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It seems US wants war

Iran-backed Iraqi militia commander Qais al-Khazali also ordered his fighters Friday to be on high alert for an upcoming battle and said that U.S. military presence in Iraq would end soon.

"All fighters should be on high alert for upcoming battle and great victory. The price for the blood for the martyred commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis is the complete end to American military presence in Iraq," local TV channel al-Ahd which is close to his Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia quoted him as saying.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad urged its citizens to "depart Iraq immediately" on Friday.
You seem to missed the part about Gulf War 1 when the U.S. was by treaty invited in Saudi Arabia and other countries to help settle U.S. forces in the ME to deal with Saddam. Sure Osama Bin Laden and Iran wouldn't like that. Same for lets say Israel doesn't like Iran in Syria, vice versa.

Sir this is your narrative.
  • USA hates Saddam, Saddam needs to be thrown out, let's invade Iraq.
Here is Iran's narrative.
  • Iran hates Trump, Trump needs to be thrown out, let's invade USA.
Sure Irans narrative is wrong. But was American narrative right? You are insisting being right on the same principles but call others wrong when they follow exact same lines. This is not the attitude that brings peace anywhere. Do we not agree?
Iran-backed Iraqi militia commander Qais al-Khazali also ordered his fighters Friday to be on high alert for an upcoming battle and said that U.S. military presence in Iraq would end soon.

"All fighters should be on high alert for upcoming battle and great victory. The price for the blood for the martyred commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis is the complete end to American military presence in Iraq," local TV channel al-Ahd which is close to his Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia quoted him as saying.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad urged its citizens to "depart Iraq immediately" on Friday.

There is a chance that ISIS could be revived as there are still plenty of their sympathizers unfortunately.
Don't be a such a cuck, man up Iraqi nationalist.

raqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi condemned on Friday the "assassination" of Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad.

The airstrike on Baghdad airport is an act of aggression on Iraq and breach of its sovereignty that will lead to war in Iraq, the region, and the world, he said in a statement.

Abdul-Mahdi called the airstrike a "massive breach of sovereignty," saying "the two martyrs were huge symbols of the victory" against the Daesh terror group.

raqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi condemned on Friday the "assassination" of Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad.

The airstrike on Baghdad airport is an act of aggression on Iraq and breach of its sovereignty that will lead to war in Iraq, the region, and the world, he said in a statement.

Abdul-Mahdi called the airstrike a "massive breach of sovereignty," saying "the two martyrs were huge symbols of the victory" against the Daesh terror group.

Yeah this prime minister condemns the assassination, but only shows concerns about the rocket attacks on U.S. forces by the Iranian backed militias. Doesn't violate Iraq's sovereignty. I mean does the militias answer to Iran or Iraq? Doesn't seem to think it wouldn't lead to possible conflict in Iraq with Iran.
The US is the best in the world at making war.

I agree. That is why we blame you for the unrest as well. Please own it wholeheartedly and stop blaming others for creating wars. The USA is indeed the best in the world in making wars. Now if the world wants peace...............

Tell me if you don't know what comes above the blank.
You've been saying that for 40 years! That pedophile khomeini used to say jang, jang taa piroozi... (War, war, till victory) and then after hundreds of thousands of Iranians death and incalculable economic damage he changed his mind overnight and agreed to bend over.

So they kick you out of Iran so that we can live in peace? Don't you think that will be a more workable solution?
And we did it... the time that american telling us whom should govern Iran is over for 40 years now.. these days cowards only attack in night to hit a car to revenge destruction of isis & thawing their plots ... previous killing didn't stop us this wouldn't neither ...
Yeah this prime minister condemns the assassination, but only shows concerns about the rocket attacks on U.S. forces by the Iranian backed militias. Doesn't violate Iraq's sovereignty. I mean does the militias answer to Iran or Iraq? Doesn't seem to think it wouldn't lead to possible conflict in Iraq with Iran.
I think you still dont understand PMU was hit and their men and leaders killed..?
And we did it... the time that american telling us whom should govern Iran is over for 40 years now.. these days cowards only attack in night to hit a car to revenge destruction of isis & thawing their plots ... previous killing didn't stop us this wouldn't neither ...

