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It was a staged, phony coup to make Erdogan Sultan of Turkey

No, i'm not happy to see this pic....

Also, i'm not happy to see this pic either.
View attachment 318623

Or these vid,

Things got very ugly....don't judge the whole situation with one pic.
Dont bother explaining anything to Sisi loving EGyptians. They support the type of assholes that tried to turn our country into a country (military dictatorship) like theirs. Vaktini harcama abi
Dont bother explaining anything to Sisi loving EGyptians. They support the type of assholes that tried to turn our country into a country (military dictatorship) like theirs. Vaktini harcama abi
This is more about foreigners judging our people from pics....People lost their brothers, sisters, friends.....things turned very ugly. They should look both sides of the coin.

if there are seculars that stupid then they deserve what will happen to them islamists in every country they rule target the army because it is the 1 thing that can defend the people from them
Gotta differentiate between the army and and coupers...I assure you our people, differentiate.
This is more about foreigners judging our people from pics....People lost their brothers, sisters, friends.....things turned very ugly. They should look both sides of the coin.
They arent capable. The days that Turkey cares what foreigners say is over (unless it directly influences us for ex. UN/WTO or NATO announcements). Do keep in mind it was the Egyptian regime that vetoed the UN declaring full sympathy with the Turkish people. I dont give a single damn what people supporting such spineless cowards say about my country. To them we are unreachable. Bırak kendi boklarında yüzsün amk maymunları
They arent capable. The days that Turkey cares what foreigners say is over (unless it directly influences us for ex. UN/WTO or NATO announcements). Do keep in mind it was the Egyptian regime that vetoed the UN declaring full sympathy with the Turkish people. I dont give a single damn what people supporting such spineless cowards say about my country. To them we are unreachable. Bırak kendi boklarında yüzsün amk maymunları
and look what condition they are in and how Israel humbles them again and again
and look what condition they are in and how Israel humbles them again and again
Dont even get me started...having to paint your wingtips orange or having to ask permission to pursue rats into the Sinai...perhaps if Sisi played general (as he supposedly has been trained to do) instead of president, Egypt would be facing a lesser terror threat. Anyway,thats their issue to resolve, best of luck to them:enjoy:
It seems to me Erdogan drew the Gulenists hand prematurely. Now they are exposed he can purge them from Turkey. It's probably for the better, the Gulenists seem like extremists with their downing of Russian jets and their manipulation of the judicial systems to get rid of their enemies.
This is more about foreigners judging our people from pics....People lost their brothers, sisters, friends.....things turned very ugly. They should look both sides of the coin.

Gotta differentiate between the army and and coupers...I assure you our people, differentiate.

Civil war is never pretty, even a 1 day fiasco like this has caused more casualties than any terrorist attack sadder still that it was brother against brother.

Gotta differentiate between the army and and coupers

Sadly it seems significant numbers of the troops had no idea why they were deployed, if you were ordered out on an "anti terrorism drill" in the middle of the night would your first thought be , hey I should refuse to obey orders this might be a coup?
Don't condem the entire army on the sins of a few.
Before the coup, they were predicting it and the end of Erdoghan, and after this coup failed by people's present they say it was fake.
Erdogan is a wicked man who is using islamist populism to turn Turkey into a sultanate sitting on the edge of Europe.

Not really. He was just protecting his power like my other leader from the developing world would have done. :). Nothing new about that.

As they always say, the end ALWAYS justifies the means in such situations involving power.:)
Sadly it seems significant numbers of the troops had no idea why they were deployed, if you were ordered out on an "anti terrorism drill" in the middle of the night would your first thought be , hey I should refuse to obey orders this might be a coup?
Yeah.....but i would question my orders....when i had been asked to open fire on my unarmed people whom were only carrying Turkish flags in their hands.
Not really. He was just protecting his power like my other leader from the developing world would have done. :). Nothing new about that.

