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'It would be shame if a plane fell from the sky': China's warning to RAAF over South China Sea fligh

Not denying they took them off, just like you are not denying that you are using terrorists as proxies. It is a temporary thing for us, afghanis asked us to try something. What kind of tears would I have or frustrations? it's not my country that is in turmoil..

Clearly your knowledge is zilch on this particular topic, because the current Afghan Government is against peace talks with the Taliban. The State Department of America has legitimized the existence of the Taliban as political entity, because they no longer consider them as an enemy and they want to leave Afghanistan with some dignity left. Therefore your Government has repeatedly asked the Pakistani Army to bring the Taliban to the negotiating table. You have loss the moral case. Furthermore, are you denying the assumption that the American Government has not used terrorists proxies to topple Assad in Syria?
Clearly your knowledge is zilch on this particular topic, because the current Afghan Government is against peace talks with the Taliban. The State Department of America has legitimized the existence of the Taliban as political entity, because they no longer consider them as an enemy and they want to leave Afghanistan with some dignity left. Therefore your Government has repeatedly asked the Pakistani Army to bring the Taliban to the negotiating table. You have loss the moral case. Furthermore, are you denying the assumption that the American Government has not used terrorists proxies to topple Assad in Syria?

Frankly- you, a confessed terrorist supporter giving me lecture about losing the moral case is hilarious.

Again with your madarsa fed insights. We are allowing the Afghans to take the lead there. Unlike you terrorists supporters we have their best interest in mind, and want us to exit from there as soon as possible. .

Afghan forces retake control of Helmand district from Taliban - World - DAWN.COM

Meanwhile your terrorist supporting ways got you this Major incidents of terrorist violence in Pakistan,2015
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Frankly- you, a confessed terrorist supporter giving me lecture about losing the moral case is hilarious.

Again with your madarsa fed insights. We are allowing the Afghans to take the lead there. Unlike you terrorists supporters we have their best interest in mind, and want us to exit from there as soon as possible. .

Afghan forces retake control of Helmand district from Taliban - World - DAWN.COM

Meanwhile your terrorist supporting ways got you this Major incidents of terrorist violence in Pakistan,2015

Crackhead you failed to answer my question:) Are you denying the assumption that the American Government has not used terrorists proxies to topple Assad in Syria? The Free Syrian Army which has elements of fundamentalists have been trained, financed and equipped by your Government and now you have the audacity to play the moral card. The national interests of Pakistan will always come first. When did I confess to the notion of supporting the Taliban:) The Afghan Government has no interests to negotiate with the Taliban, seriously read the bloody topic before commenting on a particular issue. Kabul is on its knees and does not want America to leave, because the entire state machinery would collapse within 6 months. However America cannot afford to extend its stay in Afghanistan, because the Taliban are a political reality. The second link proves that terrorism has decreased by 70%, if you compare the figures with 2014, which means our country is improving and the Taliban do not control 1/3 of our territory. Why have you decided to write on a Pakistani Forum?
Crackhead you failed to answer my question:) Are you denying the assumption that the American Government has not used terrorists proxies to topple Assad in Syria? The Free Syrian Army which has elements of fundamentalists have been trained, financed and equipped by your Government and now you have the audacity to play the moral card. The national interests of Pakistan will always come first. When did I confess to the notion of supporting the Taliban:) The Afghan Government has no interests to negotiate with the Taliban, seriously read the bloody topic before commenting on a particular issue. Kabul is on its knees and does not want America to leave, because the entire state machinery would collapse within 6 months. However America cannot afford to extend its stay in Afghanistan, because the Taliban are a political reality. The second link proves that terrorism has decreased by 70%, if you compare the figures with 2014, which means our country is improving and the Taliban do not control 1/3 of our territory. Why have you decided to write on a Pakistani Forum?

Haji boy , FSA were the rebels who were initially fighting Assad. Not a single entity back then called them terrorist. We trained 10 of them that's all. How's that using anything much , or even terrorists. It is Kabul and the recent President who reached out to the taliban and to your real leaders ie.e the military dictators of pakistan, to extend hi8s hand.

70% or not it is your terrorists supporting policies that lead to what we see on that page. The irony is that you see that as good to continue to support ISI using terror groups.

You are bombing to hell your own people and you are proud, go figure

Afghan President: Hopeful Talks With Taliban Could Start - WSJ
Afghan President Reaches out to Taliban on Eid al-Adha
Hamid Karzai reaches out to 'Taliban brothers' in Afghanistan - Telegraph
Quite a colourful thread.
A humble request to the Pakistanis here, plz don't drag india in ur idiotic posts.

Look up the internet after you finish hacking up seculars and foreigners.

I thought you had the link! Well, I was wrong.

Quite a colourful thread.
A humble request to the Pakistanis here, plz don't drag india in ur idiotic posts.

By your 'humble request' you've already dragged Pakistan into it! It's like saying oh please don't invite me, please don't invite me!
Haji boy , FSA were the rebels who were initially fighting Assad. Not a single entity back then called them terrorist. We trained 10 of them that's all. How's that using anything much , or even terrorists. It is Kabul and the recent President who reached out to the taliban and to your real leaders ie.e the military dictators of pakistan, to extend hi8s hand.

