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Italy shows how it is done right...people who spread islamism get instant deportation

How ofte is this bullshit movie posted here? It amuses me that some try to insult italians with telling them that some may have same ancestors as they have.

How stupid is this?

That said, of course italians are a mix. We build the words greatest empire. And it wasnt based on blood but culture.
It was not meant to be an insult. If you read my words carefully, in no way did I imply that Pakistanis and Italians may have the same ancestors. Just that some Southern Italians appear like (some) Pakistanis (phenotypically). I have found the same for some Greeks. It is an observation. That is all.

Coming to the world's greatest empire: the nature of empire is multi-racial/multi-cultural. I am sure there were many races and many cultures that moved to the "homeland" of the Empire given the extent of her borders and mingled in with the natives.
It was not meant to be an insult. If you read my words carefully, in no way did I imply that Pakistanis and Italians may have the same ancestors. Just that some Southern Italians appear like (some) Pakistanis (phenotypically). I have found the same for some Greeks. It is an observation. That is all.

Coming to the world's greatest empire: the nature of empire is multi-racial/multi-cultural. I am sure there were many races and many cultures that moved to the "homeland" of the Empire given the extent of her borders and mingled in with the natives.

the roman empire was based on "mare nostrum". Thats how the mediterranean was called. "Our sea"


There were no arabs, celts or egyptians. You were roman. The common identity was Rome.

A boy born in Alexandria, Ephesos or valentia would have the same goal. Serve the empire and rise in rank.

Anyone could become emperor when he was talented. Trajan for example was a spanish. Marcus Julius Philippus was an arab from syria.

That united power of rome is there even today. We are all basicly mediterranean type of people and share many cultural things.

When i visited turkey it looked pretty similar to italy. If you take religion away its smilar in many aspects.
the roman empire was based on "mare nostrum". Thats how the mediterranean was called. "Our sea"


There were no arabs, celts or egyptians. You were roman. The common identity was Rome.

A boy born in Alexandria, Ephesos or valentia would have the same goal. Serve the empire and rise in rank.

Anyone could become emperor when he was talented. Trajan for example was a spanish. Marcus Julius Philippus was an arab from syria.

That united power of rome is there even today. We are all basicly mediterranean type of people and share many cultural things.

When i visited turkey it looked pretty similar to italy. If you take religion away its smilar in many aspects.
Eastern Roman Empire i> Rome
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Lol .. Reality seems far fetched idea .. no wonder there is no reasoning with jihadis like u all u wish to do is beahead any one & every one who disagrees with your medevil ideology ..

Showing the middle finger to crypto terrorists like you gives a bad taste but it must be done! You are nothing but an ugly turncoat wearing a make up to look like a patriot.
after comitting terror in the church. And yes shouting Allahu Akbar and throwing a corss in the dirt is terrorism.

No it is your ignorance and Islamophobia, If a christian would have done it, you would have labelled him "Mentally Disabled".

Since when does ISIS have a country to apply their version of rule?

My friend, the point I am making is that, you cannot be an Islamophobe just because you rule a country. ISIS controls their state, I dont see how the creation of ISIS is any different from the creation of israel - the illegal state.

What is hippocracy?? Shouting Allah u akbar in church or deportation of those who shouted that?

If a christian had done it, you would have labelled him "mentally disabled".

I dont think I need to explain further the concept of hypocrisy.

UN is not perfect, but it is certainly much better than any previous solution.

Name a single ruler of the area now beeing Israel, which has a better legal claim to the land.

1. Philistees - unknown.
2. Egyptians - conquest
3. Hettites - conquest
4. Assyrians - conquest
5. Persians - conquest
6. Greeks - conquest
7. Romans/Byzantium conquest
8. Arabs - conquest
9. Crusaders - conquest
10. Ottomans - conquest
11. French - conquest
12. Great Britain - conquest, treaty where Great Britain gets a Mandate to rule the Area
to prepare for self rule by the League of Nations.
13. Decision to partition the area by the world into Israel and a Palestinian state.

May have forgotten a few.

I doubt that You can find any country except Great Britain and Israel which has any legal claim to the area.

Jews also got there by conquest, kid. Besides if we go by your rule, then half of the world countries should be split.

Maybe the UN vote and the creation of Israel was just a joke.
You should not throw out the Israelis just for a joke, should You?

Seizing someone's sovereign land illegally and killing their natives and going crazy in a religious place are two different things buddy. Dont be ridiculous.

As for Your other claims, you just repeat the latest Islamist Web Sites claims without giving any sources.
I will let You fret in Your ISIS infested mind, and ignore You.