As they always say, the end ALWAYS justifies the means in such situations involving power.:)

Turkey is not the developing world, though. They're trying to join the EU remember.
Turkey coup: PM suspends annual leave for over three million civil servants

if there are seculars that stupid then they deserve what will happen to them islamists in every country they rule target the army because it is the 1 thing that can defend the people from them now good luck opposing any thing in the future
1 last question are you happy with what you see in this picture ? I mean why do you need to humiliate the army
Nobody is happy about those but look at the things Sinan has posted, you think those people ruling the country will be any better than Erdogan?
Violance creates more violance unfortunately.
Some people are astounded as to why the coup started so early in the evening - as normally the most coward of thieves will wait till the darkest (and quietest) hour before coming out. The coup attempt was originally scheduled for 3am but was brought forward to 9pm after the intelligence service exposed the plot just hours before the planned coup.
What was Kerry doing in Moscow on the day of the coup attempt is any one's guess. May be he was negotiating with Putin to agree to the plans to remove Erdogan? Was this the "NEW" solution both talked about after the meeting? It did seem though that Kerry was rooting for the plotters (once it became clear that the coup was going to fail) he moaned "it wasn't brilliantly planned".

Oh it WAS brilliantly planned but they forgot one thing...

And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners. Qurán 3:54

Why is Kerry asking for evidence to hand over Gulen? Is it because Gulen is a CIA puppet and would disclose his backers? Anybody with $25 billion of assets is no joke. My doubts about this traitor were confirmed when he tried to laugh it off and pointed to Erdogan as being the mastermind (which the mainstream media picked up straight away like a good little boy). Have you ever in the history of coups heard a person faking a coup against himself?

It all makes sense now. It was the coup plotters who were behind the recent chaos in Turkey including the Istanbul Airport bombing. These evil scum were preparing the ground so people would desperately welcome the new comers.

Don't forget when the last coup attempt was foiled a few years back the siezed documents showed the plotters were planning on bombing different cities to create chaos and anarchy to justify a military take over. All of Erdogan's fears have come true and he stands exonerated for the actions he had taken in the last few years.

The two pilots who were part of the operation to down the Russian Su-24 in November 2015 are also in custody now as they were part of this coup plot to break relations with Russia in order for Putin to agree to western plans of removing Erdogan. There is a lot going on behind the scenes.

Just sickening really. Why not just live and let live?

And when it is said to them: Make not mischief on the earth, they say: We are only peacemakers. Are not they indeed the mischief-makers? But they perceive not. Qurán 2:11-12

Turkey's intelligence service warned the country's military hours before Friday's coup attempt.

The National Intelligence Organization (MIT) received intelligence about the plot at 4 p.m. [1300GMT] on Friday, and MIT Undersecretary Hakan Fidan informed the Second Commander of the Turkish Armed Forces, Yasar Guler, at 4: 30 p.m., the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to the media.

According to the source developments on Friday unfolded as below:

5: 30 p.m.: MIT Assistant Undersecretary visits the headquarters of the General Staff and gives Second Commander Yasar Guler detailed information about the coup plot.

6 p.m.: Undersecretary Fidan visits the headquarters to attend a confidential meeting with Guler, Chief of Staff Hulusi Akar plus Air Forces Commander Abidin Unal.

6: 30 p.m.: Following the meeting, Akar orders national airspace to be closed to all flights; all military flights are banned, as are movements of troops and tanks. Akar also orders Land Forces Commander Salih Zeki Colak to inspect the Army Aviation School Command.

9 p.m.: The coup attempt, which was originally scheduled for 3 a.m. on Saturday, is brought forward to 9 p.m. after being revealed. Chief of Staff, Second Commander and Land Forces Commander are held hostage.

Turkish İntel Agency 'Warned Army Of Coup Plot'

Pentagon response to coup raises questions

US cites fluid situation for late support for Turkey

Turkey: Coup texts reveal orders to fire at crowds

Turkish president's military aide arrested

Troops sent to grab Erdogan told target was terrorist

Turkish pilots who downed Russian jet part of coup plot: Official

Please see the attached file for all the links to the above headlines as it wouldn't let me post because of the links.


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Arright, Imma put what happened in Turkey into context for ya'll...

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