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ISRO Tests New Rocket Engine That Could Make Launches 10 Times Cheaper

I am only gonna say:

(1) maiden flight by CASIC in June 2011
(2) maiden flight by AVIC in 2012(adopting a different technological path)
(3) there are 2 other teams working on scramjets
(4) lot of water flew under the bridge since 2011
(5) a scaled-down prototype of hypersonic spaceplane(scramjet engine is core to the combined cycle engine under development for the plane) by CASTC to test-flight in 3-5 years

PS Chinese media merely repeat what the foreign press report. They are not in the habit of adding anything not in the original article.

PSS if you need any OFFICIAL confirmation, the following is an excerpt from:

Report on Advances in Aeronautical Science and Technology 2012-2013


Read the underlined

The Report can be purchased from


We know that, we are just curious why your state channel stated that we were the 3rd country to do that
Can this technology be converted to take down satellites and make ICBMs?

Way down the road. It won't be a ICBM per se but rather a high altitude cruise missile. The technology can assist in ramping up re-entry speed of existing warheads (when entering rarified atmosphere) too as long as the warhead can be designed to withstand it.

As for ASAT weapon, it will need a huge ton of development even after a cruise missile system is formed....and the gains may not be worthwhile since you can do this quite cheaply with existing rocket technology and the effort is best spent on developing that (i.e making better avionics and more effective propulsion for that).

The main problem with ramjet/scramjet compared to rockets is they are air breathing....and a scramjet area of operation is high altitude but cannot be too high altitude (where air becomes too thin like in space). There is a sweet zone where you will have to gain all of the acceleration/net thrust from....and the technology has to progress much further before we can think of how to make combined hybrid systems that have requirements outside of the sweet zone.

Scramjet immediate benefits are for space launch systems even in the long run. Much has to be done after that to develop them for other purposes and the Return on investment may not be good for a very long time even when scramjet tech is established.
The main problem with ramjet/scramjet compared to rockets is they are air breathing....and a scramjet area of operation is high altitude but cannot be too high altitude (where air becomes too thin like in space). There is a sweet zone where you will have to gain all of the acceleration/net thrust from....and the technology has to progress much further before we can think of how to make combined hybrid systems that have requirements outside of the sweet zone.

Plus (if I understand it correctly), it needs a specific minimum velocity to start a scramjet engine which won't be easy for civilian aircrafts to achieve unless they are pushed through the speed envelope by a rocket.

That handicap, I think, will limit scramjet to mainly military + civilian space applications. A scramjet powered commercial airliner, as was mentioned in one of the posts earlier, is still a long long way away - if not, completely unviable.
Neat. No matter what I think about a countries development I always take time to praise their progress in space and aeronautics.

Some of our universities have similar programs. One such is the HyV of UVA and VT. It's to be launched aboard a Terrier-Oriole Sounding Rocket.


HiFIRE is another program. Though it was a NASA program, the US Navy contributed to the program. Read into that what you will:D.

The, uh, "payload".


The tests were conducted at the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Hawaii

Plus (if I understand it correctly), it needs a specific minimum velocity to start a scramjet engine which won't be easy for civilian aircrafts to achieve unless they are pushed through the speed envelope by a rocket.

That handicap, I think, will limit scramjet to mainly military + civilian space applications. A scramjet powered commercial airliner, as was mentioned in one of the posts earlier, is still a long long way away - if not, completely unviable.

Yah it will probably have to be a hybrid of jet engine, ramjet and then to scram jet.

ISRO was testing this already (in my opinion) by way of shock train analysis (so that the scramjet can operate as ramjet at lower speeds too), read here: https://defence.pk/threads/scramjet...sarabhai-space-centre-s-test-facility.438456/

Rocket will be too high of an impulse load for civilians.
ISRO's success is quite modest in lifting capability.. not sure when we will get a GSLV thats as dependable as PSLV.... sometimes I think they are doing all these gimmicky stuff(20 sats launch) just to avoid being asked why they are taking so long.
ISRO's success is quite modest in lifting capability.. not sure when we will get a GSLV thats as dependable as PSLV.... sometimes I think they are doing all these gimmicky stuff(20 sats launch) just to avoid being asked why they are taking so long.

Wow what an insightful commentary from mr. refugee. Probably doesn't even know the difference between staged and gas generator cycles yet gives his input on what he thinks is gimmicky.

Sod off and focus on making yourself more presentable and noticeable in real life.
Wow what an insightful commentary from mr. refugee. Probably doesn't even know the difference between staged and gas generator cycles yet gives his input on what he thinks is gimmicky.

Sod off and focus on making yourself more presentable and noticeable in real life.
lol, you still hurt from other thread... anyway got to block you.... wont talk to people who lack tehzeeb( roughly translates to culture).... bye bye :)
lol, you still hurt from other thread... anyway got to block you.... wont talk to people who lack tehzeeb( roughly translates to culture).... bye bye :)

Good. I won't ignore you but I will expose you each and every place you post to everyone thats reading your vicious petty agenda ridden posts.

Have a terrible day....preferably life.
:D Jesus, @N, remind me to not get on your bad side? :D


But seriously, all that guy does is troll troll troll....thinking he is so funny and the best thing since sliced bread.

Bringing in vicious cuntish north india = superior to all style claims wherever he parks his grubby bottom in this forum.

About time he gets exposed and thumped everywhere.
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