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Italy shows how it is done right...people who spread islamism get instant deportation

We have no immigrants. We are no immigration nation. We are an old culture. We are bound by blood not by paper.


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Freedom and democracy? Count only for my own people in my lands.

People who pose a threat get erased from our lands.

And if you think you can threaten my people i would just erase you from this planet.

We have no immigrants. We are no immigration nation. We are an old culture. We are bound by blood not by paper. They are guests.
Beside that islam is no race. So spare me this nonsense.

You pose a threat to them, does it never occur to you?
And unlike you, there fear has weight!.
There civilians have been bombed illegally by terrorist western forces.
You by the way are giving me life threats on an internet forum, that actually sets an extremist apart from the rest.
Those guests had legal permission to enter your country, so your country is making money from those "guests". Have some decency!.
People here have different definitions of racism, thanks for clarifying me your definition of racism.
From now on I will continue to use "hypocrites".
We are bound by blood not by paper

There are some in your country who view the southern part of italy as different from the northern part

What's your view ? is north and south italy bound by blood , not that it matters but I want to know what you have to say about this
You pose a threat to them, does it never occur to you?
And unlike you, there fear has weight!.
There civilians have been bombed illegally by terrorist western forces.
You by the way are giving me life threats on an internet forum, that actually sets an extremist apart from the rest.
Those guests had legal permission to enter your country, so your country is making money from those "guests". Have some decency!.
People here have different definitions of racism, thanks for clarifying me your definition of racism.
From now on I will continue to use "hypocrites".

I pose a threat for them? Good. As long they fear me more than their cult the better.

I dont give you life threats. Or do you plan to threaten my people? :)

They entered Italy illegally. Nobody invited them. They washed ashore like a plaque.

A healthy body has a powerful immune system to deal with them.
@Shaheer ul haq you are out of touch with reality and frankly incoherent.

Nope you are, read below to find out why.

Just as others have stated in Pakistan there is the blasphemy law to where any idiot can accuses someone else of insulting Islam which will result in harsh punishment. Your rebuttal was, "that's what your biast bigoted media feeds you". No that is a law in Pakistan. All one has to do is search and you can find articles about the subject virtually from anywhere.

You are wrong, blasphemy law does not apply for insulting religion, it applies for insulting Prophet S.A.W, we have our respect for our Prophet S.A.W and we have laws to ensure it, we do not tolerate insult of any prophet be it Prophet Mohammed S.A.W, Prophet Esa (jesus) A.S, Prophet Musa (Moses) A.S, Prophet Ibrahim A.S, Propeht Daood (David) A.S or anyone else. Why should one even be allowed to insult a prophet? We specifically allow non-muslims asking questions and debates about Islamic laws we also allow non muslims to question the actions of the Prophet S.A.W, that is both part of Islam and we have institutes for that.

Insulting someone's holy figure does not make sense and we are not allowed to insult holy figures of other religions either.

That my friend is called equality. And decency.

Then you said that you do not throw Chinese visitors out of Pakistan for "bad jokes". Can you show me an example of a Chinese tourist dececrating a mosque? If anyone, be it Chinese or any race barged into a mosque and started desecrating the place and threatening people he would not leave alive.

People do all sort of stupid stuff here dude, if a Chinese idiot was desecrating a mosque, then depending on the place and his act, he will be either be kicked out of the mosque, asked to stop doing it, or if he has managed to pull some really bad stupidity, then he will be beaten up. But he will not be killed for acting stupid in a mosque.

The report says that the two deported had earlier committed a stupid act, like throwing a 300 year old art a month before or abusing Catholics a year earlier.

Now are you expecting me to believe that bullshit story that Italy, who deports people for giving a "freaking name" to a child will let the people stay on for a year or month for doing something as stupid as throwing a 300 year old art or abusing catholism a year earlier.

No I am not buying this bullshit.

One of the most rediculus rubutals you had to a Muslim dececrating a church and threatening people was that if a Muslim went into a mosque and shouted allah akbar, the people would just ask him to leave :lol:

What do you think radicals here shout before exploding up? :disagree: No idiot shouts Allah o Akbar in a mosque. Besides I said the same thing about Chinese religious slogans.

