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Italian MPs’ panel OKs burqa ban

I am afraid, if that was done, there would be an outcry of 'racial profiling'!!

I have answered your second part before.

And I answered your answer but maybe you did not realize that you are replying to the same post twice.
If you are suspecting someone you can ask for an ID that's what cops are for. See how you feel if they ban a nun's or a priest's outfit.
There are already instances where the woman refused to uncover her face when it was necessary to do so. I have seen no reports of such in America but there are some reports in Europe. As for the nun's or priest's attire, neither cover up their faces.
Burqas defy commonsense, no women in her right mind would prefer the same which curtails her status, freedom, career, communication, movement, equality and everything under the sun, they do so because of pressure from family or society or because of religious conditioning, for dressing modestly a Hijab is more than enough
My argument was not about covering faces genius it was about depriving people of their religious practice. How would you feel if they banned wearing yellow flower necklaces on the basis of "some people are allergic to it". This is pretty much the same.

How would I feel if yellow flower necklaces were not allowed?

The same way I would feel when a holy cow Shambo is killed in the UK.


These are mere symbolic icons that are out of date with modernity.

I find the Christian, Hindu and Muslim extra religious people click clacking on their worry beads, equally disturbing!

Religion, in my opinion, has to be dynamic and not stagnant in a 'timewrap'.

You speak of religious freedom.

How many Churches are there in Saudi Arabia, which claim to be the most Holy of Islamic countries?

Riyadh, 20 March (AKI) - No churches should be permitted in Saudi Arabia, unless Pope Benedict XVI recognised the prophet Mohammed, according to a Middle East expert.
Saudi Arabia: No churches unless prophet Mohammed recognised, says expert - Adnkronos Religion

Is partaking in alcoholic beverages allowed in Muslim nations?

How about that being a curb on freedom?

What about the manner one has to be dressed in Saudi Arabia and thereby forcing Islamic ways on the people?

You find the banning of Burkha reprehensible. No quibbles on that.

What is your take on the Christians in Pakistan finding the Blasphemy Law equally reprehensible (and they do not believe in Islam that they should be subjected to the Islamic Law of Sharia), if one goes by the media reports.

One cannot have one's cake and eat it too!

One must learn to live in alien lands in peace with their natives and not force their ways through as if it were their right.

If the aliens don't care for one's belief, then one should not care about them too! One should return home with honour and not grovel and gripe.

But if you want to remain in an alien land and live off the fat of such a land, you have to make adjustments.
There are already instances where the woman refused to uncover her face when it was necessary to do so. I have seen no reports of such in America but there are some reports in Europe. As for the nun's or priest's attire, neither cover up their faces.

This is the law and it should be respected and cops are embodiment of the law if she refuses to uncover her face then necessary steps should be taken to deal with this matter.

I only pointed out the nuns and priests because of their religious meaning and the ban is to take a jab at Islamic religion and both you and me know it it is not out of "security concerns" it is out of Islamophopic Europeans trying to please their right wing people that is all since the left wing also is conflicted in this matter.

And between me and you Quran said for women to be modest in their attire and not show their places of appeal and it is okay to show what normally show as not to seduce weak hearted men and women into sin. And so it also says what normally shows which is the "face, hands and feet" so Islam in reality never said to uncover their faces but their were some arguments with muslim scholars throughout history if face is a center of appeal or not if the hair is covered and in my opinion no it is not.

And so I do not support the unwritten rule here in Saudi Arabia over the Hijab (yeah there is nothing written about it and it is not the duty of the police to handle this matter instead the mutaween do which is the group I hate with every inch of my soul) And it was left unwritten in purpose for when educating the people is complete they will be more open to change (In jeddah the city that caught the education 10 years ahead you will find women who do not cover their faces and it is okay by everyone but on the other hand in areas like Qassim if a woman as much as reveal her eyes she is considered a whore)

But in the end no country that claims to be a free liberal country for all people should ban a religious symbol this is just wrong.
Its confusing, the headscarf is allowed? Only face covering is not allowed? Or both?
Burqas defy commonsense, no women in her right mind would prefer the same which curtails her status, freedom, career, communication, movement, equality and everything under the sun, they do so because of pressure from family or society or because of religious conditioning, for dressing modestly a Hijab is more than enough

Did you ask them or is this what you just think?? Oooooh that's right I'm sorry the reports just came in. You have stereotype syndrome...So wearing the Hijab means the woman is jailed??? My mother wears a full covered Hijab from head to toe and she is a surgeon......
Burqa is not part of Islamic religion. It's a cultural thing.

