPP, if he does than there is no government new elections will be held if this happened.

If Nawaz had a chance to make noise and show his resentment about PPP, then it was during the Budget session, by the Constitution the new government must pass the budget bill if it fails to do so than new elections are held, which didn't happen. The only party that were making noise were PML-Q

These winds that Nawaz will leave the PPP Government is to put pressure on PPP to accept Nawaz's terms of restoration.
Its not a matter of timing, we've had our chances and failed miserably.
Democracy won't hold long in a feudal society as she faild to empower the comon man.
If we want to give true democracy a chance we need to bring structural changes in our political system and eliminate feudalism.

How can something fail when it isn't even allowed to exists?

Neo Feudal lords have flourished during dictatorships, they weren't products of democracy, they were created by Ayub Khan and Zia era, if you want change know that democracy allows you to do so if you dont want change than have tyranny, only in tyranny does criminality flourish the best.

Neo, Democracy isn't something we have to build in Pakistan it something we have to adapt to, as it was well before us 3000 years before us.
When minortiy is ruling majority it is opposite of democracy and this is the current situation we have in Pakistan.
Majority of Pakistanis hate PPP and they are writting Pakistan's new legislature!
We don't have system which brings majority on top instead we have a system that minorities can black mail or over run majority with coalition.

When will the time be ripe for democracy?

What if the guy after Kiyani is another Zia?

Musharraf was in charge and wasn't able to do anything about the food crisis. What rabbit will he pull out of the hat now, when he couldn't even fix the problems to save his government in an election year?

I myself like people like Ataturk, Jinnah, Ayub Khan and Musharraf, secularists.
But even though Zia was definitely an Islamist, I must say that he really helped Pakistan and improved conditions for the ordinary Pakistani. He was good for Pakistan, and that must be admitted.

Also, to people who always blame Zia for the rise in Islamic extremism, it was Bhutto before him, not Zia, who started it. Even the militancy started in Bhutto's time, not Zia's.
I myself like people like Ataturk, Jinnah, Ayub Khan and Musharraf, secularists.
But even though Zia was definitely an Islamist, I must say that he really helped Pakistan and improved conditions for the ordinary Pakistani. He was good for Pakistan, and that must be admitted.

Also, to people who always blame Zia for the rise in Islamic extremism, it was Bhutto before him, not Zia, who started it. Even the militancy started in Bhutto's time, not Zia's.

my dear fellow - which history books have u been reading!.
How can something fail when it isn't even allowed to exists?

Neo Feudal lords have flourished during dictatorships, they weren't products of democracy, they were created by Ayub Khan and Zia era, if you want change know that democracy allows you to do so if you dont want change than have tyranny, only in tyranny does criminality flourish the best.

Neo, Democracy isn't something we have to build in Pakistan it something we have to adapt to, as it was well before us 3000 years before us.

solution.. rename pakistan to Bhuttostan and let the new royal family of pakistan the "Bhutto family" rule pakistan for ever.. the military dictators know nothing... they are here for only destruction and keep their multi billion salaries...
jiya bhutto..
I voted not yet - let people reap what they sow throughly! Then they'll understand what an honest & sincere leader means!

Martial Law will come inevitably, as our current rulers are corrupt and visionless - they are just not fit for their jobs! Pakistan is already desending into economic difficulties. In the Five months of this government,

1- Rupee devalued (by 10 rupees per dollar)
2- Inflation 30 year high (according to GEO - 12% CPI index)
3- Foreign Reserves shrunk from $16 billion (Jan 2008) and now $10 billion.
4- Stock exchange market capitalization was $75 billion (4 months back) and now its $56 billion. Means $19 billion out!

One month back, when it was confirmed that there was outlfow of money to Dubai etc, the governor State Bank did place a BAN to transfer dollar outside. But, these are temporary measures - for how long can we stop an investor from taking away his money?

Fiscal policies, macro & micro-economic policies should come in force through governance!

This food crisis has been going on in the whole world since two years now. We did not feel it earlier as, we are an agriculture country.

Pakistan First : International Wheat crisis and its effect on Pakistan

Secondly, these same democratic forces politicians are INVOLVED in wheat smuggling - who will the public turn to? PML-N MNA booked for wheat smuggling.


I agree with Asim, that there are pre-requisites for democracy, otherwise it transforms into demon-crazy. We have feudals & mafia businessmen who run democracy on monarchy style. Democracy is delivering and moving on with tolerance, which unfortunately we don't have.

We don't have stable & corruption-free institutions because we are still a nation that is under construction. We need Honest, Selfless and Committed public to run these unstable Institutions. Our public will pay bribe to avail those facilities and all those institutions go corrupt with bribery. We have the institution of Judiciary - but its being run by bribe-makers!

Institutions work - not becuz of democracy BUT becuz:

1- Public at large is morally upright and Law-abidding,
2- Public at large distingushes b/w Halal and haram.

We need Education (4% GDP) and Moral guidance to groom our general public at large (like CCTV 9 in China); before they seek employment in those Institutions. Otherwise, all our desires & efforts to build such institutions will never realize. Our Pakistani public has to become morally upright to run those Institutions.

We need to provide education, basic health, water, electricity, roads, jobs, and food to our people - before we can expect the institutions to work as efficiently and effectively as in western countries.

If we try to implement a system (any system) in a under construction building - it will never work - there will always be hassles and obstructions and people trying to achieve basic facilities upsetting that system. This is exactly what is happeneing in Pakistan and 3rd world countries.

Pakistan is under construction. We still have to provide half our population with the basic necessities of life - before we expect them to become law-abidding, deliver and strengthen our institutions.

Musharraf was going on the right track of delivering first!
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