Or you do not have a response to my claims? dont act like a kid, this a serious forum, act like a mature guy, personal insults puts you in a bad light, not me.
Just on the particular incident of shouting Allahu Akbar in Church I think, both sides pushed the limits too far..I don't know the details but of course this term has been turned into a terror word by media and the brainwashed zombies have played their role into defaming the term.
Thus their act of shouting Allahu Akbar in Church could evoke a sense of fear in the hearts of infidels and that was totally needless and uncalled for. That also shows how clueless and ignorant both of the guys have been of the current situation in the world. However, deporting is also too extreme step on the part of Italian govt and they should fined them with a 100 euro or so.
Why would these assholes go in a church and shout Allah Akbar knowing damn well how muslims are perceived these days. To be honest i would not blame the other side because Muslims lately are acting stupid. I mean why would anyone go to a place of worship of Christians and shout Allah Akbar there? Idiots
Why would these assholes go in a church and shout Allah Akbar knowing damn well how muslims are perceived these days. To be honest i would not blame the other side because Muslims lately are acting stupid. I mean why would anyone go to a place of worship of Christians and shout Allah Akbar there? Idiots
They are idiots of the first order and I can tell you here is whole lot of them. I was travelling through Denmark and I was approached by a guy, in his early 30's with a mega beard, and he was from Libya who recently entered EU as refugee. Soon after the initial pleasantries, he immediately started abusing Qadafi, West and the whole paraphernalia for destruction of Libya and that too very loudly and in his broken English...I told him immediately stop the BS or I will call the security and I changed the seats. I was really wondering if that piece of meat had any brain cells?. He existence was on the level of zombies; with dead brain and living bodies and craving for food. These goons do not realise that first they joined USA and NATO in dislodging Qaddafi mindlessly and now they start blaming them while ignoring the part they themselves played.

It is so painful to see that how uneducated and brainless people are in these parts of the world. They do not have the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. The crappy wahabi-extremist ideology is at work in the middle east and that's at heart of all these crisis. Half of them shout jihad calls against USA and west while rest of them support USA and these bedouins have become addicted to the western life style and commodities, they never remember Islam and jihad when it comes to spending, lifestyle, austerity, being just, resisting inner temptations and purification of heart.
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Eastern Roman Empire i> Rome
No it is your ignorance and Islamophobia, If a christian would have done it, you would have labelled him "Mentally Disabled".

My friend, the point I am making is that, you cannot be an Islamophobe just because you rule a country. ISIS controls their state, I dont see how the creation of ISIS is any different from the creation of israel - the illegal state.

If a christian had done it, you would have labelled him "mentally disabled".

I dont think I need to explain further the concept of hypocrisy.

Jews also got there by conquest, kid. Besides if we go by your rule, then half of the world countries should be split.

Seizing someone's sovereign land illegally and killing their natives and going crazy in a religious place are two different things buddy. Dont be ridiculous.

Or you do not have a response to my claims? dont act like a kid, this a serious forum, act like a mature guy, personal insults puts you in a bad light, not me.

Our country our rule. We are italians. Italians are christians. Muslims are foreigners. Guests. Not part of italy. Never were, never will be.

we want security. This individuals harm our security. We kick them out. That way he cant comitt terror here.
Our country our rule. We are italians. Italians are christians. Muslims are foreigners. Guests. Not part of italy. Never were, never will be.

we want security. This individuals harm our security. We kick them out. That way he cant comitt terror here.

Yeah, except if he was a christian his violence will be "mentally disabled person's stupid act".
Moreover the guy was not committing terror.

You do realize that when you have to say "Our country our rule", you have practically ran out of justifications?

You have also admitted that you people are biased against "Muslims" regardless of their acts. That is what I wanted to show the people around here and you have just proved it.

So thanks for that.
Yeah, except if he was a christian his violence will be "mentally disabled person's stupid act".
Moreover the guy was not committing terror.

You do realize that when you have to say "Our country our rule", you have practically ran out of justifications?

You have also admitted that you people are biased against "Muslims" regardless of their acts. That is what I wanted to show the people around here and you have just proved it.

So thanks for that.

He committed terror. Terror means to terrorize people. His hate scream + destroying crhsitian art terrorized people.

I´m not biased. Your acts are seen in the news. We are at war. You had many years to reform your believes in a way the world can accept it. There is not much time left for you.

Does it hurt you that we dont allow you to kill us like sheep? That we fight back. That we push you out with force? :)

And you know whats the best about this? There is nothing you can do about it. Yesterday 15 others were send back to algeria. 8 of them were thieves.
He committed terror. Terror means to terrorize people. His hate scream + destroying crhsitian art terrorized people.

That logic applies to you too, your are basically justifying ISIS here.

I´m not biased. Your acts are seen in the news. We are at war. You had many years to reform your believes in a way the world can accept it. There is not much time left for you.

Your act of killing a million muslims in Iraq on an illegal war are all over the news, compared to us, you have killed much more, I have not even counted Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, etc in this

Does it hurt you that we dont allow you to kill us like sheep? That we fight back. That we push you out with force? :)

Does it hurt that ISIS bombs your people?

And you know whats the best about this? There is nothing you can do about it. Yesterday 15 others were send back to algeria. 8 of them were thieves.

I have absolutely nothing to do mate, but you have picked the wrong enemy, for petty reasons. Your own acts have radicalized people and you know karma is a bitch right?
That logic applies to you too, your are basically justifying ISIS here.

Your act of killing a million muslims in Iraq on an illegal war are all over the news, compared to us, you have killed much more, I have not even counted Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, etc in this

Does it hurt that ISIS bombs your people?

I have absolutely nothing to do mate, but you have picked the wrong enemy, for petty reasons. Your own acts have radicalized people and you know karma is a bitch right?

yes it does hurt. It hurts terrible and i hardly can look at it. My heart feels just sadness and anger when i see what ISIS did in france or belgium. My country italy stayed safe yet.

Kicking those people out helps us to stay safe. We cant live together. Its impossible.
yes it does hurt. It hurts terrible and i hardly can look at it. My heart feels just sadness and anger when i see what ISIS did in france or belgium. My country italy stayed safe yet.

Wish you had the same feelings for the people that west has killed mercilessly.

Kicking those people out helps us to stay safe. We cant live together. Its impossible.

You are parroting the same thing that ISIS does, they would welcome you to the group.
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