Do you even understand the word Haji? Thank you for complimenting me with such a gracious honorable title:) Clearly your terrorists Government was training more than 10 militants belonging the FSA faction and you are responsible for the death's of thousands of innocent civilians. The world does not revolve around America and your opinion is not divine by nature, where you can play policeman across the globe:) The Russian's, Chinese and the Iranian's all regarded the FSA as terrorists entity. Pakistan for 10 years has been asking Kabul to negotiate with the Taliban and this was rejected continuously. Now they are asking Pakistan to intervene from a position of weakness and America has allowed this to occur since they want to exit Afghanistan. Its no coincidence that the State Department has taken the Taliban off its lists of foreign terrorists organizations. Henceforth, learn the difference of winning a battle and winning a war:) Kabul understand the idea that America cannot stay in the region for ever and its Government will collapse as a result, therefore its destiny will be shaped by Pakistan when the Haqqani Network and the Taliban will have tremendous influence in Government. All the mineral contracts will go to Pakistani/Chinese companies and our influence will increase in Central Asia. Already the Chinese will invest $46 billion on phase 1 of CPEC, and Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and the Afghans have shown interests to link with Gwadar Port. The Russian's are also coming on board, therefore everything is falling into place. You can whinge all you want, however even your own Government is following the line of the ISI:)

I Learned to Fight Like an American at the FSA Training Camp in Jordan | VICE | United Kingdom

Americans are training Syria rebels in Jordan: Spiegel| Reuters

70% or not it is your terrorists supporting policies that lead to what we see on that page. The irony is that you see that as good to continue to support ISI using terror groups.

I can retort the same argument, which is people died in September the 11th because of the terrorists supporting policies of your Government:)
By your 'humble request' you've already dragged Pakistan into it! It's like saying oh please don't invite me, please don't invite me!
.......but I only reiterated what was already happening.
Of course, u might b more Pakistani than I think u r.
Chinese soldiers are weak and untrained, I could fight 10 Chinese people and probably not get a scratch.
.......but I only reiterated what was already happening.
Of course, u might b more Pakistani than I think u r.

Yeah yeah, you only reiterated your crap to drag Pakistan into every thread! As for being a Pakistani, I think it is your secret fantasy to pose as a beautiful Pakistani woman or else why the hell would you be visiting this forum when there are so many other forums for the zionazi pets.
Do you even understand the word Haji? Thank you for complimenting me with such a gracious honorable title:) Clearly your terrorists Government was training more than 10 militants belonging the FSA faction and you are responsible for the death's of thousands of innocent civilians. The world does not revolve around America and your opinion is not divine by nature, where you can play policeman across the globe:) The Russian's, Chinese and the Iranian's all regarded the FSA as terrorists entity. Pakistan for 10 years has been asking Kabul to negotiate with the Taliban and this was rejected continuously. Now they are asking Pakistan to intervene from a position of weakness and America has allowed this to occur since they want to exit Afghanistan. Its no coincidence that the State Department has taken the Taliban off its lists of foreign terrorists organizations. Henceforth, learn the difference of winning a battle and winning a war:) Kabul understand the idea that America cannot stay in the region for ever and its Government will collapse as a result, therefore its destiny will be shaped by Pakistan when the Haqqani Network and the Taliban will have tremendous influence in Government. All the mineral contracts will go to Pakistani/Chinese companies and our influence will increase in Central Asia. Already the Chinese will invest $46 billion on phase 1 of CPEC, and Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and the Afghans have shown interests to link with Gwadar Port. The Russian's are also coming on board, therefore everything is falling into place. You can whinge all you want, however even your own Government is following the line of the ISI:)

I Learned to Fight Like an American at the FSA Training Camp in Jordan | VICE | United Kingdom

Americans are training Syria rebels in Jordan: Spiegel| Reuters

I can retort the same argument, which is people died in September the 11th because of the terrorists supporting policies of your Government:)

Go look up if we call you Haji's out of respect , lol. Learn how to add paragraphs in your post, instead of one gigantic paragraph, if you want people to even read you gibberish and mullah fed information.

Your islamist credentials do get a thumbs up when you are more hot and bothered about us training 10 guys vs, us helping the muslims of Syria from an alawite genocidal dictator. This is a trait among you muslims which is classic. You will ignore muslims killing muslims( ISIS), 99% islamic countries, or muslims being massacred by someone else , but throw your jihadi slogans in a fully tizzy if Americans come help.

Without our help your pakistan would not be have an iota of success on Zarb be arzb (whatever it's called). You need our drones and intelligence. Then again we also gave our weapons to carpet bomb your civilians :lol:
Chinese soldiers are weak and untrained, I could fight 10 Chinese people and probably not get a scratch.
1 vs 10 ... lol, it seems u know nothing about PLA, at least u should know Chinese KungFu. That's not good for u, if u meet a Chinese soldier knowing some KungFu.
Yeah yeah, you only reiterated your crap to drag Pakistan into every thread! As for being a Pakistani, I think it is your secret fantasy to pose as a beautiful Pakistani woman or else why the hell would you be visiting this forum when there are so many other forums for the zionazi pets.
dude, u need therapy.

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