That is a horrible example. A Muslim barging into a church, threatening people, shouting allah akbar and destroying a cross is completely different to a Muslim entering a mosque and shouting allah akbar. Considering the term Allah akbar is sononomous with terrorism, as in, terrorists shout it before they commit acts of terror, i doubt that a person randomly shouting that phrase in a mosque would leave the mosque unharmed let alone if he shouted the phrase, threatened people and dececrated the mosque.

That is the point I am making here, its your ignorance if you cant differentiate b/w a religious slogan and terrorist actions.
It is a very stupid policy for marking someone in your list based on his slogans, I mean seriously, if the people started to shout "Long Live Russia" or "Long Live Italy" before exploding, what are you gonna do then?

I pose a threat for them? Good. As long they fear me more than their cult the better.

I dont give you life threats. Or do you plan to threaten my people? :)

They entered Italy illegally. Nobody invited them. They washed ashore like a plaque.

A healthy body has a powerful immune system to deal with them.

You do, west has bombed innocent civilians and killed more than a million muslims in Iraq alone.
If you are going to consider people to be terrorists based on their names then I will obviously be considered a threat for you.
They entered illegally and Italy kept quite for a year? And you think you can protect yourself from terrorism considering such a weak security system you have in your place?
I believe ISIS thinks the same thing an "immune system".
Nope you are, read below to find out why.

You are wrong, blasphemy law does not apply for insulting religion, it applies for insulting Prophet S.A.W, we have our respect for our Prophet S.A.W and we have laws to ensure it, we do not tolerate insult of any prophet be it Prophet Mohammed S.A.W, Prophet Esa (jesus) A.S, Prophet Musa (Moses) A.S, Prophet Ibrahim A.S, Propeht Daood (David) A.S or anyone else. Why should one even be allowed to insult a prophet? We specifically allow non-muslims asking questions and debates about Islamic laws we also allow non muslims to question the actions of the Prophet S.A.W, that is both part of Islam and we have institutes for that.

Insulting someone's holy figure does not make sense and we are not allowed to insult holy figures of other religions either.

That my friend is called equality. And decency.

People do all sort of stupid stuff here dude, if a Chinese idiot was desecrating a mosque, then depending on the place and his act, he will be either be kicked out of the mosque, asked to stop doing it, or if he has managed to pull some really bad stupidity, then he will be beaten up. But he will not be killed for acting stupid in a mosque.

The report says that the two deported had earlier committed a stupid act, like throwing a 300 year old art a month before or abusing Catholics a year earlier.

Now are you expecting me to believe that bullshit story that Italy, who deports people for giving a "freaking name" to a child will let the people stay on for a year or month for doing something as stupid as throwing a 300 year old art or abusing catholism a year earlier.

No I am not buying this bullshit.

What do you think radicals here shout before exploding up? :disagree: No idiot shouts Allah o Akbar in a mosque. Besides I said the same thing about Chinese religious slogans.

That is the point I am making here, its your ignorance if you cant differentiate b/w a religious slogan and terrorist actions.
It is a very stupid policy for marking someone in your list based on his slogans, I mean seriously, if the people started to shout "Long Live Russia" or "Long Live Italy" before exploding, what are you gonna do then?

You do, west has bombed innocent civilians and killed more than a million muslims in Iraq alone.
If you are going to consider people to be terrorists based on their names then I will obviously be considered a threat for you.
They entered illegally and Italy kept quite for a year? And you think you can protect yourself from terrorism considering such a weak security system you have in your place?
I believe ISIS thinks the same thing an "immune system".

thry were arrested after they did that. they spend that time in prison until they got deported.
Congratulations to Italy.

I'm sry for muslims but due to intense terrorist action shouting Allah Akbar in public has created a Pavlovian reaction of fear throughout the general public.If I'm sitting somewhere having a beer and I hear it next to me,my first reaction would be to smash the bottle into the skull of the one shouting it or duck for cover.

