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In Short PHP is best Used For Server Side Validation,
I just learned it this semester alongwith javascript and CSS,

now as the vacations have started Im thinking of practically implementing what ive Learned this semester.

how do you guys start freelancing and eventually earn,
any chance you guys could gimme some ideas where to start.
In Short PHP is best Used For Server Side Validation,
I just learned it this semester alongwith javascript and CSS,

now as the vacations have started Im thinking of practically implementing what ive Learned this semester.

how do you guys start freelancing and eventually earn,
any chance you guys could gimme some ideas where to start.
Do certification first...it will impact on resume.Client will give priority to this and show him you have worked on some projects.
for freelancing = Odesk.com
..past i have done with java....Got few client and due to over burden of office job and free lancing..I quit FLancing..
In Short PHP is best Used For Server Side Validation,
I just learned it this semester alongwith javascript and CSS,

now as the vacations have started Im thinking of practically implementing what ive Learned this semester.

how do you guys start freelancing and eventually earn,
any chance you guys could gimme some ideas where to start.
Php is used for server side scripting not validation. Php interacts with the Server processes the queries and returns/renders the output.

TBH Freelancing for starters wont work though(I learnt it the hard way).

Start with the guys you know and ask them if they need a Website or an application .
Most useful method is that start developing your own application it can be anything it will give an experience of what to do and what not to do.

after doing this get projects or works from freelancing . There are many sites Freelancer , Upwork (Odesk and Elance Merged together to create this) .
Php is used for server side scripting not validation. Php interacts with the Server processes the queries and returns/renders the output.

TBH Freelancing for starters wont work though(I learnt it the hard way).

Start with the guys you know and ask them if they need a Website or an application .
Most useful method is that start developing your own application it can be anything it will give an experience of what to do and what not to do.

after doing this get projects or works from freelancing . There are many sites Freelancer , Upwork (Odesk and Elance Merged together to create this) .

Thanks Kumar,
i'll Keep that in mind. :)

Do certification first...it will impact on resume.Client will give priority to this and show him you have worked on some projects.
for freelancing = Odesk.com
..past i have done with java....Got few client and due to over burden of office job and free lancing..I quit FLancing..
I see,
what do you think is the best certification,
heard Oracles Database Certifications are quite famous.
I see a lot of software experts,,,,:)
I have a question,,,,,is it safe to send pics n documents via whatts app?
I see a lot of software experts,,,,:)
I have a question,,,,,is it safe to send pics n documents via whatts app?

I am a lets put this fancy word called Cyber security Expert. it is indeed safe to send the images via whatsapp but please do keep in mind that the Whatsapp team or any other government agencies can look into your communication anytime they want .
In Short PHP is best Used For Server Side Validation,
I just learned it this semester alongwith javascript and CSS,

now as the vacations have started Im thinking of practically implementing what ive Learned this semester.

how do you guys start freelancing and eventually earn,
any chance you guys could gimme some ideas where to start.
I don't have much idea, but I think PHP is mainly used for building Websites..For Server side validation I believe there are better solutions in C/C++/Java.
Your thoughts ?
I don't have much idea, but I think PHP is mainly used for building Websites..For Server side validation I believe there are better solutions in C/C++/Java.
Your thoughts ?
Not for validation its for building websites . i dont know what they mean by server side validation . Validation of users and data i suppose ? if that is the case then that can be done using their respective frameworks
Not for validation its for building websites . i dont know what they mean by server side validation . Validation of users and data i suppose ? if that is the case then that can be done using their respective frameworks
Can you please elaborate ?
Also, I hear Facebook uses a lot of PHP. So, what kind of stuff I will be able to do with Java and not PHP and viceversa ?
Can you please elaborate ?
Also, I hear Facebook uses a lot of PHP. So, what kind of stuff I will be able to do with Java and not PHP and viceversa ?

There are two things . you can do everything in java what you can do in PHP.

That is being said . It all depends on the performance and scalability of the application if you are thinking in a long -term.

Yes Facebook uses a lot of PHP and they have developed couple of frameworks on their own for their needs.

I will explain you with an example.

You want a Online shopping portal site . you dont know how you want and what type of features you want. you dont care about what programming language you need that application to be coded.

So here choosing the language will depend on me (developer)

And i will think like

1.Customer with no predefined requirements which means he may need or dont need some features when the site is being developed.

this should come under agile methodology of development.

2.I need to think of a language that i need the application to be coded in . So i have a lot of options . since you ask about Java and PHP . ill compare the two situations .
a. Java & PHP both can be used to Develop the application so there is a stalemate
b. PHP is much more flexible and suitable for web application than Java so PHP wins here.
c. Both Java and PHP can be scaled (adding new features) but adding in php is much more easier. PHP wins

There are a lot more considerations if you take in database and servers .

P.S I a web application developer , Android Developer so have experience in both PHP and Java frameworks.

other professionals may agree or disagree . But the thing that counts is what the developer feels comfortable while building the application
There are two things . you can do everything in java what you can do in PHP.

That is being said . It all depends on the performance and scalability of the application if you are thinking in a long -term.

Yes Facebook uses a lot of PHP and they have developed couple of frameworks on their own for their needs.

I will explain you with an example.

You want a Online shopping portal site . you dont know how you want and what type of features you want. you dont care about what programming language you need that application to be coded.

So here choosing the language will depend on me (developer)

And i will think like

1.Customer with no predefined requirements which means he may need or dont need some features when the site is being developed.

this should come under agile methodology of development.

2.I need to think of a language that i need the application to be coded in . So i have a lot of options . since you ask about Java and PHP . ill compare the two situations .
a. Java & PHP both can be used to Develop the application so there is a stalemate
b. PHP is much more flexible and suitable for web application than Java so PHP wins here.
c. Both Java and PHP can be scaled (adding new features) but adding in php is much more easier. PHP wins

There are a lot more considerations if you take in database and servers .

P.S I a web application developer , Android Developer so have experience in both PHP and Java frameworks.

other professionals may agree or disagree . But the thing that counts is what the developer feels comfortable while building the application
Thanks for the informative post. So, when it comes to building web Applications, the preferred choice should be PHP.

I heard a lot of buzz going on with Spring Framework, having worked closely with IT people. How does that fair ? Whenever we come to the Dev Lead with some new requirement, the first word he utters is Spring! :D
Thanks for the informative post. So, when it comes to building web Applications, the preferred choice should be PHP.
umm.. not exactly if you compare JAVA and PHP then PHP .. There are a hell lot of other languages and frameworks.

like I said it all depends on what type of application,How you want it and how are you going to implement it.
I don't have much idea, but I think PHP is mainly used for building Websites..For Server side validation I believe there are better solutions in C/C++/Java.
Your thoughts ?
No, PHP is used to make the back ends of a website.
The front ent usually involves css html and javascript.
Every good site requires a database from where it receives and stores data.this is where php comes on and its through that we perform such tasks and they are performed at the backend.

C c++ are better in making browsers, games and countless desktop applications.
Web programming has its own languages
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