I think Burqa should be banned for girls under 18 (to avoid kids being forced to wear burqa by their parents)

Once they reach 18, every lady has the right to decide if she wants to wear the burqa or not. Personal choice and freedom.

Burqa is not a cultural thing its part of Islam
How would I feel if yellow flower necklaces were not allowed?

The same way I would feel when a holy cow Shambo is killed in the UK.


These are mere symbolic icons that are out of date with modernity.

I find the Christian, Hindu and Muslim extra religious people click clacking on their worry beads, equally disturbing!

Religion, in my opinion, has to be dynamic and not stagnant in a 'timewrap'.

You speak of religious freedom.

How many Churches are there in Saudi Arabia, which claim to be the most Holy of Islamic countries?

Is partaking in alcoholic beverages allowed in Muslim nations?

How about that being a curb on freedom?

What about the manner one has to be dressed in Saudi Arabia and thereby forcing Islamic ways on the people?

You find the banning of Burkha reprehensible. No quibbles on that.

What is your take on the Christians in Pakistan finding the Blasphemy Law equally reprehensible (and they do not believe in Islam that they should be subjected to the Islamic Law of Sharia), if one goes by the media reports.

One cannot have one's cake and eat it too!

One must learn to live in alien lands in peace with their natives and not force their ways through as if it were their right.

If the aliens don't care for one's belief, then one should not care about them too! One should return home with honour and not grovel and gripe.

But if you want to remain in an alien land and live off the fat of such a land, you have to make adjustments.

I do not like the law to curtail religious freedom here in Saudi Arabia either Oh and regarding your link I did not realize were even that close to building churches and stuff... You have no idea how good news this is to me.

I think all people around the world should be free to practice their religion anywhere. And Italy France and (was it Belgium) Just took a step back from this dream.
The matter is that you want a "western" country to do what you like. And not all "muslims" need to restrain themselves when they talk to women if they are not in a burka. Goodluck with real life and tarawaih. Pray that you all can also see human beings faces and not lust after them.
Sir Islam is the fastest growing Religion in the World and 2 third of the converts are women and many of them wear Niqab these includes thousands of ladies from Euorpe and America and they were living in so called liberal societies but now the cover themselves up that is the prove of greatness of Islam
Burqas defy commonsense, no women in her right mind would prefer the same which curtails her status, freedom, career, communication, movement, equality and everything under the sun, they do so because of pressure from family or society or because of religious conditioning, for dressing modestly a Hijab is more than enough

Thousands of women who are converting to Islam wear Niqab or face veil and many of them are from very rich backgrounds
Its confusing, the headscarf is allowed? Only face covering is not allowed? Or both?

Sarkozy speaks out against burka

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has spoken out strongly against the wearing of the burka by Muslim women in France.

In a major policy speech, he said the burka - a garment covering women from head to toe - reduced them to servitude and undermined their dignity.

Mr Sarkozy also gave his backing to the establishment of a parliamentary commission to look at whether to ban the wearing of burkas in public.

In 2004, France banned the Islamic headscarves in its state schools.
BBC NEWS | Europe | Sarkozy speaks out against burka

As far as I can remember, it is the burkha.

Headscarf in schools and other religious symbols of all religion was banned earlier by Jacques Chirac's govt in consonance to the secularity that the French culture has observed throughout history.
Good job Italy. A burqa isolates a woman from society, other than also posing a threat to society (suicide bombers, both men & women have hid themselves underneath the Burqa in the past). Without seeing one's face, you limit communication with your co-workers. Social scientists have proven that the majority of the communication is done subliminally, through facial expressions; less is done through verbal means. Islam is a means of liberation, not suppression or oppression. Also, the burqa is not advocated in Islam, in Hajj or prayer/namaz/salat. Burqa/niqab is a pre-Islamic Arabian practice, a cultural thing.
Burqa doesn't isolate her it gives her protection and honor that is why 20000 people who convert to Islam in America alone each year most of them women and many of them cover their face
I do not like the law to curtail religious freedom here in Saudi Arabia either Oh and regarding your link I did not realize were even that close to building churches and stuff... You have no idea how good news this is to me.

I think all people around the world should be free to practice their religion anywhere. And Italy France and (was it Belgium) Just took a step back from this dream.

It is not what you or I like.

It is what is happening in the realm of religiosity which is being discussed.

Personally, I feel that one does not have to shove religion into the face of others and excite them as a red rag to a bull.

I would be a damn fool to drink alcohol in public in Pakistan and not get a thrashing and then gripe that I have no freedom because I was not allowed to have my daily chota that I religiously have every evening!

If I am in Pakistan, then I better go by their societal norms or if I don't like it, I should not go.
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