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It was a staged, phony coup to make Erdogan Sultan of Turkey

How happy Western media was that there has been a coup and its been successful. You have read through reports and reaction in Western press to know it. Now that it failed, spin doctors trying their best to make it look it was done by Erdogan himself.

While the coup was going on, the Western media was reporting generally on the lines of Erdogan being a dictator and he deserved this. Now that it failed, Erdogan still is a dictator to them who did this drama to concentrate power.

Good to know Turkey has blocked US from using its airspace. Someone is trying to destabilize Turkey and its not difficult to observe who, looking at how Turkey's neighborhood has been set on fire.
I don't tend to believe conspiracy theories like this but the coup was so shambolic it's hard to believe they seriously thought they could take over.
Steve, non of the force commanders and general staff was involved in the coup attempt. Couping faction captured them and tried to get control of the military....but they didn't succeed. Result was they could bring a small force on the streets and failed.

If whole military had been involved. Nobody could stop them.
I don't think it was as shambolic as it's been made out but they failed a few key objectives and misjudged some factors which escalated to being a shambles.

- they failed to capture/kill Erdogan which was the key
- they failed to take out the internet
- they misjudged the response of the rest of the army (capturing the Chief of Staff was not enough to lead a mutiny)
- they misjudged the response from the Turkish people who failed to follow curfew
- they failed to respond with lethal force to quell the crowds (the nail in the coffin)

I thought it was extremely reckless of Erdogan to call for the people to take to the streets but luckily the conspirators didn't have the courage to shoot their own people. Which is a positive.

Good analysis.
NY Times today is calling it "a well planned coup but scripted for the 1970's".
What about those Russian reports he fled the country in his private jet?

He was in a hotel in Marmaris, when the coup begin. He joined Ntv via "facetime" and gave a speech. From there with helicopter he flew to Dalaman airport. After his departure from the hotel, MAK teams (elite search&rescue teams) come with 4 choppers and raided the hotel. Killed 2 police officers and wounded 8.

By the time Erdoğan was in Dalaman airport. Commander of the first army telephoned him and said "Don't go to Ankara, come to Istanbul airport, i can secure you there"

So, he got into to Presidential Plane which was in Dalaman and flew to Istanbul. While in the air, couping factions F-16s tried to intercept him. But plane managed to land on the Istanbul airport. Erdoğan gave a press conference in Istanbul airport.

While he was giving speech. F-16s made low passes over the airport and made sonic booms over it.

Later, jets from other airbases arrived and chased away couping faction's F-16s. Also, Jets from Eskişehir take off and bombed the couping faction's airbase (Akıncılar-Ankara) runways. Forcing them to land on other airbases where they would get apprehended.

Good analysis.
NY Times today is calling it "a well planned coup but scripted for the 1970's".
A little fraction within military first tried to get control of the military and then power of the country....It was a very hard thing to do......

Also they started the coup at 22:00, in order to capture force commanders and general staff. By that time people were in still streets. That made it easy to people get the news and organize protests across the country.
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How NOT to do a coup:

1.Don't do it on a friday-saturday night.It's the weekend,most people don't go to work,they go out.

2.Hire good F16 pilots who are able to intercept a civilian aircraft heading for your country's largest city.

3.Cut off ALL communications.

4.Try to rely on more than 3k soldiers in a country of 80 million with a 650k standing Army.
It is funny how the conspirators have been caught with their pants down and trying to chalk it to silly conspiracy theories. Most of the western news channels were endorsing the coup and now they seem to have grown a soft spot for Erdogan. Good for the people of Turkey they stood for what was right.
honestly, I would have sent these Coupe leaders directly to a mental institute instead of wasting time and money on them in the court. for God sake which same person use 3000 people in staging a coupe against an Army of 600000 ?
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
After the fateful Friday night of the coup-makers, Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is in charge of the affairs of his country again. When the ill-planned and poorly executed coup d'état was underway, the president was fortunate to be able to communicate with his people through FaceTime, an iPhone-specific smartphone application, from Mediterranean Sea coastal resort where he was spending his holidays. He urged his followers to resist the coup and rally in his favor on the roads to stop the coup. The people responded enthusiastically and furiously with the result that the coup-makers had to surrender or flee.


The only reason the coup failed was because the Turkish Pilots were lousy night fliers. They bombed a Hotel a mile away from where Erdogan was staying. What a paradox Erdogan hated facebook, facetime, twitter and all these western inventions saved his *** not Islam.
Sun Tzu - Only start a battle if you know you can win.

The coup plotters started the battle when they were at a DISADVANTAGE which is incredibly reckless.

It seems they were forced to do it out of desperation, since Erdogan already made it clear he was going to (in a matter of weeks) crack down on the Gulen supporters in the military.

Erdogan wins big time here. He forced them to move when they knew they couldn't win, so of course the coup plotters lost.