And what's with the butthurt of the deportation being to extreme? You're a guest in that country and you go around desecrating Churches ? They'l behead you for that in Saudi Arabia.

Even in Muslim countries, if some men burst through a door and shouted "Allahu Akbar!" then people would be ducking for cover.
I pose a threat for them? Good. As long they fear me more than their cult the better.

I dont give you life threats. Or do you plan to threaten my people? :)

They entered Italy illegally. Nobody invited them. They washed ashore like a plaque.

A healthy body has a powerful immune system to deal with them.

Good to see few countries calling the BullCrap and calling the terrorism in it's truth.


This is the reality. The Terrorists have all but destroyed Europe's way of life.
Unless people get serious and point to the source of this malice, this would not go away.
Now is the time for people to stop the BS of stepping on someones feelings and tell the truth and destroy the malice.
thry were arrested after they did that. they spend that time in prison until they got deported.

arrested for entering illegally or doing stupidity in a church.
You are only admitting that UN is a useless good for nothing organization. So dont sell UN bullshit to me.

Only strengthening my point that world is biased against muslims, the stole the land illegally and you are supporting them. So much for "peacefulness".

Tell that to US who attempted the coup in Turkey, or "forced democracy" in Afghanistan or "forced dictatorship" in Egypt.
You think if you will meddle in other country's issues you wont suffer the consequences? Welcome to the real world!.

Turkey was a German ally.
UN is not perfect, but it is certainly much better than any previous solution.

Name a single ruler of the area now beeing Israel, which has a better legal claim to the land.

1. Philistees - unknown.
2. Egyptians - conquest
3. Hettites - conquest
4. Assyrians - conquest
5. Persians - conquest
6. Greeks - conquest
7. Romans/Byzantium conquest
8. Arabs - conquest
9. Crusaders - conquest
10. Ottomans - conquest
11. French - conquest
12. Great Britain - conquest, treaty where Great Britain gets a Mandate to rule the Area
to prepare for self rule by the League of Nations.
13. Decision to partition the area by the world into Israel and a Palestinian state.

May have forgotten a few.

I doubt that You can find any country except Great Britain and Israel which has any legal claim to the area.

Maybe the UN vote and the creation of Israel was just a joke.
You should not throw out the Israelis just for a joke, should You?

As for Your other claims, you just repeat the latest Islamist Web Sites claims without giving any sources.
I will let You fret in Your ISIS infested mind, and ignore You.
UN is not perfect, but it is certainly much better than any previous solution.

Name a single ruler of the area now beeing Israel, which has a better legal claim to the land.

1. Philistees - unknown.
2. Egyptians - conquest
3. Hettites - conquest
4. Assyrians - conquest
5. Persians - conquest
6. Greeks - conquest
7. Romans/Byzantium conquest
8. Arabs - conquest
9. Crusaders - conquest
10. Ottomans - conquest
11. French - conquest
12. Great Britain - conquest, treaty where Great Britain gets a Mandate to rule the Area
to prepare for self rule by the League of Nations.
13. Decision to partition the area by the world into Israel and a Palestinian state.

May have forgotten a few.

I doubt that You can find any country except Great Britain and Israel which has any legal claim to the area.

Maybe the UN vote and the creation of Israel was just a joke.
You should not throw out the Israelis just for a joke, should You?

As for Your other claims, you just repeat the latest Islamist Web Sites claims without giving any sources.
I will let You fret in Your ISIS infested mind, and ignore You.
The Holy Land was given to Abraham (PBUH) and all those who faithfully follow him. This was decreed by the one who created time itself.
Everybody saying "Shouldn't have deported" ... Italy is far pragmatic than france and germany it looks like.. since these kind of acts are begining of extremism, though this particular act doesn't warrant deportation. And Italy is right in nipping it in the bud rather than waiting it to become a catastrophe.

Today 2 barged in.. tomorrow 20 will barge in.. after that 200. If the govt is lenient now, they will take it for granted. I would say make them work in prisons for 20 years and then kick out to the hell hole they came from.
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