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Regional war seems certain


May 15, 2008
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United Kingdom
The US is/has four carrier battle groups in the Middle east. With their ground force build up, war against Iran seems certain.

Excellent talk by one of my most trusted commentators.


What GCC thinks about this new bad American movie?

I'd like know their opinion, but it seems they only talk about Israel and they dont talk about a Iran war escalation.
One decade ago happened the same with Hormuz tensions, they remained silent and quiet when war was close, I guess it's due they are not democracies and they dont need to publicly discuss those issues.
The US is/has four carrier battle groups in the Middle east. With their ground force build up, war against Iran seems certain.

Excellent talk by one of my most trusted commentators.

I hope U.S. is only ready and not enthusiastic about starting a war. The question is, is Iran? Do they just want to lob an occasional missile somewhere once in a while or determined to show who is the boss in the Gaza kerfuffle?
I hope U.S. is only ready and not enthusiastic about starting a war. The question is, is Iran? Do they just want to lob an occasional missile somewhere once in a while or determined to show who is the boss in the Gaza kerfuffle?
The Neo-con and Zionist lobbies have always wanted a war with Iran to help their Israeli masters.

Israel has never had better support for this war, they cannot let this opportunity pass.

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