I'm starting to agree with the desperation angle. This faction was already backed into a corner and had to make a move before Erdogan did.
I don't think it was as shambolic as it's been made out but they failed a few key objectives and misjudged some factors which escalated to being a shambles.

- they failed to capture/kill Erdogan which was the key
- they failed to take out the internet
- they misjudged the response of the rest of the army (capturing the Chief of Staff was not enough to lead a mutiny)
- they misjudged the response from the Turkish people who failed to follow curfew
- they failed to respond with lethal force to quell the crowds (the nail in the coffin)

I thought it was extremely reckless of Erdogan to call for the people to take to the streets but luckily the conspirators didn't have the courage to shoot their own people. Which is a positive.

I agree, it's funny to think 3000 soldiers eeally believed they could take over Turkey. Lol
Thy indeed misjudged almost everything to be honest. Nothing they expected went their way. Lol

I agree completely with this part though: "I thought it was extremely reckless of Erdogan to call for the people to take to the streets but luckily the conspirators didn't have the courage to shoot their own people. Which is a positive"..

This to me was the real turning point. Had those soldiers try to quell the protests by shooting at/killing the protesters, then this coup would have taken a whole new nasty turn a la Syria. Syrians were unlucky in that their military/soldiers delete not like Turkish soldiers who will hesitate to kill their on people in massive numbers just so their leader in stay in power.
It was very selfish and reckless for ERDOGAN to make such a case to be honest. But hey, he gambled and it worked out we for him. :enjoy:

I don't think it was as shambolic as it's been made out but they failed a few key objectives and misjudged some factors which escalated to being a shambles.

- they failed to capture/kill Erdogan which was the key
- they failed to take out the internet
- they misjudged the response of the rest of the army (capturing the Chief of Staff was not enough to lead a mutiny)
- they misjudged the response from the Turkish people who failed to follow curfew
- they failed to respond with lethal force to quell the crowds (the nail in the coffin)

I thought it was extremely reckless of Erdogan to call for the people to take to the streets but luckily the conspirators didn't have the courage to shoot their own people. Which is a positive.

I agree, it's funny to think 3000 soldiers really believed they could take power by coup in Turkey. Lol
They indeed misjudged almost everything to be honest. Nothing they expected went their way. Lol

I agree completely with this part though: "I thought it was extremely reckless of Erdogan to call for the people to take to the streets but luckily the conspirators didn't have the courage to shoot their own people. Which is a positive"..

This to me was the real turning point. Had those soldiers try to quell the protests by shooting at/killing the protesters, then this coup would have taken a whole new nasty turn a la Syria. Syrians were unlucky in that their military/soldiers were not like Turkish soldiers who will hesitate to kill their on people in massive numbers just so their leader in stay in power or seize power .

It was very selfish and reckless for ERDOGAN to make such a case to be honest. But hey, he gambled and it worked out well for him. :enjoy:

How happy Western media was that there has been a coup and its been successful. You have read through reports and reaction in Western press to know it. Now that it failed, spin doctors trying their best to make it look it was done by Erdogan himself.

While the coup was going on, the Western media was reporting generally on the lines of Erdogan being a dictator and he deserved this. Now that it failed, Erdogan still is a dictator to them who did this drama to concentrate power.

Good to know Turkey has blocked US from using its airspace. Someone is trying to destabilize Turkey and its not difficult to observe who, looking at how Turkey's neighborhood has been set on fire.

Lool huh......but Turkey should have also refused U S/NATO stationing their nuclear weapons and military assets in Turkey then, using your logic lol. Seem you know Turkeys interests better than Turks/Turkish leader's themselves :lol:
Had those soldiers try to quell the protests by shooting at/killing the protesters, then this coup would have taken a whole new nasty turn a la Syria. Syrians were unlucky in that their military/soldiers delete not like Turkish soldiers who will hesitate to kill their on people in massive numbers just so their leader in stay in power.
Let's not slice and dice things according to our impulses. There is something called ambiguity. When human beings are confronted in difficult position the quantum of force is a decisive factor. If you face ten guy's with guns and the only thing you have is your d*ck in your hand you will give up without a sound. That is why they say never employ force unless it is overwhelming.

If the force employed is not overwhelming it creates a state of inexactness. That is where things turn bloody because both sides figure they have chance of winning and they fight to the end. If the entire Turkish Army had come on the streets the coup would have been successful. If half of the Turkish Army had come out and the other half stayed loyal then we would have had state of inexactness and civil war like Syria would have followed.

The soldiers are human beings. Many will have smelled where things are going and despite orders their resolve would have been weakned. You saw the results. However did you see the helicopter gunships? They were not sparing anything. The reality is very quickly the soldiers would have realised this coup faction was too small. Most of the General Staff were not even involved. That alone means this thing was not going to go far.

And those who say it was staged. Wow. Where did they get 100s of actors? With the job title being. You get to go to prisons for life or get killed.
BBC turk's serdar Tuncer reported that 42 helis gone missing from turkish air force inventory, how true is that?
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