Yes you did it... you bent over for Saddam after 8 years of fighting.. and bent over for the US and gave up HEU after a few years of increased sactions... and right now you are bending over for Russia and China so they throw you a bone when screws are tightened...

yes you did it.. You have always done it... and you will continue doing it, because that's your nature...
I think you still dont understand PMU was hit and their men and leaders killed..?

I understand perfectly. Rocket attacks killed and wounded U.S. military personnel by PMU. They bombed the PMU, PMU decides to attack the U.S. embassy. U.S. responds by killing the leader of PMU...got that so far am I right?

No, it means your al-qaeda/cia puppets in idlib will be wiped out.

Go ahead and do that. We killed the leader of Al Qaeda. You think we really care?
What will be Khamenaistic regime response?

1) Bomb school in Sarmin.
2) Bomb hospital in Idlib
3) Bomb bakery in Has.
4) Bomb refugee camp in al Qah.

Please vote.
I agree. That is why we blame you for the unrest as well. Please own it wholeheartedly and stop blaming others for creating wars. The USA is indeed the best in the world in making wars. Now if the world wants peace...............

Tell me if you don't know what comes above the blank.

Making war is not the same as making wars. It means that when we want to, we are unmatched.

Making wars, although we have done so, is completely different. Iraq II was an unmitigated disaster and would qualify as making wars. But within that, we demonstrated just how scary we are at making war.
We backed out of the nuclear agreement, which was a mistake. Then:

-Iran plants charges on an oil tanker - No response
-Iran sieges a british oil tanker - No response
-Iran shoots down a drone in international water - US responds with Cyber attack only
-Iran attacks Saudi ARAMCO - act of war - no response
-Iran kills a CIA agent and hurts other personnel in a rocket attack - US launches attacks on bases
-Iran directs militias to storm US soil in Iraq (Embassy) - US deploys forces

US Kills the mastermind of the murder and maiming of thousands of US soldiers = we want war?

We don't want it, but we are ready for it, and Iran will cease to exist as far as its leadership. US will barely notice.
Yeah...uh you kind of forgot the part about trying to strangle iran economically which I imagine many nations would consider an act of war.
The seizing of the oil tanker was in retaliation for the british act of piracy against an iranian tanker in gibraltar.
As for the attacks on the other tankers there was no proof that iran did it,tho if you are going to wage economic warfare against iran you might first want to consider the potential repercussions of such a policy,not to mention that iran by virtue of its geography and its control of the strait of hormuz is the gatekeeper to the upper persian gulf and in real terms effectively controls the oil tap for almost a third of the worlds sea traded oil and gas.
Iran claimed that the drone was in its airspace and considering the number of us drones that iran had shot down or otherwise captured within iranian airspace over the years I think that its claims are just a little more credible,also the iranians could`ve easily shot down the p8 boeing patrol plane that was following the drone,yet they spared the lives of the 35 personnel on board......I dont see that ever happening again in future,do you?
As for the aramco attack the houthis took full public credit for that,but if the saudis thought that iran had done it why didnt they respond,or did mbs need the chumpster to hold his hand while he did[lol!]
You also seem to have forgotten the us long and repugnant history in the me region,you know overthrowing governments[including irans],propping up dictators and supporting their wars of aggression[saddam in the 80s],oh and speaking of wars of aggression lets not forget the invasion of iraq that was based entirely on flimsy lies....."weapons of mass destruction" ring any bells?.Oh and the attack on syria and the illegal ongoing occupation of its territory.
Lastly you really might want to take a look at americas actions in the middle east over the last say 80 odd years,I`d recommend starting with professor Noam Chomskys book Towards a new cold war[1982],tho I hope you have a very strong stomach as it makes for some very grim reading.
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